The Universe and Loki Laufeyson Part Two

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It was the day after the op-gone-wrong, and you came to check in on Loki in the interrogation room.
Loki's expression was crestfallen, and before he had time to mask it, you asked him what was wrong.
He paused, licking his lips before sarcastically speaking. "I just received word that I will no longer be transported to Stark Tower. The fine establishment in which you work believes I am a danger to everyone within stabbing distance of me."
You were at a loss for words, but while you were thinking of what to say, you noticed that Loki's hands were restrained on the table.
A white hot anger entered your body, yet you felt cold all over.
"They can't just do that, it isn't fair! You gave up your chance at freedom to save us!"
Loki looked almost pleased by your outburst. "Apparently, they can." His words were full of disdain and he emphasized 'can'.
"I'll be back." You were fueled by fury and rage and didn't know exactly what you were going to do, but you knew you had to do something. You barged into your superior's office, fully ready to tell her just exactly what you thought, and saw something you didn't really want to see. Your eyes landed on your superior, who was in a rather scandalous position on her desk with Todd between her knees, and they paled when they saw you.
You stood smirking with your arms crossed while your superior got her bearings and buttoned up her blouse.
She fixed her cold eyes on Todd as she slid off her desk and said, "I thought I told you to lock the door."
A plan popped into your head that in the past, you would have dropped dead before carrying out.
Now, your smirk stayed firmly on your face as you cunningly said, "Oh, but he didn't. And now we find ourselves in a bit of a dilemma. See, I usually would have had to report this to someone higher up than yourself, but I might be swayed into looking the other way."
You didn't know where this confidence was coming from, but you felt absolutely crazy. She was still your boss, and it was a dangerous game you were playing.
"Blackmail, Y/N? It doesn't suit you." Her words were ice, but there was a vulnerability in her eyes that gave her away. You had her where you wanted her.
"No more than sleeping with your scumbag subordinate in the office suits you. Yet here we are."
You shifted your hands to your hips as she said, "What do you want, Y/N? A promotion?"
Your smirk slipped just a little. "No, I want something which was already promised to Loki Laufeyson. I want him to be moved to his rightful place at Stark Tower."
Your superior dryly laughed, saying, "Of course, I should have known. Even if it were up to me, I wouldn't let him out of here in a million years."
Your eyes narrowed and all playfulness was gone. Your voice was dangerous as you said, "I don't think I made myself clear. Let's try it again. If you don't fight for Loki to be moved to Stark Tower, I will file a report with all the details of you and lover boys little rendezvous in the office. I wonder how much they'll demote you, and where your new office will be. That's if they don't fire you, of course."
All amusement left the woman's face as the weight of you words hit her.
"I-I'll do my best."
You paused before flashing her a smile. "Good. I'm glad we didn't have to make things difficult. Have a wonderful day, ma'am. Todd." You took your leave, making a smug face at Todd as you went out the door.
You found yourself walking towards the interrogation room. You really wanted to tell Loki what just happened, and then you walked in the room he gave you a big, amused smile.
You were confused. Did he already know? "The look on your face tells me that you just did something I would greatly approve of."
You smiled widely at him before sitting down and relaying what happened in your superior's office.
By the end, Loki was laughing and you took a mental picture of the look on his face.
"Even if I end up staying right here, I shall be grateful for your efforts. I believe you've made my day."
His words warmed your heart and you smiled softly at him.
"I'm curious to know how these soulmate things work. Do all Midgardians have them?"
You were stunned by the out of the blue question for a moment before answering, "No. Most people do, but there are some who don't. And there are some who disregard the markings completely and live life as if they didn't exist."
Loki was watching you intently, noticing the way you were fidgeting and avoiding his gaze.
"Not you, though, right?"
You nodded. "Right. When I was younger, I hoped for the day when the mark would change colors and fate would bring me to the person that was meant for me. I had no idea what it would be like, I just really wanted to meet them. When I got older though, more and more of my friends found their soulmates and I.. I guess I lost hope in finding mine. Sometimes I even thought that maybe the universe had made a mistake and that I didn't have one or that I would never find them. That's what happened to my mom. She was born with a mark but she never found who she was supposed to be with, so she married my dad, who was born without a mark. They're happy and in love, but.. I think I would have been crushed if that happened to me."
There were tears in your eyes towards the end and you quickly brushed them away.
Then you let out a small laugh and said, "I'm sorry, I just went off on a tangent. What did you think the mark was all those years?"
Loki smiled softly at you. "That's alright. I enjoyed listening. Well my father believed it was a curse but my mother, Frigga, thought it had something to do with fate. She turned out to be right. I got used to it and didn't think about it all that much."
Then his smile fell and he was silent for a moment before saying, "I'm going to be perfectly honest because that's what I feel you deserve. It's very unlike me, but we seem to be having that affect on one another. I
think the universe screwed you over by tying you to me. It wasn't fair for you. I can't.. I will likely never have any freedom and the things that I have done are terrible. You shouldn't have been paired with.. with someone like me."
You touched his hand, then remembered the restraints and without a word, you came over to his side of the table and loosened the restraints enough to where Loki could get out of them. You weren't thinking before acting, which was extremely unlike you, but you kind of liked it. You stayed on that side of the table, half sitting on and leaning against the metal while facing Loki.
He looked up at you as you spoke.
"I don't know what thoughts are surfacing in that brilliant brain of yours, but I don't care what you've done in the past. I care about you giving up your freedom to save my life, and you hardly know me. I also care about you defending me, even though it could have gotten me in major trouble."
Loki's grin grew wider with every few words so that by the time you were finished speaking, the most breathtaking smile was on his face.
He stood from his seat and rubbed his thumb across the mark on your wrist, his voice almost a whisper as he said, "I wish I could've met you sooner."
You swallowed before looking into his eyes. "Me too."
It seemed like the both of you were slowly leaning in without realizing it, and your eyes had almost closed when you were interrupted by the alarm on your watch.
You moved away, glancing down at the time and saying with a nervous tone, "I'm sorry, I lost track of time, and I was supposed to be out of here ten minutes ago. I have to go or I'll be late for dinner with my parents."
You didn't quite know how to bid him goodbye, but you were in a hurry so you leaned up and pressed a kiss to Loki's cheek before saying, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
He nodded as you rushed out of the room, and just as the door clicked behind you, Loki touched his fingers to his cheek with a small smile forming on his lips.

Part Three is up and running!

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