The Universe and Loki Laufeyson Part Six

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When you next opened your eyes, you found yourself in what you realized was Loki's bed with warm sunlight pouring in from the windows. You looked around the room and saw no sign of him, and you took a second to recall everything that happened the day before. Your lips lifted into a smile as your fingers grazed them, the memory of Loki's kisses flooding your mind. After a few moments, as you were getting up, you glanced back at the bed and noticed that the blankets were only messy where you'd been sleeping.
You guessed that Loki had put you in the bed and slept on the couch, and you ventured into the hallway to try and find him.
It was an easy search, eyes landing on his back as you came closer to the doorway of the kitchen. You smiled as you watched Loki cook on the stovetop before coming to stand right behind him.
You wrapped your arms around his abdomen as he said, "Good morning, darling."
You hummed. "Pet names? I like it. Im sorry about falling asleep. I guess it's a good thing I didn't have to work today."
You kissed his back through his shirt before putting your arms back to your sides and leaning against the counter.
"Yes, it is." You could hear the smile in his voice, and he plated the food he'd been making before turning and looking at you.
Your breath caught in your throat at the tender and loving way he gazed at you. You cleared your throat, your cheeks flushing with heat.
"You're becoming quite the chef, huh?"
There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes and he stepped forward until he was in front of you, one hand behind his back and the other gently lifting your jaw. Your gaze went to his lips before coming back to his eyes. He smirked before whispering, "I guess so, love."
On the word love, Loki smeared whipped cream on your nose and lips, and you gasped.
"Loki-" He cut you off by pressing his lips to yours.
You couldn't really be mad when he kissed you like that, now could you? You melted into the sticky, sweet show of affection (it was your favorite one by far) and he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss.
When you'd pulled away and Loki released his hold on you, you heard Tony's voice coming from somewhere behind you. "That was quite the show, lovebirds. Y/N, I was alerted by security that you never went home last night. I'm not going to ask any questions- just next time, let them know you're staying."
Loki had wiped the whipped cream off of his face while Tony was speaking and handed you a towel for you to do the same. You quickly did so, blushing as you said, "I- of course. My apologies."
Tony smirked at the two of you before putting his shades on and saying, "Alright, just make sure you kids don't have too much fun in here. Wouldn't want things to get messy."
Tony's mouth suddenly flattened and he said, "Loki, can I speak to you for a minute?"
It was more of a demand than a request, and Tony motioned to the hallway before leaving the room.
Loki brushed his hand against yours in passing as he followed Tony out into the hallway.
A couple of minutes had passed, and just when you thought about eavesdropping, your phone rang.
You answered the phone without checking who it was. "Hello?"
"Darling, it's your mother."
You sighed, almost wishing you had let the call go to voicemail.
You stayed silent, waiting to see what she had to say. You were prepared to hang up again, if needed.
"I wanted to.. apologize. It's not easy for me to say this, but I was wrong. I wanted what was best for you but I didn't realize that wasn't what I had planned for you. I- I miss you."
A slow smile spread across your face as she spoke, and you said, "Thank you for realizing that. I miss you too, mom."
After a few minutes of catching up, you both said your goodbyes.
"Love you too, mom. Bye."
As you ended the call, you heard Loki come up behind you and you turned towards him.
"Hey, what was that about?" You smiled questioningly at him, reaching out to touch his arm. He leaned back against the counter, evading your touch as well as ignoring your question. Your brows furrowed as Loki inquired, "Who was that on the phone?"
"My mother. She was just calling to apologize." You were about to ask about Tony again when Loki probed,
"Oh? What for?"
You couldn't figure out what it was, but something was off about Loki.
You responded, "When I told her that you were my soulmate, she tried to get me to date other people. She wanted what was best for me and thought that what she was trying to do was what I needed. But my heart was set on you, and I guess she finally realized that."
It was a long time before Loki spoke again, but when he did, he said, "Maybe she was right. I also only want what's best for you, and I don't think I'm.. I don't think that I am it."
He avoided your gaze, staring at the floor beside your feet. You tried to understand what was happening but you just couldn't.
"I don't think I'm what's best for you, Y/N. You should find someone else to be with, someone that treats you the way that you should be. Someone who will make you happy."
You bit your lip anxiously, a dull ache beginning in your chest.
"Loki, what's wrong?"
He crossed his arms as if he were trying to put distance between you.
"After what happened yesterday with those men on the street, Stark and I felt it would be best for me to be relocated. This would be for my safety as well as the people of New York City. I leave tomorrow. Y/N, you deserve the best life possible- and that can't be one with me in it. You should move on and find someone else, like your mother said."
Those words were like a bullet straight to the heart, and your voice wavered with emotion as you said, "But I don't want anyone else, I want you."
Loki finally looked you in the eyes and you wished he hadn't. What you saw there was an unbearable mix of anger, anguish, and pain.
"You can't possibly mean that. How can you want me when being with me will tear you from your family, your home, your job? How can you want me when all we could ever have is visitations?"
There was evident desperation in your voice as you said, "I would rather have a few, fleeting moments with you each day, Loki, than a lifetime with anyone else."
You cupped his face with your hand and he leaned into it for a moment before putting his palm over your hand and placing it at your side. "You're killing me, Y/N." His hands went to your arms and he began to guide you backwards.
"What are you doing?" Your question was more of a plea- for him not to do what you knew he was about to.
He didn't answer as he moved you out of the kitchen and into the hallway, you practically begging for him not to do this the whole way to the elevators.
"You need to go home. You have to stay where you belong, and I'm leaving. It's just the way things need to be." His eyes were soft but his voice firm as he pressed the elevator button.
"You- you can't make that choice for me. What happened to your promise that I wouldn't lose you?"
There were tears in your eyes as it hit you that that promise was broken.
"I can't let you throw everything away to be with me."
You clutched at his shirt, clinging to the hope he would change his mind.
"You have changed everything. Please, please don't do this."
His eyes were full of pain and his voice almost broke as he said, "I have to."
The elevator doors opened and he walked you backwards into the elevator and you pleaded with him one more time as he stood where the doors close.
Loki looked just as broken as you, and it seemed to you like resisting was getting harder for him.
You cupped his face in your hands, wishing that you could still be with him. Why couldn't he just listen to you?
His eyes closed and he pulled you to him for a kiss that absolutely shattered your heart. It was a goodbye, no words, only a bittersweet ending to what you thought would be a lifetime of being together.
The tormenting kiss ended with Loki gently but firmly pushing you further into the elevator, and he pushed the ground floor button before backing away and letting the doors begin to close.
The last thing you saw and heard before you crumbled to the floor was the blurry figure of Loki (through your tears) and the sound of the doors closing.
There will be more, I promise!!

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