The Universe and Loki Laufeyson

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AU where soulmates have identical markings but the marks change to their soulmate's eye color upon meeting.

You had conducted dozens of interrogations without fear, expertly getting the information you needed each time. This one was different though, because the person you were trying to persuade was the one, the only, Loki Laufeyson.
Yes, the god of mischief who was responsible for the battle of New York.
The United States government along with the Avengers needed Loki to play bait in order to catch an even bigger bad guy. Loki knew how to contact this person, and the feds wanted him to agree to lure the villain out of hiding. He had been refusing over and over again.
You weren't even this nervous for your first ever interrogation. You had gotten yourself into this though, so you had no choice but to try to calm down and get him to agree to the op. If only you had kept your mouth shut.
But, no.
Your mind went back to this morning, when you had saw some of your federal agent colleagues torturing the god in question in order to coerce him into cooperating. You stormed into the room and demanded that they stop. The two agents were clearly surprised and asked you if you knew that Loki had been the cause of the battle of New York.
"I. am. aware." You had snapped, a sudden burst of anger hitting you.
"You know what? If you have any better ideas of how to get him to agree, have at it. You don't like the way we do things, then do it yourself."
They left the room, and your hatred for the agents had dissipated as you glanced at Loki's bloodied face. Instead, a few tears had formed in your eyes as your heart wrenched for Loki. Your voice was soft, and against your better judgment you walked up to him. "Are you alright?"
"I've had worse." Loki's eyes went to the ground.
"Can I- can I get you anything?"
Loki chuckled darkly, this time looking directly into your eyes.
"You must be horrible at your job. Generally, the good guys don't ask the bad guys what they can do for them. Instead, they use force to get what they want."
Your voice wavered. "I don't believe in that." There was a moment of silence before you said, "I'll be back, but in the meantime I'll send someone to fix the damage my colleagues caused. No funny business, okay?" You had turned and left the room, which Thor had been so gracious enough to tell the United States government that Loki would ordinarily be able to get out of. Thor had told the director of the FBI the proper precautions to take to ensure Loki didn't escape, so essentially it was Loki-proofed.
You were brought back to the present by the sound of voices in the hall. It was almost dusk, and your coworkers solemn wishes of luck throughout the day left your stomach in knots. You had taken refuge in the bathroom, splashing your face in cold water to try to calm yourself.
It partially worked, and you took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out into the hall.
"Good luck in there, Y/N." One of the agents that tortured Loki earlier smirked at you, clearly hoping thinking you'd fail.
"Bite me, Todd." Your face was blank but on the inside, you were freaking out. If you didn't get what the government needed to know, you would definitely be the laughing stock of that part of the bureau. And something told you that Loki wouldn't be giving up information that easily.
You pulled the door to the interrogation room open and slipped inside, drowning out the laughter of the two dweebs in the hall.
You took in the sight of the still damaged, but slightly patched up Loki.
"You're back." Loki seemed genuinely surprised that you came, and you smiled.
"I told you I'd come back, didn't I?"
Despite his condition, Loki cracked a small smile at your teasing words.
"My name is Y/N, Mr. Laufeyson. I'll just be honest, you have something that I need and I have something that might interest you. It won't be complete freedom, but Tony Stark has agreed to keep you under his supervision at Stark Tower if you cooperate."
You sat across from Loki at the table, noticing his intense stare.
Clearing your throat, you pushed your hair behind your ears self consciously as you began speaking again.
"I don't know if you quite realize your situation. If you agree to play your part in the upcoming operation, you would no longer be locked up in a room, taking beatings. Mr. Laufeyson-"
"Loki. Call me Loki." He seemed distracted by something and he suddenly sat forward, changing the subject.
"What is that?"
Your brows furrowed in confusion, not realizing what he meant. "What?"
Loki pointed to your wrist, and you had to glance down before it clicked.
"Oh! You've never heard of it? I don't suppose you would have. Well, it's a mark that all those with soulmates have. I've had it since birth, and-"
You shook your head, cutting yourself off.
"We're getting off topic. As I was saying-"
"Has it always been that color?"
You were confused as to why he was so inquisitive, and you looked down again to see that the mark's usual color of white had turned to a remarkable shade of blue.
Your eyes snapped to his and your breathing quickened. "N-No, it was always white because I hadn't met my soulmate.. it only changes color after you.."
"So, that would explain why mine changed after seeing you this morning."
You froze, watching wide eyed as Loki pushed up his shirt sleeve just enough for you to see the Y/E/C mark in the same place yours was.
Your eyes met again, and he paused before saying the thing that you had been most hoping to hear from him. "Alright. I'll do it."
It had been a week since you met Loki, and today was the day chosen for the op. You squinted as you took in the bright mid-afternoon sun shining above the park. As to why they decided to have Loki play bait in the middle of such a public place, you have no idea. You and a few other agents were to be watching from a surveillance van, while multiple undercover agents prowling the park would be ready to take the villain down at Loki's signal. It was roughly a half an hour before the bad guy was supposed to show up, and you and the other selected agents were piling into the van when you saw Loki getting ready to take his position on one of the park benches.
You walk over to him, putting your hand just above your eyes to try and block out the sun. "I just wanted to say thank you and.. good luck out there."
You turned to walk back to the van, and your hand came down from your face as you were halfway in the opposite direction. Loki caught your wrist and you turned your head, looking at him questioningly.
He sounded almost pleased as he said, "I don't need luck, but I am honored by the sentiment." He
