New Beginning Pt. 2

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A second part was requested, so here you go! Short, sweet, and fluffy!
You and Loki had grown quite close over the last couple of years. He helped you leave your old life behind and start anew. He told you about who he was and how he was able to heal you that day, and he had come to know almost everything about you. The two of you were inseparable best friends. You even had sleepovers in the living room on the weekends, and helped each other study into the wee hours of the morning.

You kept the fact that you'd fallen in love with him a secret. You couldn't risk losing him; He was far too important to you. You couldn't shake the feeling that might happen anyway since you both graduated last week. What if you had to move and go your separate ways? You didn't know what you'd do without him.

Loki knocked on the frame of your open door and you spun in your chair to smile at him. He had one hand behind his back and you raised an eyebrow questionably. "You're not going to spray me with a water gun indoors again, are you?"

An amused smirk graced Loki's face and he replied, "I don't know, you'll have to find out." He took a few steps forward until he was directly in front of you. You raised your hands cautiously in front of you. He smiled and said, "Relax, sunshine, it's a graduation present."

He placed the gift in your hands and you smiled so widely that your cheeks hurt. It was a framed picture of the two of you in your graduation caps and gowns. Your breath caught in your throat when you noticed that you were looking at the camera but Loki's eyes were on you.

"Loki, I love it, truly. Thank you!" You sat the picture on your desk and stood to envelope him in a hug. Your arms wound around his torso and you buried your face in his shoulder. Loki's hands found the small of your back and it seemed like the gravity of the whole graduation situation started pressing in at that moment. You both held each other a little tighter, and it didn't feel like either of you wanted to let go.

After a few more moments, you moved your head back and started to pull away. Loki's arms stayed wrapped around you though, so you moved your hands to his shoulders and looked into his eyes. His voice was soft and low as he said, "Can I tell you something?"

You nodded, your tone matching his, "You know you can tell me anything."

"For the first time in my life, I'm admitting that I'm-" he took in a shaky breath before continuing, "afraid, afraid of losing you. If I don't say this now, though, I might never again have the courage to do so. I am in love with you, Y/N. You are the first thing I think of when I wake and my last thought at night, and every second in between. I don't know if I can go without seeing you every single day when I can barely stand a second of being apart from you."

Your heart swelled and you whispered, "I don't think you'll have to worry about that." A few tears fell from your eyes and Loki took one hand off of your waist to brush them away. Loki's voice thickened with emotion, "Why's that?"

"Because I'm in love with you, too." Loki cupped your face with his hand and lightly grazed his lips over yours. You closed your eyes and pressed into him, and the feeling of his lips and body against yours made you feel like you were finally home.

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