Pancakes and Park Benches Part Two

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You didn't see Loki again until later that night, after you had celebrated with the rest of the avengers at dinner. You all went out to an actual sit-down restaurant, which was something you guys never did. Tony even told the staff that it was your birthday so they came out and virtually the whole restaurant sang to you. It was a great day, but the gang was tired from the mission earlier and so you all decided to turn in.
When all of you had returned to Stark Tower, Tony waited until everyone had split off in their own directions before asking you, "I hate to ask you for something on your birthday, but would you mind checking in on Reindeer Games? He was supposed to be on house arrest today, and no red flags were raised but I just want to be sure. I'd do it myself but Pepper threatened that if I came home late she'd kill me. Or worse."

You waved him on, saying, "I don't mind, really. Go before the rest of us have to mourn our 'fearless' leader." He laughed and gave a small wave before heading off to find Pepper.

You smiled to yourself as you walked down the hall to Loki's room, his gift still in hand. You knew exactly where he'd been that morning, so there wasn't really a need to check in but you decided to do it anyways.

You knocked on Loki's door, patiently waiting for a response. When he didn't open the door, and you couldn't hear his voice, you frowned before knocking again. Just as you began to suspect the worst, you heard footsteps.

You heard an annoyance in his voice as it grew closer as he approached the door before opening it, "I was on my best beh-" He stopped when he saw your face.
"Oh, it's you. I was expecting Stark." His tone had changed and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

You smirked at him, your voice teasing. "He sent me to check in on you. You were supposed to be on house arrest today. So do you consider explicitly doing what you were told not to, being on your best behavior?"
He winced, looking around to see if anyone could be overhearing your conversation.

You raised an eyebrow at Loki as he put a finger to his lips, shushing you.
You went to say something else, but before you could, he tugged you into his room and shut the door firmly yet quietly behind him.

"I know I broke the rules, but this is my last chance here. If Stark found out that I ventured outside today, I'd no longer be treated as I am currently and I'd be imprisoned, which I understand is well deserved of me, but-"
You cut him off, raising a hand to his shoulder. Your touch startled him, and a wary expression briefly crossed his face before disappearing. Your voice was soft as you reassured him, "I promise I won't tell anyone you came out with me today. I don't understand though, if you knew that he could find out, why did you risk leaving with me?"

He looked troubled as you asked the question, and his eyes made you falter. Your hand dropped from his shoulder and you cautiously said, "Unless.. maybe you'd been planning on leaving for good and using me as a way out..."

His eyebrows furrowed and the corners of his mouth turned down. "I assure you that was not what I intended. I know that you have every reason not to believe me, and you most likely won't, but I had only pure intentions. I wanted you to have a nice day, maybe even cause a smile to grace your features."

You tried to hide your smile but it was no use. For some reason, when you thought that he might be trying to jump ship, you felt hurt instead of angry- which you probably should have been. Now knowing that he wasn't planning on going anywhere, you were filled with relief.

He smiled sheepishly back, and his eyes locked onto yours. Warmth raced through you at that moment and you began to feel uneasy. You bit your lip, not liking the sudden butterflies in your stomach. What was wrong with you?
"I- Well, I won't tell anyone. You needn't worry. I think I'll go now. Goodnight, Loki, and...thank you. For everything."
He nodded as you headed for the door, saying, "Goodnight, Y/N."

Except it wasn't a good night at all. You couldn't sleep, tossing and turning for hours, unable to stop your racing thoughts. This was abnormal for you, and for some reason you didn't feel like yourself.
In fact, it was like you weren't quite yourself for the next three weeks. Every time someone would say Loki's name in conversation you would blush, and you would hastily turn in the other direction whenever you saw him. You didn't like the warmth that spread through you at the sight of him, and you thought the best way to stamp it out would be to avoid him entirely.
This proved difficult considering you both lived in the same place.
One morning arrived slowly, the sleepless night dragging on and on. You were the first one in the kitchen, watching the sunrise as you sipped coffee.
Steve glanced questioningly at you as he entered the kitchen to grab a water before going on his daily morning run. He greeted you before opening the fridge, and you told him good morning.
"I'm usually the first one up. Is everything alright?" Steve was such a a sweetheart and you considered yourself lucky to have as good of a friend as him.
You flashed a smile in reassurance, saying, "Perfectly fine." After he left, you went back to drowning in your own thoughts.
You absentmindedly began making yourself breakfast, heating a pan on the stove and cracking eggs. You were replaying that morning with Loki in your head, your heart racing as you thought of his kindness.
The entire time you were cooking, the god of mischief watched from the doorway.
Loki had noticed your attempts at avoiding him and wanted to keep you in his sights for as long as possible before you saw him.
Which wasn't such a good idea in retrospect. You were startled as you turned to plate your eggs and saw him gazing at you, and in your surprise you grazed your hand against the heat of the pan. As soon as you felt the searing pain, you yelped and set the pan on the stove (none too gently).
Loki was at your side in an instant, holding your wrist as he moved you over to the sink. He turned on the cold water, moving the stinging area of your hand under the stream.
The pain dissipated, and you let out a small sigh. You kept your eyes locked on your hand, unable to meet Loki's concerned gaze.
He shut off the water, grabbing a towel and tenderly drying your hand. You were shocked at how sweetly he was treating you. Your eyes traveled to his face and locked with his piercing blue ones.
His voice was laced with concern. "Are you alright, Y/N?"
"Yes, thank you." Your voice was barely above a whisper.
Loki bowed his head, leaving you breathless when he pressed his lips to your hand.
When he pulled back, and his eyes were gazing into yours again, you felt a pull towards him. Without realizing it, you started to lean in and so did he. You were just about to close your eyes when you heard someone clear their throat.
You pulled away and the world was suddenly spinning. You steadied yourself against the counter and saw Tony entering the room.
"Really, Y/N? You and reindeer games? I thought you were better than that." His tone was teasing, but the tightness of his jaw showed how perturbed he was by your and Loki's closeness. Tony was the father of the group basically, so it was only natural of him to worry. You just weren't sure if he had any reason to.
You gaped at him for a moment before pulling Loki from the room. You guided him to your room, shutting the door. You had every intention of asking him what was actually happening between the two of you, but as soon as you turned to face him, he cupped your face in his hands.
You shakily put a hand on his arm and moved closer, your body reacting before you could process what was happening.
Loki's lips met yours and you were a goner. The familiar warmth you felt around Loki turned to flames and you melted into him. You placed your other hand on his chest and you could feel his heart racing through the fabric of his shirt.
When the kiss ended and you gazed into Loki's eyes once again, you felt more sure of him and this moment than you had anything in your life.
Tony's words came back to you.
You and 'reindeer games'? Absolutely.

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