Fireworks Part Two

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Female Reader
You had parted ways with Loki once you were back at Stark Tower, with you heading to your bathroom to shower and change. You had just dried off and slid on a shirt and sweatpants when you heard voices in the hallway. You cracked open the door and were met with the sight of Thor and Loki talking rather loudly.

"She can't know about this, brother. She doesn't feel the same as I do."  You could tell that Loki was trying to keep his voice down so that no one would hear, but Thor obviously didn't care. His voice was booming. "How would you know that unless you gave it a chance?"

Loki's voice rose a little out of anger, and was laced with pain. "I know because I am a- a monster and.. Y/N is everything that I do not deserve. Kind, compassionate, forgiving.. She is everything and I am nothing."

You inhaled sharply at his self deprecating words. All you could think about was how hurt Loki was, and that struck you deeply. You cared about him, more than you wanted to admit to yourself, and seeing him like that just broke your heart.

A few tears began to well in your eyes as Loki said, "I- I'll be back in a little while." You watched as a hurting Loki turned and walked away from Thor.
Thor stared at his retreating back for a moment, then turned and saw you.
"Y/N.. how much did you hear?"

You brushed away a few stray tears and breathed deeply before saying, "Enough. How long has he felt this way?"

"About you? A while now. Yet my brother still tries to deny the connection that is between you."

You were speechless, and Thor placed a comforting hand on your arm before departing.

Your mind was reeling, but all you knew was that you had to talk to Loki. You didn't know what you were going to say, you just needed to see him.

You walked down the hall until you reached Loki's door. You decided to wait for him there until he came back, taking a deep breath as you opened the door. You had never been in his room before, and you were pleasantly surprised.

All of the furniture was dark, balancing with the vivid shade of green fabric covering the bed.
Everything was uniquely Loki, and if you didn't already know it was his room, you would have been able tell just by looking at it.
You softly smiled as you sat on the edge of the bed, feeling weird about just being in there while oddly at home.
The longer you sat there, the more tired you felt. Your eyelids got heavy and before you could try to fight it, you drifted off to sleep.

The sound of a door closing woke you, but you kept still with your eyes closed. You heard footsteps slowly approach the bed, almost opening your eyes when you felt Loki's lips brush your forehead.
He could be incredibly sweet when he wanted to be.
You felt one of his arms under your knees and the other wrapped around your torso as he carefully and gently lifted you.
You blinked open your eyes and hung your arms loosely around his neck. Loki stopped in his tracks, glancing at you in surprise. Your eyes met and you were extremely aware of how close your faces were.
You whispered, "I overheard you talking to Thor in the hallway."
"You did?" Loki spoke with caution, testing how much you really heard.
You nodded. "It pains me to know that you think so little of yourself. Loki, you're not a monster. You're not perfect, but who is? The only thing that matters is that you're perfect for me. I- I have feelings for you too." Your voice was soft and you brought a hand to his cheek, lightly moving your thumb across it.
Loki's eyes closed as he tried to savor everything about this, how you felt in his arms and the unbelievable words that came from your mouth.
You took a moment to look at him, then shut your eyes as well.
You felt Loki start to lean in, and you slowly leaned up until your foreheads were touching. Your noses brushed, and it was a few torturous moments before your lips finally met.
His lips molded to yours, and you felt him smile into the kiss. It was incredibly sweet, his lips moving in sync at a slow pace with yours.
When the tender kiss ended, you pulled your head back just a little, resting your forehead against his.
"Do you- will you stay?" He seemed as breathless as you felt.
He wanted you to stay? Your heart warmed in your chest and a smile formed on your lips. "I'd love to."
The two of you cuddled in bed, Loki's arms wrapped around you like he was afraid you would run if he let go. You wouldn't, but it felt nice knowing how much he cared for you.
All you remember thinking, right before you drifted off into the best night's sleep you ever had, was how long you'd both been waiting for a moment like this. And now it was finally here.

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