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A/N: A short lil heated makeout session with a possessive and controlling Loki. You have been warned.
You could cut the tension in the room with a spoon.
That's right, a spoon.

Tony Stark and Loki were both standing on opposite sides of one of the living rooms in Stark Tower, Monopoly houses and money strewn across the table separating them. Tony had made a sarcastic remark about Loki which led to a heated exchange of nasty, meaningless words between the two. Tony had crossed the line with his last comment, and knowing your boyfriend's body language like the back of your hand, Loki was two seconds away from murdering someone.

You quickly jumped to your feet, putting your hand on his chest in an effort to get him to focus on you instead of the 'man of iron'.
"Loki, he didn't mean it like that. Loki!" You let out a small, involuntary yelp as the god of mischief grabbed your wrist and tugged you to his room on the floor above.
Loki roughly pushed you into his room and slammed the door behind him, and you were simultaneously terrified and excited.

Loki's smoldering eyes locked on yours and he spoke through gritted teeth, "Don't defend him like that." He took menacing steps forward until he had you backed up against a wall, his hands pinning your wrists above your head.

He pressed his body into yours, and you could feel the tension in his muscles and the frustration radiating. His eyes were almost glowing and you could tell he was close to losing it. You knew you would be fine- Loki would die before he'd hurt you. It was just thrilling being in his line of vision when he was so close to the edge.

Loki growled, "You're mine, Y/N. Or do you need a reminder?"

You were absolutely speechless so you shook your head no. You knew you were his- and in return, he was yours. That's how it worked, you were both 100% devoted to each other and the thought of being with someone else never crossed your mind. You were always too busy thinking about the man in front of you, the one who drove you crazy and kept you up at night.

"Then say it." You were lost in the intensity of the moment, the way your skin felt like it was on fire at his touch. His grip on you tightened and he hovered his lips over yours, ready to devour you and show you exactly who you belong to.

"Say it!" There was a dangerous edge to his voice, sharp as a dagger, and heat pooled in your stomach before spreading throughout your body.

"I'm yours." You breathed, and then his lips were on yours and he was everywhere at once. There wasn't an inch of your skin that he didn't touch or kiss. You were in a daze, your eyes closed as you involuntarily moaned at the sensations that were hitting you all at once.

Loki grabbed your hips and thighs, hoisting you up so your legs were wrapped around him. Your back was still pressed firmly into the wall, and you wrapped your arms around Loki's neck as his lips met yours again. This time, he bit your bottom lip, not hard enough to cause damage but enough to illicit another moan.

"That's right, baby. No one else makes you feel the way I do, don't forget that." Your legs tightened around him, and you almost saw stars when you felt him against you.

As suddenly as this had started, Loki sat you back down on your quivering legs and pressed a rough kiss to your lips. He pulled himself away, his chest heaving as he said, "Let this be a warning. If something like that happens again, I won't take it so easy on you." Without another word, Loki left his room. You were breathless, dazed, and  already missed his touch. You craved his lips on yours, wanted to feel him close to you again.

The idea of continuing what'd you started made you want to purposely ignore Loki's  warning. Tomorrow, you'd do something to warrant punishment.

Loki x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now