As Sweet As Candy Part Two

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"I beg your pardon?"

Rhodey rolled his eyes and passed you on his way to the front doors."You heard me."

You turned and called after him, "What did you mean? Rhodey!"

Rhodey gave you a half wave over his shoulder, too polite to walk out without responding but exasperated enough that he didn't want to deal with either yours or Loki's crap anymore. "Gotta go. Figure it out!"

You made yourself busy around the tower, trying to avoid Loki and everything that made you think of him. That was hopeless, really. Somehow even common household items made you think of Loki- everything seemed to lead back to him. There was no escaping your feelings for him, even for a second.

You thought long and hard about the recent perplexing exchange of hardened facial expressions to soft tones, and back again. You had been trying to figure out the hot and cold nature of the weird companionship you had with Loki for a while now without any luck, and you didn't think Rhodey's vague comments would be any help.

Was it possible that the two of you had similar feelings for each other? If the answer to that question wasn't obvious, it was probably a no, right?

Then again, nothing with Loki has ever been simple or obvious. There was always something between the lines with him, and that was the reason you started overanalyzing his interactions with you in the first place.

Frustrated and even more confused than when you'd entered the tower, you placed the last pair of clean pants you'd been absentmindedly folding in your laundry basket and headed to your room.

You closed your door and sat the clothes basket at the foot of your bed. Something red was sitting on your bedside table and caught your eye. You turned to see the bag of skittles Loki had gotten for you, with a little note attached.

Despite all of the dizzying thoughts going through your mind, you smiled. You picked up the square card and traced the letters of your name. Loki's elegant handwriting made your heart flutter.

You flipped the card over and read, If I had to choose to share the company of a person in this wretched place, that person would be you. -L.

Your lips lifted into a wide smile, your chest warming as you repeated his words over and over again. You bit your lip, your body practically buzzing with excitement. That nagging voice in your head wouldn't let you believe, however, that Loki had some sort of feelings for you. Surely, you were only friends and nothing more. Any sign that hinted otherwise was merely a figment of your imagination.

You ran your hand through your hair, your heart racing as you paced the floor. You were going back and forth on what to do, and an hour had ticked by without you reaching a decision. You let out a frustrated sigh. Your jittery movements ceased as soon as your own voice ran through your head, the only thing holding you back is yourself. You took a deep breath and, before you could talk yourself out of it, you opened your door and left all hesitation behind.

You found Loki in the library, settled into a cozy window seat with his eyes fixed on the pages of a worn old book. As you approached, he did not look up from the words covering the parchment but the corner of his lips quirked into an amused smirk.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Y/N?" His voice soothed your overactive nerves and you felt a calm wash over you from being in his presence.

That was one of the reasons you had developed feelings for Loki. When he was gone, your endlessly overthinking and doubting mind would spout the statistical probability of a god falling for a mortal Midgardian. But somehow, when you were with him, it all faded away and you were left with a rare quiet serenity.

"I need to tell you something."

Loki's brow furrowed at your tone and he closed his book, giving you his full attention. "I'm listening."

You cautiously selected words to adequately express how you felt. "You get on my nerves sometimes, Loki. You really do. You know all of the right buttons to push to drive me crazy. But you also know all of the right things to say exactly when I need to hear them."

Loki leaned forward on his seat, intrigued as to where this was going. You took a deep breath and continued, "You're... constantly catching me off guard, and your ability to make me laugh so hard I cry is unmatched. You don't have to say anything to make me feel better when I'm down for the count, you just do without even trying."

Loki hid his amused smile behind his hand, hanging on your every word. The shift in energy throughout the room was too subtle for you to notice and you crossed your arms in anticipation of his reaction, unaware of the affect your words were having on a certain god of mischief.

"So I guess the point is, Loki... I like you. I like you a little too much, actually." You paused briefly before you said, "Maybe I should go. Yeah, I'm going to go."

"Wait-" You spun on your heel to make an escape, but Loki was too quick for you to bail. He caught your elbow and turned you gently to face him.

"Will you hold on a moment? I don't want you to go." Your eyebrows raised in surprise, the warmth in Loki's eyes stealing all the air from your lungs.

One of Loki's hands stayed on your arm while the other raised to cup your face tenderly. "Did the thought ever cross your mind that I 'like you a little too much', too?"

Hope filled your heart despite your incredulous tone as you asked, "You do?"

Loki chuckled lightly, his thumb brushing your cheek. "Yes. I have for some time now. I believe it is customary for a mutual profession of feelings to be sealed with a kiss?"

You softly laughed, already lifting yourself up onto the tips of your toes. "I think you're right."

And when Loki's lips finally met yours, he tasted as sweet as candy.

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