The Universe and Loki Laufeyson Part Seven

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Weeks had passed since Loki removed himself from your life, and it seemed to you that when he left- he took your heart with him. You'd been avoiding your parent and ignoring phone calls, only leaving your house to go to work. Your body kept on going through the motions, but.. it was like you'd stopped really living.
Well, until anger and frustration filled the emptiness.
Tony Stark wasn't expecting you to barge in to see him the way that you did. He was surprised and amused at your sudden appearance in Stark Tower, the security guards one step behind you as you rushed towards him.
It was a good thing that you didn't intend to harm Tony because several of his security guards couldn't catch up to you as you came to a halt in front of him.
Tony waved them away in dismissal, eyes sparkling as they stayed fixed on you. "It seems I need to find new security."
You were out of breath, and you waited until you could speak before saying, "I'm sorry for that. I needed to talk to you and it was really the only way to go about it."
Tony just raised an eyebrow, a slightly bewildered tone to his voice. "You ever hear of this invention called a phone? They're all the rage these days."
You were only slightly frustrated at his banter, finding that you quiet enjoyed his company. However, now wasn't the time for chit chat. You cut to the chase, "I need to know where Loki is."
Tony's eyebrows furrowed and he rubbed the crinkled spot right between them. "I can't tell you that, Y/N."
You moved your hands to your hips, letting him know that you weren't going to give up easily. "Why not? He's my soulmate, Tony. I should be allowed to know where you sent him."
Tony sighed, a weary edge to his voice. "I didn't send Loki anywhere. A higher power than I felt that a relocation would be better for his and the public's safety. And Loki was the one to ask me not to tell you where he is."
You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit but all you found was truth. Loki was the one who wanted to keep that from you?
You were on the verge of tears, desperately clinging to what hope you had of ever seeing Loki again. Tony's face looked pained as your voice wavered. "Please! If Pepper had left, wouldn't you want to know where she went so you could go after her? C'mon, Tony, please!"
After puppy dog eyes were displayed and he'd thought about the situation from your perspective, Tony gave in and said, "Okay, but if Loki asks, you didn't hear it from me. He's in a remote location in Pennsylvania. I'll send you the address on that thing called a phone. You really should use it sometime."
Several hours and a plethora of pit stops later, you pulled into the driveway of a secluded cabin with a ball of nerves tumbling around inside your stomach.
The same thought that kept running through your mind like a commercial jingle reared its ugly head once again, questioning whether Loki even wanted to see you. After all, he was the one who pushed you away- he probably didn't even care how much you were hurting.
You restlessly knocked on the dark wooden door, struggling against a sudden burst of anger. How could he just leave you like that? Loki was probably laughing at how pathetic you were, making a joke out of the time you spent together-
Your anger immediately ceased when Loki opened the door and you saw that what you'd been thinking was so far from the truth.
Loki's hair was disheveled, probably from running his hands through it, and his eyes were bloodshot from a lack of sleep.
His voice was heavy with exhaustion and a touch of surprise. It was so, so good to hear it again. "Y/N, how did you- what are you doing here?"
You moved as close to him as you dared, your own voice trembling with emotion. "I'm the one person that you're not supposed to leave.. you shouldn't have-"
A tear slipped down your face and you quickly brushed it away before saying, "If you honestly don't want me, I'll go. You'll never hear from me again, I promise. Tell me that you don't want me and... and I'll get back in the car and drive away. Tell me that you don't want me and this is the last time you'll ever see me."
Pain was etched across Loki's face, and his voice was strained as he said, "I- I can't."
You met his gaze and the torment you saw in his eyes made you lose your breath. "You can't?"
All of Loki's restraint gave away. "I can't tell you that. I've wanted you since the first time I saw you, and I don't think I'll ever stop. For what it's worth, I'm so sorry I..."
As he trailed off, you came closer until you were standing right in front of him, your hand resting against his chest- sending the message that he didn't have to say anything else. You could feel the warmth of his skin through his shirt and you noticed his sharp inhale as his chest rose beneath your fingertips. He hesitantly put his hand over yours, guiding your fingers upwards to rest on his cheek. Your gaze followed the movement, and when you looked back into his eyes what you saw nearly took your breath away. It was that same look that he'd given you the last morning you spent with him, that tender gaze that left you feeling warm all over.
"If you think you can get rid of me after what you just said, you've got another thing coming-"
Loki leaned down, silencing you as he captured your lips sweetly and intensely.
So intensely, in fact, that you felt a little lightheaded when the kiss was over. You lowered your hand from his cheek and Loki pressed his forehead to yours as he whispered, "You have no idea how much I've missed you."
You smiled amusedly, tilting your head back to look in his eyes.
"I think I do." You teased, letting him know the feeling was definitely mutual. Your lips came down to a straight line as you thought of the reason why you were apart in the first place.
"Why did you push me away?"
Loki sighed, pulling you gently into the cabin and closing the door behind him. You glanced around at the interior before your eyes settled on your soulmate once again.
Loki's eyes bore into yours, and he paused before answering, "I really do want what's best for you, Y/N. I still don't think that I am it. And... I knew that if I fell for you any harder that I'd be too selfish and never let you go. But I think I was a little late on that. You were almost my undoing, Y/N. I was going mad without you."
You came closer to him until your chest brushed his and you looped your arms around his neck. "If you.. 'fell any harder'?"
His voice was low and hushed as he pushed you even further into him, saying, "Do I have to say it?"
"Yes." You looked up at him through your eyelashes, holding your breath as you awaited what you'd never imagined you'd hear.
"It frightens me how much you've bewitched me, Y/N. If I could only be with you in my dreams then I would never want to wake. I've.. I've fallen in love with you."
"Loki-" You said his name like a prayer, all of your feelings and love for him spilling out of you in just those two syllables.
Loki's eyes burned with a sudden yearning and desire, and he stole your breath as his lips captured yours in a passionate and demanding way.
You melted into him, your hands gripping his shoulders as he took all that he could from you.
Loki tilted your head back slightly, deepening the kiss and eliciting a not-so-innocent sound from you.
That seemed to encourage Loki and he picked you up, your legs hooking around his waist. Your hands went to his hair as he moved in the direction of what turned out to be the bedroom.
You felt your back hit the bed and your lips broke apart, chests heaving as Loki hovered over you.
Loki's body pressed down into yours in all the right places, making you gasp at the overwhelming sensations he made you feel with such little contact.
The last thing that should have been going through your mind at that moment was the lack of security cameras in and around the cabin, but you put a hand on Loki's chest, urging him to stop for a minute.
His eyes were questioning as you caught your breath before you spoke, "You realize that.. if the cabin isn't under surveillance, you could leave and find a way home- back to Asgard?"
Loki stilled for a second before moving his hand to cup your face, stroking your jaw with his thumb. His eyes were filled with love and his voice was soft and tender as he said, "I couldn't even if I wanted to. Asgard isn't my home anymore, love, you are."
You were rendered speechless at his response, so you did the only other thing you knew to do: you pulled his head back down to yours and kissed him with everything you had left in you.
Loki certainly didn't mind your lack of words, and neither of you spoke for awhile after that. Your mouths were too busy doing other things.

Sorry it was short! That's the end of the Universe fic!! Let me know what you thought if you'd like.

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