The Universe and Loki Laufeyson Part 4

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It felt nice to wake up on your own the next morning. You had the day off, so the usual blaring alarm was replaced by warm and peaceful sunshine.
You stretched, a small smile on your lips as you thought about visiting Loki. Your heart raced in anticipation of seeing him again, and you would be lying if you said you didn't have butterflies at the thought of him.
You sat up, running a hand through your hair as you grabbed the sheet of paper with Stark Tower's security number on it.
You dialed the number, pacing as you let the head of security know to expect you today. After giving the heads up, you changed into your favorite casual outfit and gave yourself a once-over in the bedroom mirror. You locked your door on the way out and made your way to Stark Tower.
It was definitely intimidating. You had to show security your ID before they would let you in, and once you were inside, you were basically rushed into an elevator. The head of security pushed one of the buttons, saying, "Laufeyson has a private, isolated floor. When you get off the elevator, there's a button on the wall directly across from it. If you are in need of emergency assistance, just press it and someone will be right up to help. Good luck."
His tone made it clear he thought you had a death wish. The elevator doors opened and you said, "Thank you, but I don't think I'll need it."
You stepped off the elevator and gave a small wave to the head of security. He stared straight at you, never moving as the doors closed.
Alrighty then.
Looking around, you called out Loki's name before biting your lip. You heard something crash in one of the nearby rooms and you cautiously made your way towards the noise. Just before you reached the doorway where the sound was coming from, a disheveled Loki hurriedly came out of it.
"Y/N! It is most pleasing to see you." He sounded breathless, a nervous smile on his face.
You smiled amusedly. "It's good to see you too, Loki. What was that noise?"
He licked his lips while crossing his arms over his chest. He leaned against the doorway, saying, "I accidentally knocked a few things over in my haste to greet you."
"It sounds like someone is excited to see me." You had an eyebrow raised and a light tone of voice, obviously teasing. Loki, however, wasn't joking when he said, "Yes, very much so. In fact, since you departed yesterday, I think I've been anticipating our next meeting a little too much."
Your heart began to beat a little faster at his words and your smile faltered just a bit. "I-Loki, that's.. that's really sweet of you to say."
You took a small step towards him, and that was enough to encourage Loki. He came close to you, sliding his hand down your arm to your wrist and-
A beeping made Loki stop suddenly, and he excitedly pulled you along down the hallway by your wrist into a room that was obviously the kitchen.
The smell of chocolate hit you as Loki dropped your wrist, turning to shut the oven timer off.
You took a mental picture as Loki put on an oven mitt before getting out what could only be chocolate chip cookies.
The sight was enough to make anyone laugh, and laugh you did.
"Baking is no laughing matter, Y/N."
He tried his best to give you a stern look, but failed miserably and ended up laughing just as hard as you were.
After the laughter died down, Loki patted the oven mitt as he asked, "What do you think?" He gestured to the cookies and you smiled at his hopeful expression. You hopped up onto the counter, picking a cookie. You tested it to see if it was cool enough before saying, "Well, they certainly look delicious."
You took a tentative bite as Loki watched you expectantly, and you were pleasantly surprised by how good it was. The chocolate was perfectly melted and the cookie had just the right ratio of softness and chewiness. "Oh, wow. Loki, this is actually amazing."
A slow smile formed on his face as he said, "Really? You're not just saying that?"
You shook your head vigorously, not being able to speak because your mouth was full. After you'd finished chewing, you said, "Absolutely not! That was unbelievable."
He leaned forwards on his arms on the counter next to you, casting his eyes down to his hands as the smile on his face grew with pride.
Your voice was softer as you added, "You keep surprising me."
He looked up at you, smile fading and you noticed how close the two of you were. Close enough that you could-
"Hey, not sure exactly what I'm interrupting, but I thought I would stop in unannounced to check in. Before you say anything, reindeer games, I can do that since I own the place."
Tony Stark, the man who really doesn't need introductions, walked up to you and stuck his hand out for you to shake. You stared at the mostly empty bag of gummy bears in his hand, and he quickly realized his mistake and switched the bag to his other hand. You shook it, glancing over at Loki's annoyed expression before looking back to Tony.
