Finding a Home Part Two

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A/N: Sorry it's short! I felt like I accomplished the image I was trying to create- this one is all about imagination, though, and what you picture your life on Asgard to look like. You are the author of your story.
The last few months were the best of your life.
You adapted to life on Asgard rather well. You were given a little corner shop as a welcoming present from the royal family which you turned into a bakery. You kept the glass display counters stocked with a variety of Midgardian treats that proved to be a big hit with Asgardians.

Without fail, Loki was always the very first customer to enter your doors. Every morning, the early golden sun would spill through the windows with a beauty surpassing any sunrise you'd witnessed on Midgard. The rays of light highlighted the warm tenderness in Loki's features and brought you a sense of comfort that comes with knowing you are truly home.

Loki would consume your newest treat and praise your baking skills, jokingly telling you to hide that particular item from Thor. Mornings with Loki were filled with laughter and sacred conversations between best friends. He would keep you company until the bell above the shop door signaled the arrival of customers.

Around lunch was by far your busiest time throughout the day. You rushed to get orders out to people in a timely manner, but you found fulfillment in those frantic moments. You felt valued, appreciated, needed.

Your favorite part of the day was when the children stopped in your bakery after school. A wide smile lit up your face as kids of all ages poured into your shop. They would often prompt you for stories of life on Midgard and you would happily oblige.

You'd tell the children about the different cultures, customs, and ways of life. The wee ones loved to gather round to hear the fairytale stories that you told them had been passed on through generations. The tales would be theirs to tell one day.

As you told the children the story of the girl they called Cinderella, you realized that you were living a fairytale yourself. What made it better than the classics you'd heard over and over was that this wasn't pretend or make believe- it was real.

Each day ended with the sun dipping below the horizon, the perfect backdrop for falling completely in love with your life. As you closed up the shop, Loki would stop on his way to the palace to walk you home and bid you a goodnight. It was always the same; the familiar banter of close companions as the two of you you walked side by side into the night. You would always be close, there was no doubt about it. Even when Loki would eventually get married and you found a similar happiness of your own, your friendship would never fade away.

With every passing day that you stayed in Asgard, you grew closer to the realization that you were exactly where you were meant to be. You woke up ready to start each new day with a fervor that you'd never known on Midgard. You went to bed each night with a full and joyful heart. There was one thing you knew for sure: this beautiful life was worth living.

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