| chapter one |

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{Narrator's POV}

The bus honked its usual horn, making all the anxious battle goers run with glee to the bus. But then again, not EVERYONE wanted to go.

"I'm tired of this fucking shit. It's always repetitive." The male crossed his arms, looking out the bus' window, sighing.

"It's not THAT bad, Drifty." Raptor nudged his shoulder, causing the other to roll his eyes.

"Oh really? Why don't you let Wick be the judge of that." Drift grumbled, looking at the islands new form.

"I wouldn't, he's been a little.. weird, lately." Raptor shrugged, looking forward.

"What makes you say that?" Drift asked, looking at John Wick in the front of the bus, his whole aura looking a little.. Dull.

"He's been weird ever since the island changed, I'm guessing Omega did something about it."

"How would Omega even touch the island? After all, he's not really the 'type' to take over and change this island completely.

The two looked at each other, then, the familiar horn of the bus rang into the cabin, everyone getting ready to jump out.

"I assume we're going to our usual spot?" Raptor asked, watching everyone jump out.

"I suppose so, get Wick, I'll meet you guys there." Drift said, jumping out the bus' rear exit, gliding his way over to "Lonely Lodge", well.. near the edge of it, into the grand mansion.


Once all the men were there, including Carbide, Raptor started typing into the data base in the basement.

"So.. tell me again why we're down here..?" Drift asked, playing around with his mask. John looked at him and sighed.

"Raptor is looking for another recruit, possibly a female this time."

Drift looked up, putting his mask down on the countertop. He walked to Raptor and raised a brow.

"And why are we doing this, exactly?"

"Because, we need more females around here! Don't worry, I have the right one. Her name is '(y/n)'." Raptor winked, causing the masked teen to fluster up.

"Wait Wait, why does this have to revolve around me??" Drift asked, gaining chuckles and smiles.

"Because, you're the new one. You can teach her some new things too."

"Oh boy.." Drift picked his mask up and clenched it.

"This is going to be the death of me.."

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