Birthday Wishes Pt. 2

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A/N: Sorry it's short! As always, let me know what you think!
"I missed you."
You were curled up next to Loki on his sofa, your head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around you.
You had been dating long distance for the last couple of months and this was one of the only weekends you had been able to spend with him in person. Loki encouraged you to interview for the management position and you got it, and the only downside was that you moved to be closer to your office and Loki stayed behind.

"I missed you too, love. More than I thought was possible. I have something to tell you." You glanced up at him to find he was already looking at you, with those eyes that seemed to peer into your soul.

He felt your muscles tense and was quick to reassure you, "It's nothing bad, in fact, it's good news. I was waiting to tell you until I knew for sure, but I got a call this morning to confirm. I received an offer for a position at a museum about 15 minutes away from your branch, and I start in two weeks."

Your eyes widened in surprise briefly before a smile lit up your face. "Really? Are you serious?"

"Absolutely-" You cut him off with a kiss, practically buzzing with excitement. When you pulled away, you lifted his arm and moved to straddle him. Loki put both of his hands on your waist and he thought you looked like you were glowing. You were just so happy that you couldn't stop kissing him chastely between words.

"I." You pressed a kiss to his lips. "Love." and another. "You." You were overwhelmed with joy. "So." Your heart never seemed so full than it did in that moment. "Freaking." You couldn't believe how blessed you were to be with Loki. "Much." During the last kiss, Loki moved his hand to hold your head gently, keeping you from pulling away as quickly as you did with the other kisses. You tilted his head back to deepen the kiss, your chest pressed against his and his other hand moved to cup your face.

When you pulled away, both of your chests rose and fell rapidly. His voice was low and soft as he replied, "And I love you, Y/N."

"Move in with me?" You asked breathlessly, turning your head slightly and kissing his palm.

Loki sweetly whispered, "Nothing would make me happier."
"This looks like the last box, Loki. Are you sure you didn't leave anything?"

The love of your life grinned, taking the burdensome box from your hands and kissing you on the forehead. "Yes, love, I'm sure. There's a bag in the trunk, if you don't mind getting it."

Loki went to set the last box of his things inside your apartment as you grabbed the bag he referenced. You brought it inside and asked, "What's this?"

Loki smiled at you, adoration shining in his eyes. "Open it. What do you think?"

Inside the bag was the finishing touch for the apartment you were going to share. It was an adorable green doormat with spiraling letters that read: welcome to our home.

Our home. "It's perfect."

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