The Universe and Loki Laufeyson Part Three

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You arrived at your parents' house just in time for dinner. You parked behind a vehicle that didn't seem familiar, and you thought that they must have invited another guest. This wasn't unusual, so you didn't think anything of it. As you crossed the doorway, a delicious smell filled your senses. The old, hardwood floor creaked as you walked and your eyes met the sight of your mother placing a dish on the dining table. Your father and a blonde, moderately attractive guy about your age were already seated at the table.
When the guy you didn't know saw you, he stood from his chair and pulled the chair beside him out for you. You gave him a small smile and a thank you as you sat down. You looked questioningly at your father as your mother and the mystery guy took their seats.
"Your mother and I invited Jeffrey so we could introduce the two of you."
You glanced over at the mystery guy, er, Jeffrey and he smiled at you. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N."
Your smile was more of a grimace as it clicked that your parents were trying to set you up. "Likewise. I apologize for possibly getting your hopes up, Jeffrey, but I was actually going to tell you- well, my parents, that I found my soulmate."
Jeffrey looked down at his plate in what was most likely embarassment and your mother exclaimed, "What? Why didn't you tell us? Well, I guess it isn't important since we know now. When do we get to meet him?"
"That's the thing. He's sort of.. in prison." You bit your lip and nervously awaited their reaction. It was as you expected. Your father nearly choked on a mouth full of food and your mother shrieked, "What?"
You winced and sunk a little farther into your seat. "Loki Laufeyson is my soulmate. I know to you this might not be.. ideal, but-"
"Ideal?" Your mother's voice was shrill and her eyes were wide. "No, it's certainly not. That alien was responsible for the battle of New York, or have you forgotten how much of a monster that thing is? There must have been a mistake. You're absolutely not-"
While she was speaking, something snapped inside of you and you stood whilst slamming your hands on the table. "He is not a monster. It is true that he has made a lot of regrettable decisions, but Loki saved my life. Anything he did in the past should stay there. Whether you like it or not, Loki is my soulmate and-"
Your mother stood up as well, and if you hadn't have been so angry, the look she gave you would have made your skin crawl. "You would speak to your family that way, over someone you barely even know? I see how much we mean to you and how much you care about us, after everything we've done for you and sacrificed-"
Your voice was softer than it had been, yet still firm. "Don't do that. I love you guys, you know that, but it hurts that you're not as happy as I am that I finally found my soulmate. When I'm with him, it's like I've known him all my life, and I.. I can't think about anything or anyone else."
It was silent for a few moments before your father spoke. "Honey, we just want what's best for you. If you're dead set on this Loki fellow, then-"                   
"Oh, absolutely not!" Your mother said, leaning over the table towards you. "I forbid it." You could hardly believe the words that came from her mouth. You scoffed, "You can't control my life, it's mine. I'm done having this discussion. I think I should go. It was nice meeting you Jeffrey." Jeffrey awkwardly nodded, and your father stood up to hug you goodbye. "Bye, dad. Love you." Your mother huffed and rolled her eyes when you glanced her way, and you brushed away a tear as you left.
The next day, you went in to work with a smile on your face as if yesterday's events weren't clouding your mind. You walked into your superior's office and asked for your assignment, noting her unusual peppiness.
"I made a convincing case for Loki, and he is actually being moved to Stark Tower today. You won't be the one to transport him, but I thought you might want to be the one to tell him. Just to be clear, this means I don't owe you anything anymore." She smiled dismissively and you turned on your heels and hurried to tell Loki.
Loki was pacing back and forth when you walked in, but perched on the edge of the table upon seeing you.
You gave him a wide smile and moved towards him, but in your excitement your foot caught on the leg of the chair and you stumbled forwards. Loki reached forward to steady you with his hands gripping your sides, and your hands went to Loki's shoulders. Your faces were close, and you almost stopped breathing when his eyes locked onto yours. You were frozen in place until he, in typical Loki fashion, smirked and said, "You already can't keep your hands off of me. You know, you could've just asked."
