Through Love, War, and Back Again (Part Three)

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The thing about hiding something from someone is that the truth usually comes out sooner or later. Thor's advice to his brother was for Loki to tell Isla about the Battle of New York before she found out about it another way.
Loki knew that it was probably the right thing to do, but he just couldn't bring himself to tell her. He cared too much for Isla to be the reason she slipped through his fingers. The two of them grew a little closer everyday, yet Loki kept the Battle of New York to himself, skipping over that subject during every deep conversation they had. Loki and Isla even moved in together, with Thor making an unannounced appearance every once in a while.
All through the relationship Loki kept Isla in the dark, and now he couldn't tell her the truth even if he wanted to.
Taking one look at Isla standing in front of him now (she was pale yet fuming), Loki knew that she'd found out the very thing he didn't want her to.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice reflected the anger and hurt simmering inside of her.
She kept her distance, making sure not to come any further in to the living room than the doorway.
Loki slowly stood from his perch on the couch, softly saying, "How did you find out?"
"I overheard someone talking about it today at work. I know that you led the attack- and that many people died. So, answer my question- why didn't you tell me?!"
Loki sighed. "I didn't want you to see me any differently because- because of the choices I made. And you said you didn't want to know anything about what I had done in the past."
Isla crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. "So you were just going to hide the fact that you've literally murdered innocent people?"
Loki turned so she wouldn't see the pain in his eyes and said, "You're just like all the others- you.. you don't understand."
Isla threw up her hands in frustration before moving a bit closer to Loki. "No, I don't understand why you killed all of those people. I can't believe you- you're..."
Loki quickly turned toward her, closing the distance between them and saying, "Say it. Go on, say it."
Isla paused, letting out a shaky breath before she said the words that Loki had been dreading since the beginning.
"You're a monster."
Loki's heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest, hearing the woman he loved say the very thing that he'd kept reminding himself.
All of his walls came back up when Isla spoke those words, and Loki turned his pain into rage out of habit.
It was then that Thor slipped in unnoticed, witnessing what happened next.
A dagger appeared in Loki's hand and Isla looked down at it before meeting Loki's fiery gaze once again.
"If I'm a monster, how are you so sure that I won't kill you?" Loki's voice wavered, the only sign of vulnerability that Isla could see.
Isla showed no fear, her intense gaze letting Loki know that he couldn't scare her. Despite his track record, deep down inside, Isla knew that Loki would never ever hurt her.
"I just know that you won't."
Loki's eyes widened in surprise and the dagger vanished. There was an audible sigh of relief and Loki turned his head towards the sound, seeing his brother.
Loki looked back to Isla and guilt poured in like a flood.
"I-I'm sorry." And he really was. For everything.
When Isla blinked, Loki was gone.
His disappearance left Isla feeling uneasy. She bit her lip and looked to Thor.
"Why did he do it? The attack on New York?"
Thor's voice was softer and lower than usual, saying, "I think there were two sides of him battling each other, and the darker side won. It didn't help that my brother doesn't quite know how to handle his emotions."
Thor briefly patted Isla's shoulder as he passed, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
Loki had went to the place he usually goes when trying to clear his mind: the top of the Empire State Building. Looking out at all of the buildings and the people usually helped calm the storm that tends to rage inside of him, yet Loki couldn't keep the dangerous thoughts from clouding his mind.
You really are a monster. She was the only one who really cared, and now you've scared her away.
As soon as that last word was thought, even nastier ones formed.
Surely she never really cared about you, how could she? I'm sure she never cared. And she never will now.
She's gone and you'll never be able to get the one good thing in your life back. You're a monster.
He looked at his hands, which curled into fists as that one word repeated over and over again in his mind. Monstermonstermonstermonstermonstermonstermonstermonstermonster.
Loki ran his hands over his face as tears began to fall, and he struggled to fight back the tears and compose himself.
After what seemed like years, Loki's tears dried and, bracing himself, he took a deep breath. The next moment he was back in the apartment and dreading the inevitable goodbye.
As soon as Isla laid eyes on Loki, she froze almost as if she were rooted in place.
Loki walked slowly towards her, stepping from the living room to the kitchen. He began to reach out before quickly bringing his arms back to his sides, not wanting to frighten her any further.
The thing was that Isla wasn't afraid of him, not in the slightest. That was what scared her.
Isla made the craziest decision she'd ever made in her life. As she took in Loki's tear stained eyes, Isla crossed the distance between them and took him in her arms.
Loki's face pressed against her neck, and his tentative hands found her lower back.
"I'm so sorry." His whisper was muffled but Isla understood. He was apologizing for everything, the weight of his mistakes being lifted as he uttered those words.
"I'm sorry, too."
Loki couldn't believe what she just said, and he pulled back a bit to look into her eyes.
"I.. I judged you for something you did in the past without understanding why you did it. There's never a good enough reason for murder, and I'm not excusing what you did, but.. you regret it and I have no right to hold it against you. You do regret the attack, right?"
Loki hastily nodded, eyes widened in surprise. "There are no excuses for what I've done. And I understand if you can't forgive me."
Isla quickly said, "I forgive you for not telling me, Loki. Just.. don't leave me again, okay?" There were tears welling in her eyes, and this time Loki pulled Isla into him.
"I could never."
As he felt the warmth of her body against his, Loki was sure that wherever Isla was was where he belonged. And as Loki gripped her tighter, he knew that he was never, ever letting go.
That's it! Hope you enjoyed!

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