The Universe and Loki Laufeyson Part Five

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You couldn't stop thinking about Loki no matter how hard you tried not to.
He consumed your thoughts the whole time you were changing and on the way to the restaurant.
You searched for Jeffrey as you walked in, and when you finally saw him he was standing up from a table, smiling at you.
You made your way over to him and smiled at him in greeting. He held your chair out for you and you thanked him as he sat down across from you.
"I just want to go ahead and say that.. I'm sorry for how our last meeting went. If I had known-"
"Please don't apologize. In fact, I wanted to have dinner with you to have a chance to thank you." He gave you a wide smile and your eyebrows rose in surprise.
"Thank me?"
Jeffrey stretched his hand across the table and touched yours briefly before thinking twice about it and pulling his hand back. You caught a glimpse of the soulmate marking that you hadn't noticed before on the palm of his hand.
"Yes, I wanted to thank you for the way you fought for your soulmate. You helped restore my faith in finding mine. I'd given up a long time ago but seeing the way that you already cared so much for your soulmate made me realize that I don't want anyone else other than my soulmate."
You relaxed and smiled at him, saying, "That's wonderful, Jeffrey. I'm glad I could be a part of that."
Just as you said the last word, you heard a voice asking the two of you if you were ready to order. Jeffrey froze as he looked up, watching the small soulmate marking on the worker's palm turn a dark green. The worker seemed to notice this too and stared at Jeffrey in surprise. Slow smiles appeared on both of their faces and you rose from your seat, deciding to tell Jeffrey goodnight and head out. He didn't pay any attention as you left, completely enamored with his soulmate, and you really couldn't blame him.
In fact, you wanted to go back to Loki that instant but you fought the urge and made your way back home. You checked your phone and noticed a voicemail from your mother, and you sighed as you listened to her voice reminding you to call her when you were back from your 'date'.
You took a deep breath before dialing her number and waited until she answered. "So, how'd it go? I hope you say it went terrifically, I-"
"It actually did! Jeffrey found his soulmate."
There was a moment of silence on the other end before your mother said, "Well, that's not a problem. There's plenty of other men out there-"
You rolled your eyes and settled down on your couch. "Mom, I've told you, I don't want anyone else but Loki." As you said his name, you smiled and your mother could tell that from your voice.
"Please don't tell me that you're falling for that thing."
You couldn't believe she just said that, and you ended the call before you said anything you'd regret.
A couple of days later, after you got out of work, you had called Stark Tower security and let them know you'd be coming by again.
You were longing to see him and the elevator ride up to Loki's floor seemed to take ages and ages. The doors finally opened and you exited the elevator, walking down the hall and checking the study. He was sitting on the sofa, head bent with his back to the door. When he heard you say his name, he turned his head and smiled softly at you. There were bruises and cuts on his face, and you gasped.
"Loki! What happened?" You hurriedly came to stand in front of him and your eyes watered as you looked more closely at the wounds. "Are you okay?" Your voice came out as a whisper and was laced with worry. He took one of your hands in his as he replied, "Yes, I'm alright. For some reason, this morning Stark asked if I'd want to go with him on an errand, likely just so I would be able to get out of the building for a bit. I of course said yes and while we were out, a few men recognized me then took me by surprise and attacked me for my treachery against New York. They put in a few good hits before Stark and I handled the situation."
You gently cupped the side of his face with your free hand, your voice wavering as you softly said, "Oh, Loki."
He released your other hand from his hold and leaned into the one that was touching his face.
You said without thinking, "I wish you'd be more careful. I don't want to lose you, you know."
He gazed into your eyes and put his hands on your hips, pulling you closer and guiding you to straddle him.
Your other hand moved to rest on Loki's chest, his own hands traveled up and his arms wrapped around your waist and lower back. There was hardly any space left between you.
His voice was a whisper and his eyes were fixed on yours as he said, "You won't.. I promise."
You leaned in and tentatively pressed your lips to his, not wanting to hurt him. He obviously didn't care about that though, and he feverishly kissed you back. Sparks flew as he practically devoured your lips, like you were an oasis of water after spending his whole life wandering through the desert.
Loki couldn't get enough of you, and when you finally broke apart, it wasn't long before he'd captured your lips again.
It was a shorter kiss than the first, yet just as amazing and you curled your fingers into his hair.
When you pulled back from that kiss, you were both breathing heavily and, to tell the truth, you were a little dazed. Kissing Loki was like nothing you'd ever felt before, and you had a feeling that you might crave his lips on yours after you left.
Loki seemed to be having similar thoughts because he stared at your lips as he breathlessly said, "I can't- I just can't help myself."
He kissed you again with everything he had, and at this point you felt that you must be dreaming because it just kept getting better and better. You moaned into his lips and he tightened his arms around you, keeping you in his hold for a few more moments before loosening his grip.
You pulled back once again, this time removing your hands from his hair and shakily standing up.
You turned away for a moment and waited until your breathing was almost back to normal before you faced him and said, "I- wow. I don't even know what to say."
Loki stood up slowly and there was an expression on his face that you couldn't quite make sense of. "I do."
He seemed to want to say something else before closing his eyes and breathing deeply. When he opened his eyes again, the look on his face had vanished, and he gave you a small smile when a beeping sounded from one of the other rooms. "I have a surprise for you."
He held his hand out to you and you took it, lacing your fingers together as he led you to the kitchen.
As you entered the room, you noticed that a delicious smell filled the air. "I watched something on the television that taught me to make something called baked spaghetti. Would you- would you stay? For dinner." He added 'for dinner' quite quickly.
You smiled and told him that you'd love to, and Loki kissed the back of your hand before letting it go and turning to get the food out of the oven.
You glanced at the table in the corner and saw that he had set it already, and you smirked as he turned back to face you and plate the food.
He noticed the look and asked, "What?" He followed your gaze to the table and gave you a 'you caught me' smile.
You walked towards Loki and gave him a peck on the cheek before taking both of your plates to the table.
There was an abundance of laughter over dinner as Loki told you some of the tricks he used to play on Thor when they were children. Just as the two of you were finishing up, Loki told you about the time he transformed from a snake and stabbed Thor.
You gasped, "Loki!"
He held his hands up in a defensive motion, saying, "He was fine afterwards.. the look on his face was priceless."
You raised your eyebrow at him and he muttered, "You had to have been there."
You had to bite back a smile at the expression on his face. As both of you finished your food, Loki rose from his seat and began to walk through the doorway, gesturing for you to join him. You followed him to his bedroom, and before your heart could begin hammering in your chest, Loki sat on a sofa in the corner of the room instead of the bed.
You walked over to the sofa and moved to sit right next to him before you decided to drape your legs over his lap and rest your head on his chest, just below his neck.
As Loki resumed his storytelling (upon your request) you closed your eyes, and you really shouldn't have because the sound of his smooth voice and feel of his thumb rubbing light circles on your arm had you quickly drifting off to sleep.

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