Pancakes and Park Benches

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You sighed, forcing yourself to shut the alarm off and leave the warm comfort of your bed.
Today is supposed to be special; after all, it is your birthday. It didn't feel any different than a regular day though. You got ready as usual, nothing extra or special about your outfit. You checked your phone, no messages or notifications, before putting it in your pocket and heading towards the kitchen in Stark Tower. When you found it empty, you thought that maybe the rest of the team was still asleep or out on a run.
Grabbing a bowl from the top shelf, you turned to get your box of cereal when Loki entered the room.
"Is that a breakfast suitable for your name day?"
You pursed your lips, stopping in your tracks. "My what?"
Loki smirked and crossed the room to stand in front of you. "I believe you Midgardians call it a birthday?"
You frowned as he took the bowl from your hands and placed it on the counter, reaching for the pancake mix.
Brushing aside the fact that he somehow knew it was your birthday, you questioned, "What are you doing?"
He moved around the kitchen, collecting different ingredients as you stared at him.
"Well, seeing as it'll be just the two of us today, I decided I would make breakfast. The rest of the avengers have went out on some kind of mission or something and will not be back for some time. Your favorite is chocolate chip and banana pancakes, if I'm not mistaken?" He looked to you to see if he remembered correctly, and you nodded.
He continued his efforts in making breakfast as you sat on a bar stool, watching his movements curiously.
"How did you- wait, why are you being so nice? You're not going to poison them, are you?" You glanced uneasily at the mixture he was pouring into a frying pan.
He laughed. Like, a genuine laugh that lit up his entire face. Just the sound of it made you smile.
You guessed today was going to be full of surprises after all.
"If I was going to, why would I tell you? No, I'm not going to poison them. I'll save that for my obnoxious brother's name day, though he'll likely suspect it. The answer is that I seem to make every other day about me, but today, you are the one who should be celebrated."
You gaped at him. "Who are you and what did you do with Loki?" You were only half kidding.
Loki just grinned, flipping the pancakes.
"Well, thank you. I usually don't do anything special though, it's just another day." You were still wary, but you sort of enjoyed the company. That and someone making you pancakes.
"On my name day, my mother always made the biggest show out of everything. She used to make all of my favorites, and then we would spend all day doing whatever I wished. It was great because it was just the two of us, and I truly felt appreciated."
Loki plated the pancakes, slicing bananas and placing them on top. He pushed the plate towards you, saying, "Name days should be like that. You're supposed to feel appreciated."
You felt tears begin to well in your eyes and you quickly brushed them away before saying, "This is great. Thank you."
Loki flashed you a kind smile and you began eating. How did he do that? They were so amazing!
"Oh, wow. That is.. wow."
He chuckled, looking somewhat pleased with himself. Would he be Loki if he wasn't though?
"After you're finished, I thought you might want to go to that corner bookstore that you seem to like and perhaps go for a walk and see where that might lead us. If you'd like."
Loki looked sort of.. hopeful.
"That actually sounds really nice." You smiled at him and finished eating, surprisingly really excited for today.
You cleaned up and the two of you made your way to the bookstore. Loki was actually really patient and never became annoyed any time you stopped to look at something along the way. When you reached the bookstore, you headed for your favorite section with Loki in tow. He browsed beside you, and every time you took a book off of a shelf to look at it more closely, he smiled. You caught him staring at you and asked, "What is it?"
He cleared his throat and said, "Well, you just look so.. at home. I do not think I have ever seen you as relaxed or joyful as you are right now."
You didn't quite know what to think about that so you just smiled at him and replaced the book.
"Are you ready to leave?" You asked, wanting to know what else this day would bring.
"If you don't mind waiting outside for just a moment, I'll be right out." He had a mischievous grin on his face and you chuckled before stepping outside.
A few moments later, Loki returned with a bag. He promptly handed it to you with a wide smile.
"For me?" You asked, opening it to find a new copy of your favorite book. You had to retire your old copy because it was more than a little worn out.
"You really shouldn't have done that." You were grinning from ear to ear, very happy with both the gift and the sentiment. "How did you know?"
"I simply pay attention." His eyes were soft and sparkling and your wide grin fell into a soft smile.
"Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me."
Loki's expression changed as he nodded. He began walking down the street and you followed after him.
"Are you okay?" You asked as you slipped the book back into the bag.
"Yes, I'm alright. I just can't understand why you don't see the value in your birthday, and why you seem so surprised at receiving a small gift."
He glanced at you as you spoke. "I just never really had any reason to. And it wasn't small to me. It was actually really perfect, and it's been quite a while since anyone has done something so nice for me."
At that moment, something caught Loki's eye in the park across the street.
He held your arm as he quickly stepped onto the pavement and to the other side of the street. Loki pointed out an elderly woman and a girl that must be her granddaughter. "See the way the girl helps the older woman stand from the bench? You midgardians have a tendency to do things for others, and to be there for each other unconditionally."
He turned to look into your eyes, searching for something. His voice lowered as he said, "You were the one that first taught me that. I watched how you are with your team, in the field and out. You're always there for them, watching their backs and helping them in any way you can.  You help Tony get out of trouble with Ms. Potts even though you don't have to. So why is it that no family or friends are here for you today?"
You blinked, processing everything he said and trying to come up with an answer. You moved to an empty bench, gesturing for him to take a seat beside you. When you were both settled, you replied,
"I-uh.. well when I decided I wanted to move here, my family told me that if I chose to leave.. then that was it. They were hurt that I chose to move far away from them and took it personally. It had nothing to do with them, I just really wanted to live here. They didn't see it that way, and most of my family members stopped all communication. Pride, I guess. As for friends, well, I was never too good at making them. Maybe that's a reason why I try so hard with the other avengers."
Loki listened patiently, and when you had to brush tears away, he gave you a soft smile before his eyes fixed on something coming towards you.
"It looks as if that has payed off."
You turned to see what he was looking at and the sight of your friends walking towards you brought a smile to your face. You glanced over at Loki, only to find that he was nowhere to be seen.
When your friends approached you, it appeared you were enjoying the day alone. The chorus of happy birthdays that greeted you brought you joy, but you couldn't help thinking that there was something missing.

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