|chapter twenty-two |

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{Narrator's POV}

After a whole day of nothing but feeling others suffer, the three finally set off toward "home", the blood stained clothes and faces made due for their murderous actions.

However, was it REALLY worth it after all?

They all finally made it toward Zoey's house. The metallic smell became more and more sickening, yet sweet at the same time to the teenagers.

Zoey let the two wash their clothes while they bathed silently upstairs in the separate bathrooms her seemingly huge house had.

It got Drift and (y/n) thinking, about why they're so adamant about shedding blood, killing players in this fucked up world, the shrieks of pain the people made as they suffered.

"It's as if we're being controlled.." the two thought in unison, how surprising about the contradicting thoughts.

Was this something to ponder on?

"You have much to be thinking about.. (y/n).." a menacing low voice whispered into her ear. Shocked, she turned around and saw nothing but the lime green tiled walls complementing the interior frame.

"Who.. Who was that?" She called out, looking around for any sign of life near her.

Nothing, she was all alone.

"You've been a bad girl, (y/n).. I think it's time to show you what you're really doing." The voice again whispered ever so slightly into her ear, the shivers running down her bare body.

Jumping out, (y/n) looked around and slipped her clothes on fast.

With one last look of reassurance, she slammed the bathroom door shut and ran down the stairs to see Drift and Zoey talking quietly.

"There you are, you alright?" She asked. (y/n) nodding and sitting next to Drift. She looked at Drift and felt something, off.

He seemed easily annoyed, but it didn't bother (y/n). That's how most teens are nowadays, right?

"Hey, Drift." (y/n) poked him, he turned his head slowly at her and raised a brow.


"Can we talk..?" She asked. The male grunted and motioned for her to go up the stairs. Following, she closed a bedroom door and blocked it.

"Please tell me a voice is talking to you too..?"

"One more word from you, (y/n), you're a dead little girl."

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME?!" (y/n) yelled and punched nothing but the air, Drift snapped out of his funk and caught her, giving an extremely worried face.

"What the fuck is going on with you?!"

Zoey came in the room and ran toward (y/n), checking her head and then rubbing her temples.

"It's her sanity, she's going nuts. We need to sedate her, but I can't do anything to help that."

"How the fuck does someone sedate in a FUCKING CARTOON WORLD?" Drift yelled, holding (y/n) down. She violently kicked and screamed.

Her laugh becoming more violent, Zoey watched as Drift tried his best to keep he calm.


Drift looked at Zoey, his eyes wide. "THE FUCK?!"

She sighed. "Not on the lips, forehead, maybe? I feel as if it'll calm her down. Just try it, please?"

"There's no way-"


"FINE!" Drift yelled, he looked at the struggling female and planted a kiss onto her forehead. She stopped moving and looked confused, her (e/c) eyes dilated and dull, her face looking emotionless and tired.

"How the fuck-"

"It's a little trick, if you manipulate the person who's having an episode of insanity with something shocking to them, they go into a little short spurt of sedation."

Drift looked confused, Zoey sighed. "Moo taught me that, it's supposed to suppress the mind and it's clogged thoughts, look at how calm she is now."

(y/n) laid there in Drift's lap, staring at the ceiling.

"I don't understand, why is she even-"

"Our minds aren't used to this much. Especially hers, I'm used to it, as you are too. But she isn't. I guarantee the moment we went on this sort of rampage, her mind collected thoughts, a voice if you call it that."

"But why would she go insane? I don't understand that."

Zoey rubbed the back of her neck and sighed.

"She may have been in a great mindset, but the longer you're stuck on this hellhole, the more insane you may become. I was the same way when I first came here, then I grew to the environment, meaning I wasn't bothered."

Drift watched (y/n) slowly, her breaths becoming less short.

"Plus, she has NOT slept in four days. That's another key to the surge of insanity."

Drift sighed and picked the girl up, walking her to the bed in the room and setting her down.

"Get some rest, (y/n)." he turned toward Zoey and threw his jacket and shirt toward the drawer nearest to Kenzie.

"Are you gonna sleep with her..?"

"What? No. I'm gonna be on the floor, just in case something unfolds."

"Oh." Zoey said and walked toward the door.

"Wait, Zoey." Drift called out, the female turned back around and looked at him with confusion.

"Keep an eye on (y/n)."

Zoey raised a brow and looked at Drift with an expression of sheer confusion and worry.

"Why, Drift?"

He looked at (y/n) and sighed, putting his face in between his hands and then looking up.

"I think it's time I leave and handle this shit on my own."

"What the fuck are you serious?! After ALL this poor girl has been through? You're gonna just leave her like that?!" Zoey yelled, Drift shushed her and motioned for them to walk toward the downstairs area.

"It's not the best thing to explain.. but I think it's best if I leave and find out what to do on my own part."

"So you're saying (y/n) is deadweight to you?" Zoey asked, crossing her arms.

"No! She'll never be deadweight to me.." Drift replied, his shoulders tense as he looked down toward the floor. Zoey raised a brow and sighed.

"Then why."

Drift just stared at her, his eyes showing the pang of guilt. He didn't WANT to leave her, but what else was there to do?

"I can't explain. Please just tell her I'm sorry." Drift finally answered, he had others things to say but kept it to himself.

Not wanting to ruin the moment. (😏)

With that, he left. Never to be seen from Zoey, or (y/n) again.

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