Finding a Home

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Warning: mentions of abuse by parents.
Your heart was broken for what felt like the hundredth time. Your eyes filled with anguished tears as you crumpled to the floor of your bedroom. With your knees tucked into your chest and sobs racking your body, every negative word that your mother said to you echoed loudly in your mind. The destructive behavior of the one who brought you into this world had escalated once again. This would be another memory of her cruelty that would not fade.

You rocked yourself back and forth until your breathing became less erratic. You wiped the tears from your cheeks and closed your eyes, ignoring the clangorous sounds of ruination coming from the other side of your door.

Your cracked voice whispered an urgent plea, "To anyone out there who may be listening- please help me. I'm just so tired of being here. Life like this seems so pointless. You get hurt and then as soon as you start to heal, you get hurt again. Over and over. The pain never stops, only dulls for a brief moment before it hits you again. I can't take it anymore. Please-"

You shook your head bitterly as you realized how ridiculous you were being. Even if there was someone out there listening, they wouldn't do anything about it- after all, people only ever seemed to care when they could physically see the bruises and scars.

You opened your eyes slowly and ran a hand through your hair. You didn't notice the figure standing near the window until he spoke.

"It is so good to finally see you, Y/N. Although, I wish we could have met under better circumstances."

Your mouth fell open as you gaped at the raven haired man in your room. If you were thinking more clearly, you might have screamed. After all, the person before you was a stranger who somehow knew your name and had managed to get into your room without opening the window. Instead, you questioned, "W-who are you?"

The man sat elegantly on the floor across from you, close enough that you could make out his features but not near enough to scare you. The only word you could think of to describe him was beautiful, in every sense of the word. His voice, light and smooth like silk, met your ears. "I am Loki, my dear. I heard your prayer and have come to answer it personally."

Your brow furrowed as you tried to wrap your head around what was happening. "You heard me?

Loki's head tilted to the side as he took in your confused expression. He smiled softly, reassuringly. "Yes. I always hear you. This time was different, however. You asked for someone to help you and I am here to provide assistance."

You bit your lip as you looked him over. Something deep inside you told you that he wouldn't hurt you, and you decided to trust your gut. You took a deep breath and asked, "How? What are you going to do?

Loki's smile widened at your questions. "If you agree to come with me, you will have a new home in Asgard."

You scrunched your nose as you tried to remember where you might have heard that name before. "In where?"

Loki spoke slowly, but not in a way that was condescending. "Asgard. It is one of the nine realms, as is Midgard- which you call Earth. I am a Prince of Asgard and you are more than welcome to return with me."

You stayed silent as you thought over your options. Should you leave your life on Earth and face uncertainty in a strange place? Then again, your life here wasn't your own. Your choices were always made for you. At least in Asgard, it seemed like you would have the freedom to make your own choices and carve your own path.

"Should you choose to accompany me, you may visit or return to Midgard anytime you wish. You will not be stuck in Asgard if it is not to your liking. Although, it is a rather beautiful place to plant roots if I do say so myself."

Loki's expression grew quite solemn as he continued, "In Asgard, you would not be subjected to the cruelties you endure now. Y/N, I promise you will never be treated like that again. You are far more valuable than you realize. All you have to do is say the word, my dear, and you can leave this world behind."

You asked tentatively, "Can I have a minute to think about it?"

"Of course." Loki stood and moved to stand next to the window as if to give you a moment of privacy.

On one hand, you didn't know anything about this Asgard place and you were being invited there by a strange, beautiful man who seemed to appear out of thin air. On the other hand, you had no life here to mourn. Loki had shown you more kindness in the few minutes you'd been in his presence than you'd been shown in years.

This opportunity was what you'd longed for. Every time tears fell from your eyes, you wished for some way out of the hell you were living in. Now, your way out was presenting itself on a silver platter. There was no way you were staying here.

You shakily stood to your feet and Loki glanced at you, a smile playing on his lips.

"Have you decided?"

You took a deep breath and stepped toward the man who you would come to think of as your savior. "I have. I would very much like to come with you."

"You will be much happier on Asgard than you were here, I just know it." Loki's eyes sparkled as his contagious smile widened.

"Do you need a moment to gather your belongings?"

You shook your head and replied, "No, I have nothing of importance."

"You will." Loki held out his hand for you to take, an action that you both knew had a double meaning.

You slowly took another step closer to Loki and extended your arm. As your fingertips brushed his palm, a serenity you hadn't felt in years washed over you. The scenery before you shifted from your bland bedroom walls to a beautiful city you'd never seen before, with golden light and awe inspiring structures. You were at once filled with the warmth that came with hope.

You didn't know what the future held, but you didn't need to. You knew it would be much brighter than the past. In this life altering moment, you were writing the beginning of a beautiful story- and it would only get better from here.

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