| chapter five |

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{Narrator's POV}

Drift and (y/n) lurked around the forested area, searching aimlessly for their mentor in the seemingly endless cartoon land.

"I don't understand, how does someone disappear like that?!" (y/n) asked, the anger rising in her voice.

"I feel as if they did this with complete reason." Drift mumbled, (y/n) furrowed a brow at the male, crossing her arms in protest.

"Complete reason?! Umm the fuck do you think this is??"

Drift raised a finger, shushing the female, he looked around the main area they were in and quickly grabbed his gun out, aiming it to the left quarter of the area.

"What the fuck?" (y/n) jumped and ducked, holding her head in between her frail legs. Drift took notice and kneeled down, meeting her (e/c) eyes.

"It's fine, (y/n). Come here." Drift extended a hand out, (y/n) grabbed it willingly and pulled into Drifts chest, the male grunting at the sudden interaction.

"It's really not THAT bad (y/n), a twig startled me." Drift reassured her, the female sighed.

"I just don't understand what's going on, I feel like we're in a whole heap of fucking.. I don't even know!" (y/n) buried her face into Drift, the male slightly turning red at her embrace.

"I.. uhh.. It's okay, I'll protect you." Drift said, rubbing her back.

Raptor and John looked in surprise, the plan actually worked.

Wait.. what plan?

"Aha! I told you!" Raptor whispered to John, the man sighing and face palming.

"You didn't tell me ANYTHING. I'm just surprised they have feelings for each other. So quickly too." John said, scratching his chin.

Raptor scoffed. John raised a brow.


"Drift doesn't have feelings for her yet. Keyword, YET."

John sighed and stared at the two, (y/n) holding still to Drift slowly rocking her, looking around in confusion.

"Ah, the earth boy has a hardcore crush."

"Yeah, no shit. But say, Raptor." John started, Raptor looking at John, giving him the look that he's listening clearly.

"How long until (y/n) tells him the truth?"

Raptor paused and thought for a moment, staring back at the two proclaimed 'love birds'.

"I'm not sure, I feel as if we're gonna need to get it out of them some way?"

"Hmm..." John continued to observe, Drift slowly growing tired, he yawned and the female pulled away and rubbed her eyes.

"Why am I so tired all of the sudden?" (y/n) looked up at the towering man, he slowly swayed back and forth.

"I.. I don't-" Drift started, but fell back. (y/n) did as well.

"What the fuck?!" Raptor screamed out, running to the two earthlings, staring at them both.

"What happened to them? Why are they like this?" Raptor asked John impatiently.

"Raptor RELAX!" John began, "They're from earth, remember? They're not used to the way our days and nights work here."

"Oh. I guess you have a point.."

The two carried Drift and (y/n) back into the HQ, placing them into the spare living quarters just above Carbide's room, so he can go check on them.

- hour time skip cause I'm fuckin' lazy. -

"Why do you think she's hiding the truth from him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, why do you think (y/n) is hiding the fact she likes Drift?"

"Probably way too nervous, or she's waiting for the right time to tell him? After all, she literally JUST met him."

"True, it's like love at first sight apparently. But I don't see why-" Raptor was cut short by John, his finger silencing the male in the tracks.

"How the fuck are they up already? It's been like an hour."

"Shut it you big baby, follow me."

The men listened in silence. two pairs of footsteps could be heard upstairs, the two men looked at each other and nodded, slowly tiptoeing to the area they heard the noises.

There they were, Drift and (y/n), gearing up to leave the HQ again.

"And just where do you think you two are going?" John said quietly, making sure to not wake Carbide.

"Uhh Mr. Wick! Hey there, we we're gonna just go back out and train, that's all." Drift said calmly, (y/n) smiling as she agreed with the blonde.

"Not so fast, it's way too late for you both, how the hell did you even wake up that fast? It's been an hour?"

John eyed the two, (y/n) took a breath and walked up to them.

"I woke him up, I have no idea why I was awake that quick but I didn't know you both were still up so I figured me and him can go out and train some more while you guys can rest up?"

Raptor stepped in and laughed.

"Listen it's okay to finally confess your undying love for-"

John grabbed Raptor by the neck and swung him around, glaring hard into his brown orbs.

"Be quiet you big idiot, she can't know that WE know."

"Ohh! Okay! Why didn't you just say so?"

"Ugh, whatever then. ANYWAYS!" John turned back towards the two teens, watching them both look at each other in straight confusion.

"You two need to stay here. We'll all go out and train tomorrow morning, deal?"

(y/n) nodded, Drift followed along and yawned.

"Now get back to bed you two. We'll be up pretty early to start your training."

(y/n) raised a brow, then shrugged. Walking back into her room, shutting the door quietly.

Drift on the other hand, stayed back and walked up to the two, cocking his head to the side in utter confusion.

"So.. what're you both planning here..?" Drift asked, watching the Raptor look around and laughed nervously.

"Oh would you look at that! I need to do some.. er.. THINGS! Yes things! See ya!" He ran quickly to his room, closing the door shut, leaving a confused Drift behind.

"Okay... Uhm."

"Don't mind it. Get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning. Do NOT forget we're up extremely early training, you both need to learn the ropes before I send you out to kill others."

"Got it Mr. Wick." Drift nodded and walked towards his room, John sighed and walked downstairs.

"These kids really don't know on what's going to hit them."

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