let go of your wrist and you turned quickly, making sure to avoid the stares of the other agents as you headed for the van.
Once you were situated in the van, you moved your eyes to the screen that was connected to a camera, which was trained on Loki. You put in your earpiece that would allow you to hear everything that Loki and the other man said, provided that he showed up of course.
Which he did, right on time. The man in question had textured yellow skin resembling the tips of fingers after being submerged in water for too long, with odd, grey scaly patches here and there.
The look of him made your own skin crawl, but for the right reasons. The man's black eyes held a coldness that you had never seen before, yet his grey lips were turned upwards into a smirk. You had a bad feeling in your stomach and you tried to swallow the fear that was clawing just below your throat.
You were afraid for Loki, not for yourself. Maybe you should have been.
As the man walked confidently towards Loki, you held your breath, waiting for the first words to be said.
Loki stood from where he was perched on the park bench and extended his hand out for the yellow skinned man to shake.
The man accepted, shaking as a huff of laughter escaped from his lips. Even his laugh was unsettling.
"Why have you called me here today?" The man was still laughing, his words muffled so that if you weren't already straining your ears you wouldn't have heard them.
Loki opened his mouth to reply but before he could, the yellow skinned man cut him off.
"Does it have anything to do with those insolent creatures listening to our every word?"
Before anyone could react, the yellow skinned man clenched his fist and it felt as if the wind were knocked out of you. Scratch that; it felt like a boa constrictor was wrapping itself around your chest, squeezing the air out of your lungs and suffocating you. The other agents in the van as well as the undercover ones seemed to be affected as well, most of them doubling over and futilely trying to breathe.
"What are you doing?" Loki's voice was calm, yet his eyes held an urgency that he couldn't quite hide. "Saving myself, and freeing you while I'm at it. I am simply doing away with those pesky beings."
Loki held both of his hands up and this time the urgency crept into his voice. "I implore you to stop."
"Stop? You should be thanking me."
The yellow skinned man laughed as he squeezed his fist even tighter, and the faces of you and the other agents were turning a dangerous shade of red. The worst pain you had felt in your life was spreading from your chest to your head, due to the lack of oxygen entering your body.
Then Loki visibly relaxed and held his hands out. "If it is thanks you desire, it's thanks you shall get."
Loki pulled the dangerous yellow skinned man in for a 'grateful' embrace, and as his hands went behind the evil man's back, a dagger suddenly appeared in Loki's right hand. You started to see spots, and you were clutching at your chest and throat as if you could tear away the invisible force choking you.
The dagger in Loki's hand plunged into the neck of the yellow skinned man, and the man fell gasping to the ground. The man's fist loosened as he fell, and you and the other agents gasped for air, feeling extremely light headed and lucky to be alive. Loki ripped the dagger from the man's neck, and blood gushed from his wound to the grass. In a few moments, the life went out of his eyes. It took a few minutes for your breathing to be remotely steady, but when it did, you shakily climbed out of the van.
Loki rushed to you, taking in your tear stained cheeks and heaving chest and putting to and to together that you had been choking.
You didn't ask for him to, but he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you, just tight enough that you felt safe but not so tight that you couldn't breathe.
Without meaning for them to, a few tears fell from your eyes and he whispered comforting words into your ear. You couldn't tell what they were exactly, all you noticed was the calm that began spreading through your body when he spoke.
When you felt like you were going to be alright, you pulled back and so did Loki.
Maybe it should have been because you two didn't know each other, but it wasn't at all awkward.
Well, until the head of the op decided to make an appearance.
Her blonde hair framed her face, and she brushed her bangs out of her eyes before speaking.
"The whole point of the operation was to capture that man, not kill him. What were you thinking?" Her words were chastising and her frosty blue eyes peered deeply into Loki's.
Loki laughed in disbelief. "I was 'thinking' that I was saving your life, and those of the rest of your kind. You're welcome, by the way."
Your superior scoffed. "You won't be receiving any gratitude from me. You made things difficult and ruined the whole operation."
Loki took a step towards your superior and you stepped between them, putting your hand on his chest without really meaning to.
"Loki, don't. Just ignore it, it's okay."
He looked like he still had half a mind to do something not-so-nice to the woman, but he took a breath and stepped back.
Your superior glanced down at the mark on the wrist near Loki's chest, then moved her eyes to the identical mark on Loki's wrist (excluding the color) and her eyes widened.
"Y/N, you should not have been here today. Was that the reason you ruined our plan?" The way the woman said 'that' implied that you were insignificant, and it was clear that Loki didn't agree.
A sound came from the back of Loki's throat that was much like a growl, and he said, "I would be extremely careful how you speak to or about Y/N, or else I shall have to remove your tongue. Let's see how chatty you are then."
You felt a sense of dread at the extreme reprimanding you would most definitely receive, yet also pride. No one had ever stood up for you like that before, and though you felt it was taken a bit too far, your heart swelled and the corners of your lips turned up just enough for Loki to notice.
Your superior stormed off, and you said incredulously, "Do you have any idea what you just did?"
"Yes, and though I know you don't want to, a small part of you rather enjoyed it."
You couldn't help smiling, and you both stood there for a few moments before the armored car that escorted Loki to the park arrived to take him back.
"I can't thank you enough for what you did today."
Your face grew solemn as you remembered what happened just a short while ago.
Just before Loki was ushered away, he said, "You thank me enough by being alive."
And the sight of him being shut into the armored car, and the sensation of your breath catching in your throat, was something you remembered for a long while afterwards.

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