Skinny Love

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A/N: Female Reader and Loki are in quarantine (unrelated to current world events) and Loki decides that he's going to surprise the reader almost everyday until eventually he asks the reader to be his girlfriend. This contains major fluff!
You still don't know exactly how it happened, but you know that someone with a lot of power was messing with you. That, or you just had rotten luck. You and Loki had become contaminated with some kind of otherworldly disease that was apparently similar to the common cold. It didn't seem too dangerous and you were barely exhibiting symptoms, but you weren't taking any chances of spreading it.

You had a relatively secluded house outside of the city and you were quarantining yourself there. You must have done something terrible in a past life because Loki was quarantining with you. Not that you minded being around Loki, it was actually the opposite. You liked having him near you a little too much.

As if on cue, Loki interrupted your thoughts by bringing in a few bags of groceries that Rhodey had kindly left on the doorstep. He sat them on the table and started taking the groceries out of the bags and sorting them. Loki glanced at you, saying, "How long did Bruce say we needed to stay in quarantine again?"

You picked up a few of the pantry items and put them in their places in the cupboard, saying, "Three weeks to be safe, so I'm afraid you're stuck with me until then."

Loki laughed and you had to purse your lips to stop yourself from smiling at the sound of it. You didn't hear him laugh genuinely that often but you were giddy from joy every time.

His happiness meant the world to you, and when you realized that, you tried to be in his presence as little as possible. It was too hard to be around him, longing for him when you knew nothing would ever happen between the two of you. This whole situation was about to make things a lot harder.

His voice was light and teasing, no actual malice in his words, "There could be worse company, I assure you. You are far more appealing than the insufferable oafs you call friends."

"Hey!" You feigned offense at his name calling, ignoring the blush that rose to your cheeks from his compliment.

Loki's lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He moved to stand next to you, following suit in putting the groceries away. You had to admit, you worked well together; without speaking, Loki handed you the items that belong in the cupboard and in return you would hand him the things that need to be refrigerated. It wasn't long before the two of you had almost all of the groceries packed away.

There was one last item on the table- a bag of marshmallows, no doubt one of Loki's additions to the list. You stood on the tips of your toes to try to put the bag in the cabinet above the stove, but your arms weren't long enough to reach. Just when you were about to take a step back and try to toss the bag into the cabinet, you felt Loki's body brush against your back. He leaned behind you and in one quick, elegant motion he put the bag of marshmallows in the cabinet and shut the door.

Loki's warmth seemed to linger even after he'd stepped away from you, and you hoped he couldn't tell how affected you were by his close proximity.

"How are you holding up with all of this?" Loki leaned back against the counter next to you, crossing his arms and tilting his head to look at you.

"I suppose it could be worse. There are things I'll miss, but we'll just be here for a little while. It's not forever." You gave him a small smile. "How about you?

He returned your smile, only his lit up his entire face. "I'm terrific. I've truly never been better."

You laughed, raising your eyebrows and questioning, "Really? Are you being sarcastic?"

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