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A/N: This is so rough. I am so sorry I haven't been updating. I will be posting more often due to quarantine. Hope you guys are safe and healthy! Let me know what you think!
It was well into the night and you were supposed to be asleep by now but no matter how much you tossed and turned, you couldn't get comfortable. If you had been asleep, you might've missed the faintest of sounds coming from the kitchen. Since you were wide awake, your muscles immediately tensed and you carefully and quietly stood up from your bed. Moving to your bedroom door on your tiptoes, you heard the sound of your refrigerator opening.

You grabbed the baseball bat next to your door and stealthily made your way through the darkness towards the source of the sound. When you reached the kitchen, a figure blocked some of the light spilling from the fridge and you held your breath. You hastily flipped the kitchen light on and you were just about to swing the bat at the intruder when the person held their hands up in surrender. "It seems I need to brush up on my skills in moving about undetected."

The bat fell to hang loosely from your hand as you recognized the voice. The dark haired god spun on his heels to face you with that typical smirk of his.
"Not to sound ungrateful that you decided to grace me with your presence, but why are you here?"

Loki laughed chastely. "Can I not simply visit a dear friend without having some kind of motive?"

You placed the bat down on the counter next to you and raised your eyebrow. "Do you really expect me to believe that you decided on a whim to visit me in the middle of the night?"

"Less expecting, more hoping. I do have a favor to ask of you, but I'd rather it wait a bit. It has been a while since I last saw you, how have you been?" For once, he seemed genuinely interested in your wellbeing and it caught you off guard.

The extent of your relationship with Loki was that you were training partners and occasionally had small talk over coffee during your time at Stark Tower. He still lived there the last you'd heard, but you moved back to your apartment after your latest mission with the avengers. You kept in touch with the group, but you and Loki weren't exactly friends. There was definitely something between the two of you, but it wasn't friendship or hatred. It was something entirely foreign to the both of you, a connection that could blossom if you bothered to give it the chance.

You crossed your arms over your chest. "Loki, you don't have to pretend that you care for me to do you a favor. What is it that you want?"

Loki clutched his chest in faux agony, but behind the theatrics you saw a flash of something that looked like regret. "Ouch, Y/N, that hurt. And just when I was beginning to think I meant something to you."

The corner of your lips lifted slightly and you said, "What made you think that?"

Loki pursed his lips in fake concentration before he began counting on his fingers. "One, the last time we trained together, you let me win. Two, you know exactly how I take my coffee and tea. Three, you ask Thor about me every time you talk to him. Shall I continue?"

You laughed, the slightest blush on your cheeks. "That won't be necessary. I admit I am not entirely opposed to your company, but it would be far more enjoyable if it didn't always come with a price. Speaking of, I'll ask you again, why are you here?"

You gestured for Loki to sit down and he did as you made coffee. You could tell it was going to be a long night. "I would have preferred to ask you a favor of this size with plenty of warning, and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause."

You sat down across from Loki at the kitchen table, eyebrows raised at his serious tone. "What is it?"

He took his time speaking as if what he said caused him some kind of physical pain. "My brother and I are in another spat. It is nothing compared to some of the disagreements we had in Asgard, but it is enough that we both require space to collect ourselves and approach the situation with a level head. If you'd be so gracious and extend me the courtesy, it would be much appreciated if I could stay here with you a day or two until the tension subsides. I would not ask, but I do not know where else..."

Loki x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now