♚ Girl meets Mr. Squirrels ♚

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~ Outfits ~

{Song}Message Man - Twenty-one Pilots

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Message Man - Twenty-one Pilots


Lucas and I were watching Netflix. It was all fine and dandy till we both heard shouting from Riley's room.

"I apologized!"

"I don't care!"

I look at Lucas, "The hell is happening?"

I got up to check on Riley with Lucas following right behind me.
I was though stopped by my foster parents and brother, who were right by Riley's door.

"Oh, this one's bad." Topanga listens to there conversation through the door.

I was though confused on the situation. I've seen Maya and Riley fight, but not like this. They don't scream and shout like politics, they would usually glare and giggle, then make up in the end.

"It's Riley and Maya." Cory leans back relaxed.

"They love each other." Auggie copies his father.

"That are you doing here?" My foster father pointed at Lucas immaturely.

"I will not stink up the integrity of our bay window with this ridiculous argument."

"You come here and stink it up right now."

"No, this one's really bad." Topanga winces.

"It'll go way." I say.

"There gonna marry each other." Auggie still copies his father.

"Is anyone gonna question why he is here?" Cory still points at Lucas.

"I let him in." Topanga simply answers.


I rolled my eyes and smirk at Dad, "Well dear old father, you really do care."

"Ivy, he's your... friend of a boy."

Lucas and I looked at each other unsurely on what to say.

"Ivy and I... we aren't..." Lucas had tried to find the right words but I was blunt.

"We aren't together together."


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