Through Love, War, and Back Again (Part 1)

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This is an original characterxloki story! Enjoy!

The auburn haired girl standing in line behind Loki lightly tapped him on the arm, and Loki turned to glare at the midgardian who'd touched him. What he saw was a young woman with gorgeous hair and the prettiest green eyes he'd ever seen- and his scowl quickly shifted into an expression of pleasant surprise.
The woman's voice was soft and smooth as she introduced herself to the demigod. "Hi! I'm Isla. I don't think I've seen you in here before. Is this your first time coming here?"
Loki remarked to himself what a beautiful name that was as he glanced at his surroundings for a moment. The coffee shop line was backed up almost all the way to the door, and Loki was about five people away from ordering.
With that being said, the person in front finished placing their order and the line shifted up. Loki took a few steps forward before turning and looking at Isla again.
"You could say that. I'm Loki."
She held her hand out for him to shake with a bright smile on her face and for some reason it made Loki feel all warm inside.
He shook her hand with a questioning look on his face, waiting for the moment when she recognized who she was and his relation to a certain god of thunder. The look of realization, however, never came.
"It's nice to meet you, Loki."
A sense of relief washed over him, guessing that she had probably never heard of him or his brother. He decided that it would be nice to know someone that wouldn't know him for his actions in the battle of New York, or (possibly worse) who his brother is.
He flashed her a smile before he moved further up in line, saying, "Likewise."
Isla couldn't keep her gaze from Loki's back as the line started to steadily move forward. (Let's be honest here, Isla is definitely thirsty for Loki- and so are we all)
As the person in front of Loki put in his order, Loki turned to Isla and asked her what she was getting.
"I'm not sure what I want yet." He added, seeing Isla's confusion.
"Oh, well I'm going to get a small caramel macchiato. It's my usual."
He gave her a grateful smile and then turned to put in his order.
"Two small caramel macchiatos? Please."
Loki added the 'magic word', for some reason caring what Isla thought of him- and his manners. It felt odd coming from his lips but maybe, just maybe, he could get used to it.
When Loki was finished ordering, he stepped to the side and Isla went to move forward. Loki placed a tentative hand on her elbow and gave a gentle tug, moving her out of the line.
"I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of ordering for you."
Isla smiled bashfully and said, "Thank you. You really didn't have to do that."
The two of them seemed to realize that Loki's hand was still resting on Isla's arm at the same moment and there was a lingering look (like in rom-coms, you know- the one) exchanged between them.
There was something stirring in what seemed like Loki's soul as he reluctantly moved his hand back to his side.
"Are you from New York, or..?" Isla's sounded sweet and friendly as she asked the question, and Loki had to take a deep breath when he realized he was reveling in the sound of her voice.
"No, I'm not from the country actually."
It took everything Loki had not to close his eyes the next time Isla spoke.
"Oh, really? I've been traveling and out of the country for the last six months, and I'm still trying to get settled in."
That explained why she hadn't heard of him or his brother, and probably not even the battle of New York.
"I was up sort of late last night so I desperately needed coffee."
She laughed at the end, and the sound was light and airy, reminiscent of an Asgardian lullaby.
"Two caramel macchiatos!" A barista overly enthusiastically chirped the order as it was put out, and for once Loki didn't have the urge to roll his eyes.
He held a hand out in a 'you first' motion and picked up his coffee just after Isla had gotten hers.
"Would you mind waiting just a moment, please?" Isla had a contradictory hopeful-yet-apprehensive look on her face, and Loki nodded slowly in confusion. The auburn haired girl pulled a pen from her purse and grabbed a napkin, writing a string of numbers down with a little heart right after them.
Isla held out the napkin towards Loki and his fingers grazed hers as he accepted it. "That's my telephone number." Not wanting to seem too desperate, she quickly added, "I'd like to repay you somehow."
Loki's lips curled into a smile and Isla felt all warm inside at the sight of it. "Although that isn't necessary, I am grateful for the thought. Until next time, Isla."
As Loki went through the coffee shop door, thinking all the while about acquiring a cell phone, Isla watched his departing figure through the window with a quickly beating heart. The delicious sound of her name coming from his lips echoed in her mind, and although a smile graced her face, something deep inside Isla told her she was in trouble.

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