♚ Girl meets Forgotten ♚

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{Song}A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles

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A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles

♚ ♚ ♚ ♚


"I don't get how you got out of Service Electives," Lucas grunted falling on his couch, "It's honestly not fair."

Ivy sigh in amusement, "Darling, I've told them about me volunteering at the Shelter that I had. Asked for them to count it, with some proof I did volunteer there for a year, and boom they did. Now, I can get to do nothing."

"What even happened to volunteering?"

Ivy froze. She looked around not wanting to answer the question.

"What did you do?" Her boyfriend asked monotonously.

"I may have, slightly... got banned." She said with a smirk at the end.

"What did you do?!"

"Ok fine! I stole something."

Lucas hits his girlfriend lightly with a pillow.

"Hey, it may have been expensive but I worked out in the end!"

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"Hey, it may have been expensive but I worked out in the end!"

Lucas gave her a "really" facial expression.

"What? How do you think I got Delilah?"

Cory's class began, "Who knows about the Great Depression?"

"I thought it was called the Grand Canyon?" Riley innocently said.

Ivy couldn't help but hit her head down on her desk from slight annoyance.

"Who here knows about the Great Depression? Maya!" Cory picked.

"Nothing's gonna beat that, Sir."

"Farkle, Save me." Cory pleads.

Farkle starts, "In the year 1929, The Stock Market crashed, Everyone lost their money and their jobs. And the people who were comfortable were now lost and became known as..."

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