New Beginning

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Warning: mentions of an abusive, alcoholic parent, violence. Angst. Platonic Loki. College AU!

Request: If you have time to throw together one of your amazing stories where Loki rescues the reader from an abusive parent and he acts like he doesn't care but whenever she cries he's there for her and makes sure she's not in pain?

I feel like this is a bit rushed and short, but here it is! Hope you like it!

A smooth voice asked, "May I borrow a pen? I seem to have lost mine." You turned your head to look at the row of seats behind you where the voice was coming from. Your classmate, Loki, was biting his lip and looking at the girl beside him. His long, dark hair was pulled into a low bun and he had on a green button down.

You'd had a few classes with Loki by now and a few group projects, but you wouldn't say you were friends. You didn't know much about him except that he was an English major and in your grade.

The girl, who you didn't think you'd had class with before, shook her head and raised the pen in her hand. "I'm sorry, this is the only one I have."

Loki gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it."

You turned around, reaching in your bag for another pen. Once you'd found one, you twisted your top half to lean slightly over the back of your seat with the pen extended. "I have an extra! You can keep it."

Loki leaned forward and accepted the pen, his fingers briefly brushing yours. He gave you a grateful smile, saying, "Thank you, Y/N." You returned the smile, turning back around as your professor entered the room.

"Good morning, class. Today we will be watching a video about-" you tuned the professor out as he pulled up a video that was the length of class. You took notes at first, but your mind began to wander and before you knew it, class was over.

After being dismissed, you packed your materials up and grabbed your bag. You made your way out of the building and into the sunshine, holding the door open for the person behind you. Loki thanked you and opened his mouth to say something else but he was cut off by someone yelling your name.

Your eyes widened as you recognized your father's voice and your cheeks burned with embarrassment. You turned in the direction of the voice and saw your father approaching the building. Despite your fear, you hurried to meet him before he got too close for your classmates to hear.

He reeked of liquor and you knew this wouldn't end well. "Y/N, you know you'll never amount to anything, so why are you trying? You might as well quit and come on home." Your father grabbed your wrist and started tugging you rather roughly in the direction of his truck. You dug your heels into the ground, trying to pull your arm away from his grasp but he just tightened his grip and tugged harder.

"No, dad, you're wrong! You don't determine my value. I'm staying." Your voice cracked with the last word. Your father suddenly let go of your arm and struck you across the face before you could move away. The force of the blow knocked you backwards, and you would have hit the ground but someone caught you.

At the same instant that you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, you blinked and found yourself someplace else entirely. The grass and sun were replaced by carpet and ceiling lights. You were in an apartment, one you'd never been in before.

The pair of arms that were around you gently lowered you so you were sitting on a couch, and then the arms moved and Loki knelt before you. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you tried to control your breathing. You couldn't figure out how you were suddenly in an entirely different place within the span of a second.

Loki's voice was soft and almost cautious, "You can stay here as long as you need. You don't have to go home. I know we hardly know each other but please know that if you decide to stay, you will not be treated like that ever again."

All you could do was nod as shock settled in, your thoughts tangling inside your head. Loki moved to his feet and left you alone, entering what you assumed was his room.
You thought you heard the door shut and then everything hit you at once. You felt small, broken, and helpless.

The side of your face that was hit now throbbed intensely, and your eyes stung and watered from the pain. Soon, tears ran down your face and you pulled your knees into your chest for a small bit of comfort.

A few moments later, Loki came back to kneel in front of you again. He brushed a few of your tears away, his thumb hovering over the area that ached. "Is this where it hurts?"

You couldn't bring yourself to say anything so you nodded again. Loki's thumb grazed your skin and it only throbbed from his touch briefly before the pain vanished. Loki moved his hand away and you gaped at him, in awe of what he'd just done. He healed you in one second with the slightest of touches. How was that humanly possible?

Your voice was breathy as you uttered, "How?" Loki smiled faintly, a distant look in his eye. "It's a bit of a long story."

"Thank you." You pulled Loki into a gratuitous embrace, and he slowly wound an arm around you in return. Neither of your lives would ever be the same.

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