Elevator Confessions

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I'm pretending Infinity War and Endgame does not exist- so certain avengers are still very much alive.

WARNING: Female Reader is claustrophobic and becomes stuck on an elevator. If this is triggering for you, please do not read this.

Request: Can you write one of the reader being claustrophobic and she gets trapped in a small area and Loki finds and calms her down then confesses?

Thank you for the request! I tweaked things just a bit and added a whole lot of unnecessary fluff, but hope you enjoy!

You pursed your lips amusedly as you pressed the elevator button in Stark Tower. "Yeah, okay Loki. Like your brother would seriously ever let you go to the concert."
Loki scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. "My brother does not own me."

"That's true, but remember what happened the last time you went out unsupervised? It was a disaster."

Loki's lips parted as he was momentarily rendered speechless. The elevator doors opened and the two of you stepped inside, pressing the button of the floor you needed. He finally spoke as the doors closed, "That was not my fault. And I would not be unsupervised- you, my bigshot avenger babysitter and closest companion, would be there."
You laughed nervously as the elevator jolted before ascending. You tried not to think about the fact that you were in a small, enclosed space. "I wouldn't be able to keep you out of trouble- I would be way too distracted by the sirenic voice of Brendon Urie. You can ask, but I really think that he's going to say no."

Frustration seeped into Loki's voice as he said, "I am a god, I do not need anyone's permission."
You bit your lip before mumbling distractedly, "Yeah, okay, sure-"

Suddenly, the lights went out and you were plunged into darkness. The elevator groaned and shook as it slammed to a stop. You swayed slightly and bumped into Loki, and you felt his hand brush your arm as he steadied you.

Your breathing became ragged as a flash of panic hit you. You felt blindly for one of the handrails and gripped it tightly. This was officially the worst day ever.
"Are you alright, Y/N?"

You snapped, "We are trapped in a freaking elevator with no power in the hottest month of the year. No, Loki, I'm not alright."

You were met with silence, and after a few moments tears pricked your eyes and you removed your hand from the rail to wipe them away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just, I can't do this, I can't-"
A sob escaped your lips and you felt yourself be pulled into a warm chest.

Loki's arms wrapped around you, his hand moving up and down your back soothingly.  His voice was light and reassuring as he said, "Shh, it's okay. Something happened to the electricity and the elevator malfunctioned. Since this is Stark Tower, we won't be out of power for long. We will be out of here soon, I promise. You hear me?"

You nodded into his shirt, your sobs eventually dying down to tearful sniffles.
You scrunched your face in frustration as you mumbled, "This is so embarrassing. I'm supposed to be this warrior avenger.. that isn't afraid of anything. And I'm freaking out over a stupid elevator."

"Everyone has something they're afraid of, Y/N. Fear does not make you weak. You are amazingly strong. You'll most likely be laughing about the whole situation once you're out of this contraption."

Despite your heart still racing in your chest, the corners of your mouth lifted into a small smile. Loki could be sweet when he wanted to- but that didn't exactly change the fact that he could be a real pain at times.

You could feel Loki bring his head closer to yours, his mouth next to your ear as he lowered his voice- like he was about to tell you some kind of intimate secret. "This cannot leave this elevator, but when I was younger, I was terrified of the dark. More accurately, the things that could be lurking there. My mother used to do something to calm me down enough so I could sleep... would you like me to do it?"

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