You moved your hands off of his shoulders but you couldn't go far because Loki's hands trailed down to your hips, keeping you close.
Whatever was going on between the two of you felt.. weirdly right.
You brushed that thought away, the altercation between you and your mother suddenly filling your thoughts. Your eyes fell down to his emerald shirt for a moment before you glanced back up at him and said, "I've come with good news. You'll be moving to Stark Tower sometime today."
The corners of his lips turned up for a brief moment before he asked, "Well, don't look too excited. What's the matter?"
You sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm happy for you, I really am. I just- I don't know where this goes from here." You weren't technically lying, but you weren't going to tell him that yesterday's dinner with your parents was the real problem.
His face relaxed and he retorted in an amused tone, "Well, you'll come and visit me, won't you?"
You bit your lip and his eyes lingered on your mouth before moving back up to your eyes. "If I can. I'm not sure if Tony Stark is too keen on visitors, or if.." You trailed off.
Loki raised a brow, a teasing smile on his lips. "Do you ever do anything you shouldn't?"
You put your hands on top of his, lingering for only a moment before gently pushing his hands off your hips. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Now that you mention it, I've actually been doing a lot of things that I probably shouldn't have, ever since I met you."
His eyes practically sparkled as you said that, and you could tell he was feeling pretty proud of himself.
"Speaking of, I've been in here too long. I should get back to work. I-" You cut yourself off, not really knowing what to say.
You felt tears start to form in your eyes and you went to turn away but Loki caught your arm and pulled you into him.
He wrapped his arms around you as your palms pressed against his chest, and one of his hands lightly stroked your hair. You stood like that until you felt a little better, and somehow stronger, than you were.
You pulled away, saying, "I really have to go now. Goodbye, Loki."
"I'll see you again soon, Y/N."
His reassuring smile sent a wave of warmth and courage through you just before the door shut behind you.
You let out a breath, composing yourself before heading to carry out your assignment.
As you were getting ready to head home that evening, your superior called you into her office when she saw you pass by. She handed you a slip of paper that contained instructions for getting into Stark Tower and a telephone phone number to call and give security notice before visiting.
"This was faxed over for you by Mr. Stark. I don't know why it came to me, but in the future, make sure you take care of such matters so that I don't have to. You may go now."
It was good to see she was back to her usual, dreadful self. You sighed as you turned and walked out of her office.
You'd just gotten in your car and put your seatbelt on when your phone rang. You took it out of your pocket and checked who was calling before answering, "Hey, mom. How are you?"
"How am I? After yesterday, you're really going to ask me how I am?"
You pinched the bridge of your nose before replying tiredly, "If you're going to jump all over me, I'd rather you didn't. I'm just trying to be nice, mom."
"Well, you certainly weren't being nice when you ruined the dinner with Jeffrey. He was a sweetheart and accepted my proposal to reschedule, of course just the two of you next time. You're meeting him tomorrow night, seven o'clock at Alfonzo's-"
You sighed in frustration. "Mom, I'm not going to dinner with Jeffrey. I told you-"
Her voice rose and you had to hold the phone away from your ear. "Y/F/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N! I really don't believe you. I can't even recognize my own daughter-"
You didn't exactly know where you stood with Loki. Regardless, you had feelings for Loki that weren't going to go away because of one date with another guy, so you gave in.
"Fine, alright, I'll go. But just tomorrow night, and that's it. I-I don't want to be with anyone else, mom. I just know in my heart that Loki is it for me."
Your mother's voice soured. "I'd hold off on saying anything like that until you go out with Jeffrey. Promise me you'll go, Y/N."
You knew she didn't understand, even though you desperately wanted her to. You thought that if you played your cards right, you could somehow make her see it your way. Besides, Jeffrey seemed like a decent guy, and you felt that it would be terrible of you to blow him off a second time. "I promise."
To be continued!! There will be more of Loki in the next part.

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