"I'm glad you're here, Y/N. Now I don't have to spring for a babysitter. 'Goldilocks' made sure to let me know all of the dangers of leaving Loki to his own devices for too long, so after I heard that he had a soulmate in a government agency, I was all for it. You're welcome to visit anytime, as long as you give a heads up like you did today. With that, I have to be going to that meeting that Pepper set up or I won't hear the end of it. See you around, Y/N." Tony gave a little wave before turning and leaving the room.
"Pepper is his girlfriend, right?"
Loki nodded, saying, "Yes, she is. Feisty, that one. She had many things to say to me yesterday, all deserved of course. The love between them is evident."
You smiled and waited a moment before saying, "So, do you want to show me around?"
Loki extended a hand to help you down, but he didn't let go of your hand even after you were back on the ground.
You hid your smile as he led you out into the hallway. He motioned to the door across from the kitchen with his other hand and said, "Right, well just across the hall from the kitchen is the bedroom."
He turned and you followed him down the corridor, your hand remaining in his. You felt butterflies in your stomach just from that little touch.
He stopped in front of another doorway for a second before walking and pulling you through it. You looked around at the bookshelves and other things that filled the room as he spoke. "This is my favorite room, the study. There are books and comfortable reading spaces, not to mention the chess table in the corner. Do you play?"
You could tell he was excited about everything in the room by the pace of his voice and the look on his face.
"I do. My father and I used to play all the time. You play chess?"
He nodded, a sparkle in his eye. He sat on the loveseat, bringing you with him. "Perhaps we could play sometime. I'd like to hear more about your father. He's very important to you?"
You smiled. "He is, yeah. We've always been close. He would always encourage me to do what would make me happy instead of what my mother wanted me to. I never had to beg for his approval like I had to with my mother."
"You and I might have more in common than I thought."
He smiled softly but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I imagine becoming a government agent didn't go over well, then?"
You shook your head, and Loki moved his thumb across your skin in a comforting gesture.
"Not at all. My father was worried of course, but in the end my happiness was all that mattered to him. My mother tried to change my mind and manipulate my decision, and I think that was the only time I've ever really stood up to her. Things got pretty dark after that, but my mother eventually came to terms with it after realizing that I wasn't going to budge."
There was a few moments of silence before you said, "I'm sorry, that was probably too much to say-"
"No! Don't apologize. I want to know everything that you have to tell me."
You smiled at his sweetness and subconsciously moved closer to him.
He took his hand away and put his arm around you, and you leaned into him, resting your head against his shoulder. The thought entered your mind that you wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Loki said, "I'm immensely enjoying your company."
You smiled with a blush coming to your cheeks. "Me too."
You looked up at him and he was already looking at you.
His gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips and back again.
You felt him start to lean in and his arm got tighter around you, pulling you close.
Just as your noses brushed against each other, your watch beeped and interrupted the two of you once again.
You leaned back and he let go of you with a sigh.
"I'd like to destroy that wretched thing." He said amusedly, a hint of frustration in his voice.
"I'm sorry, I have to go get ready for a dinner with-" You sighed and cut yourself off, thinking that it wasn't a good idea to tell him who you were meeting.
"Believe me, I would much rather stay here with you, but.. I promised my mother I'd be there."
"It is important to keep promises." He smiled softly at you and you both stood up, walking hand in hand to the elevator.
You pushed the down button and looked up at Loki who was staring straight ahead with his jaw locked.
You dropped his hand and when he glanced over at you, you pulled him into a hug. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and his arms came around your waist.
You stood there in each other's embrace until the elevator dinged doors opened.
You reluctantly pulled away and you walked backwards into the elevator, pushing the ground floor. You gave a small smile and a wave as the doors started to close.
Loki's hand stopped them from closing all the way, and he just stood there looking at you for a second.
Confused, you stepped closer to him until you were right in front of him.
"Loki, what-"
You were cut off by his lips pressing against yours.
A fire sparked and ignited within you, and you put your hands on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you even closer.
Your mouths moved together perfectly, and one of your hands went up from his chest to the nape of his neck, your fingers curling in his dark hair.
You both eventually pulled away, and you stepped back from the doors.
"I- I have to go. I'll be back sometime soon, okay?" You were breathless and still reeling from the kiss, and it looked like Loki was just as affected by it as you were.
He ran his hands through his hair as he leaned back against the wall across from the elevator.
The doors closed just as he flashed you a smile, and you let out a shaky breath.
How were you supposed to go on a date with someone else after that?

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