As Sweet As Candy

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Inspired by the Parks and Rec quote above! Enjoy- to be continued!

Loki volunteered to help you go grocery shopping for the team for the second time this month. You were a bit surprised, but you had a feeling it was because you let him get whatever he wanted last time (within reason, of course) and charged it to Tony's credit card. What Tony didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

You grabbed a cart and stepped inside the air conditioned supermarket, Loki following closely behind. Even though you'd only been shopping with Loki once, you had a good system- Loki would tell you what was next on the list and you would get the item from the shelf and place it in the cart. That kept you from having to go back to an aisle you'd already been down because you missed an item.

The two of you made your way down aisle after aisle quite efficiently, getting the items needed to make meals. After that, you moved on to the avengers' special requests.

You put Wanda's favorite kind of popcorn in the cart before inquiring, "What's next?"

"Bucky asked for Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. He wrote that if they do not have that, Cheerios will do just fine." You made your way down the cereal aisle and grabbed a box of both types and put them in the nearly filled cart. Loki's lips lifted slightly and you asked, "What?"

"I didn't say anything." His gaze lingered on you for another moment before he glanced back down at the list.

"Sam simply requested 'chips'. I'm assuming you know which kind since he didn't specify." Sam always asked for the same brand and flavor which you committed to memory, and you pushed the cart in the direction of his favorite crisps, ignoring the way your pulse quickened from Loki's stare.

You continued going down the list until Loki said,
"And last but not least, Clint asked for- wait, gummy sharks? The amount of different candied animals you humans have is astounding."

Loki trailed ahead of you in the sweets aisle, an unusual bounce in his step. Your lips lifted into an adoring smile at his excitement, watching as Loki tossed Clint's gummies into the cart and began looking through the selection of candies for a treat of his own.

"You can choose one candy."

Loki turned his head to glance at you in disappointment, pursing his lips- and if you didn't know any better, you would have thought he was pouting. "Only one?"

You laughed, ignoring the tug to give in because of the adorable look on his face. "You chose way too many sweets last time and had a stomach ache for days, remember?"

"That's a price I am willing to pay," he grumbled.

You faked a no-nonsense tone, your lips twitching in amusement as you said, "One candy. I'm going to head to the register so decide quickly."

You made your way to the line for check out, which moved fairly quickly. Just as the middle-aged woman behind the counter began scanning your items, Loki came up to the register and plopped a one-pound bag of skittles onto the conveyor belt. "It counts as one."

You hid your laughter with a cough and said, "You have to share that."

Loki began mumbling under his breath and you raised your eyebrows and questioned challengingly, "What did you say?"

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