Something More Pt 2

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"Did you forget that he killed people? Huh?! He's dangerous and psychotic, and you want to go on a date with him, Y/N?" You grimaced as Tony's voice raised to a yell.

You knew Tony was just trying to be protective and you loved that about him, but right now, he was pressing all the wrong buttons. You tried to keep your voice calm and steady, "Keep your voice down, he might hear you. We've all killed people, Stark, stop acting like a saint."

Bruce pushed his glasses further up his nose, gently and cautiously saying, "We end the lives of bad people when we have to. Loki caused the deaths of innocent people who didn't deserve to die. You know that's not the same. That being said, Tony, I don't think it's up to us to decide what Y/N does."

"Well said, Bruce. Y/N makes his/her own decisions." You turned towards the sound of Loki's voice. He was leaning in the doorway of the kitchen directly behind you, and his eyes met yours.

His gaze stayed on you but his next words were directed towards Tony and Bruce, "When I asked, Y/N agreed to go on a date with me." You saw a flicker of uncertainty in Loki's eyes when he asked, "Have you changed your mind?"

"Of course not, Loki." The smile on his face at your reassurance made you melt and you  didn't realize you were just staring at him until Thor entered the kitchen. "What's the topic of conversation?"

"Apparently, I'm the only person who thinks that Y/N shouldn't go out with Loki." Tony rolled his eyes and popped a blueberry in his mouth.

Thor crossed his arms and looked between you and Loki for a moment before grinning. "Pairing an intelligent and courageous warrior like Y/N with the likes of my cunning and fearless brother would be a truly dangerous combination, but I cannot imagine a more perfect match."

You sent a grateful smile Thor's way and you said, "I think it's time for that date now."

Loki held his hand out and you took it, ignoring the looks the two of you received as you left the kitchen. You walked almost lingeringly down the hall, trying to memorize the way your hands fit together perfectly.  Loki laced his fingers with yours, and there was something about touching him that was so natural- like you were made for it. You smiled softly, glancing at him. "So, where are we going?"

Loki grabbed an umbrella with the hand you weren't gripping and the two of you stepped onto the elevator. You pushed the button for the ground floor as Loki said, "I had something rather wonderful planned but unfortunately, it was an outside activity and the weather is being entirely uncooperative." His brow furrowed and his head was tilted to the floor as he spoke, and you couldn't tell if he was disappointed, embarrassed, or a little of both.

You rubbed your thumb across the back of Loki's hand and quickly reassured him, "That's okay. Do you have anything else planned? If not, I have an idea."

Loki glanced at you curiously as you both stepped out of the elevator. "I didn't. What is it?"

"Maybe we could go to that little coffeehouse on the corner? Doing anything outside of the tower is a date to me, and I think you'd like it."

Loki gave you a gentle smile and said, "I need no convincing."

You dropped Loki's hand as you opened the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk. You stayed under the awning to avoid getting soaked from the rain and Loki stood next to you, opening the umbrella. He held his arm out for you to take and the two of you began walking in the direction of the coffeehouse.

After a few steps, Loki tilted his head towards your ear so you could hear him over the roaring rain. "I apologize for my lack of preparedness."

Your eyes softened as you gazed at him. "You don't have to apologize, Loki. I'm happy just being with you."

The tension in his frame dissipated at your words and the corners of his lips lifted. "I believe that is the loveliest thing anyone has ever said to me."

That? Really? You couldn't believe someone as deserving as Loki hadn't heard better than that.

"I did not want to say this in front of the others but you look ravishing, as always." Now it was your turn to smile, a blush rising to your cheeks. 

"Thank you, Loki." Loki held open the door to the coffee shop and you ducked inside, waiting for him to close the umbrella. A few drops of rain dusted his shoulders as he followed you into the shop.

You both ordered at the counter before you led Loki to the reading nook in the back of the coffeehouse. It was your favorite spot, a secluded booth with a window behind it and two shelves of books surrounding it on the sides. It was unoccupied and you slid into the side of the booth closest to the window. Loki sat across from you and you could feel the heat of his legs brushing yours under the table.

You rested your arms on the top of the table and Loki took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand. "I don't know why you accepted my proposal for a date but I am certainly glad you did."

"You really don't know why? Well, for starters, you keep me on my toes. You're fiercely protective and loyal. When I'm with you, I feel.." You felt a lot of things when it came to Loki, but you settled on saying, " and cared for. And honestly, this date just started and it's already the best one I've ever been on because it's with you."

A tinge of color flushed Loki's pale cheeks and he glanced down at your interlocked hands, a sheepish smile on his lips. "You're too kind, Y/N. Do you come to this place often?"

You smiled at his change of subject, humming, "Mhm. It's my favorite. Do you have a favorite place? Is it on Asgard?"

Your hands broke apart as a cheery brunette brought you both your coffee orders. You thanked her as she left, taking a sip from your mug. Loki gazed at you in adoration. "It's not so much a place.. more like a person."

You knew what he was hinting at and your breath caught in your throat. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, butterflies fluttering in the pit of your stomach. Your fingers trailed over the design on your mug absentmindedly as Loki sipped his coffee.

After a moment, Loki spoke again, "Are we to ignore the disapproval that was so clearly expressed earlier?"

You took another sip of your drink before saying softly, "No, I suppose we should talk about it. Does it bother you?"

Loki sat up a bit straighter, his previously open expression becoming unreadable. "I would be lying if I said I am always unbothered by the opinions of others, but in this case I am not. I would be bothered, however, if those opinions troubled you."

You glanced down at the table, taking a moment to choose your words carefully before responding, "It is a bit disheartening. Those are some of my closest friends and their opinions mean a lot to me- but not as much to me as you do."

You shifted forward a bit in the booth, one of your legs grazing Loki's in a reassuring gesture. Your eyes met his and you watched as his expression softened and his lips parted. "I am undeserving of such devotion."

You inhaled sharply, his words causing you pain as if they were directed towards you. "Promise me something?"

Loki's eyebrows raised as he leaned forward. "What is it?"

"Promise you won't say anything like that again?"
Loki's smile held a hint of bitterness, but he took one of your hands in his and gave you his word.

You lost track of time, the two of you lingering as if you didn't live in the same skyscraper. Night fell and you both decided you should head home. The torrential downpour had slackened into a soft summer rain, and you both stepped out of the door of the coffee shop into the night air. Loki went to open the umbrella but you put your hand over his, stopping his movements.

You felt the water flowing from above hit your skin but you didn't care. Your heart swelled as the streetlamp cast an aureate glow on Loki's features. Droplets of rain clung to Loki's hair and you wanted to curl your fingers into his locks and kiss him. So you did, right there in the middle of the sidewalk in the pouring rain.

It was the perfect end to a perfect date.

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