Birthday Wishes

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Office AU in which soft!Loki is human.
Predating idiots!
It had been several years since you'd met Loki, and all of the rest of your coworkers. You remember being introduced on your first day on the job and instantly wanted to get to know him. He'd ushered you into the break room during lunch before anyone else went in and told you some quick tips about the office. It was mostly funny tidbits about who to be careful around and what topics to avoid around the water cooler, but it had definitely left an impression.

You and Loki had grown to be close friends. You started looking at him a little differently a year ago though. It wasn't like you meant to fall in love with him. One day, he was nothing more than your best friend and the next, he was someone you couldn't imagine not having in your life. You realized his presence made even the worst days tolerable, and he always seemed to know how to make you laugh. You could always come to him for help, and when you realized how caring and supportive he was, you. fell. hard.

Not that you'd ever tell him any of that though. You were fairly certain he didn't reciprocate your feelings, and Loki meant far too much to you to risk not having him in your life. Not to mention the fact that you see him at work every day and things would never be the same if you told him how you really felt.

Today was one of your favorite days of the year, and it always somehow fell on a work day: your birthday. Last year, no one in the office remembered it was your birthday except for Loki, who made you a mixtape of his favorite songs. You were fairly certain he had remembered at the last minute and chose the first thing he saw in his car, but at least it was something.

Not that you're a complainer- it just sucks to have expectations and then be disappointed. This year, you weren't expecting anything. You plastered a smile on your face as you entered the office. The lights were off and you assumed that you were the first one to come in, but when you flicked on the lights, your ears were met with a chorus of "surprise!"

You covered your mouth with your hand in shock as your coworkers popped out of their positions behind their desks. The office was covered in streamers and balloons, and a real smile lifted your lips as you noticed a few presents sitting on the floor by your desk. Robert and Susan came up to you to wish you a happy birthday and you thanked them graciously before your eyes locked with Loki's. He smiled and waved you over, and you started to make your way to his desk when your boss called your name from his office.

You held up a finger for Loki to wait a second and entered your boss' office. "Shut the door behind you, will you?" You did as you were asked before taking a seat across from your boss. He was a short, lean older man with blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Freckles spotted his wide nose and cheeks and when he smiled at you, one of his dimples showed under his scruff.

"I hope you're having a wonderful birthday. I know it's a bummer to celebrate at the office, but I have some news that might make it worth it. The manager of our sister branch is retiring, and corporate is looking for someone already in the company to fill that position."
You didn't see where Sean was going with this, but you nodded as he continued.
"You have the best sales record of this branch and have shown excellent leadership qualities. Corporate would like you to interview for the position, but between you and me, you have it if you want it. Obviously you would have to move, but the position would come with a pay raise and increase in benefits. Corporate will be in touch with a day and time for the interview if you're interested."

A lot of thoughts popped into your mind and all you could say was, "Oh, wow. I don't even know what to say. Thank you, um, I'll definitely give it some thought." If you transferred another branch, you would be leaving everything behind- including Loki. He shouldn't have been the first person you thought of, but he was.

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