"John, Raptor?!"

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"You seemed ready for me, what changed?"

That tone of voice sent the female through a rollercoaster of thoughts, some being alright, the others downright unpleasant.

She stared at him with wide eyes, his smirk not leaving his face. She seemed trapped. But, what would it matter?

(y/n) didn't care, if it meant- nvm.

"I.. Uh.." (y/n) started to tremble, her thoughts racing more and more through her head. She wanted to just attack the male with affection, but she didn't know if he was joking or not.

Drift rolled his eyes and whispered into her ear one more.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

"Fuck you." She said low, the redness only becoming bigger and bigger onto her (s/c) cheeks. Drift chuckled and walked toward HIS room, laying the girl down.

"What'll it be, princess?" His arms crossing over his bare chest, (y/n) wanted to cover and hide, the overriding embarrassment she felt as he stood over her.

"Don't call me that." She hid her face from him, he chuckled and pulled her hands away from her face.

"What do you want to be called then, (y/n)?" His voice sending more and more shivers down her spine, she felt the heat radiating off of his chest and hands.

"(y-y/n).. I like the way you say it." She gulped, the male nodded and slowly straddled the female on the bed. Her cheeks radiating so much heat it could literally be a fireplace running.

"You know, (y/n)." Drift started, she looked up at him and raised her brow in confusion. He smiled and leaned toward her ear.

"You're extremely adorable when you are embarrassed."

"T-Thanks, Drift." She stuttered, the continuous feelings hitting her hard. He took notice and once again, that devious smirk came across his face.

"I'll only act on it, if you give me permission."

"I-" (y/n) started, Drift titled his head to the side, that goddamn smile killed her.

She just wanted to fuck him already. But she's too afraid to say so.

"Please." was all the female mustered out, that gave Drift the okay to do his dirty deeds (😉)

"Let me know, if I start to hurt you. That's not my intention, (y/n)."

She nodded and pulled him closer, she finally felt that pang of confidence in her body to go on with it.

After all, you have to make the best of this cartoon hell, right?

"Ah, you're really tempted for this, aren't you?" He asked, lifting her up to his eye level. (y/n) had the look of temptation on her face, she wanted him, and she wanted him BAD.

"Don't keep me waiting, stop being a goddamn tease." (y/n) groaned at the blonde, his chuckle sent the all too familiar shivers down her spine.

"If you insist, (y/n)."

He turned his body so he was the one on top of her once more, his body touching against (y/n)'s, Of course things always start off with the simplicities.

Drift slammed his lips onto hers, she didn't hesitate to kiss back. They laid there for what felt like forever, making out on the bed.

It was the great start to the madness.

Once they got their fix, Drift sat up and lifted (y/n)'s clothes off of her. Taking the time to admire every single thing about her body.

She hid in embarrassment, Drift frowned and moved her arms away.

"Don't be embarrassed. You're perfect the way you are."

"I know but look at you-" (y/n) was cut off by a hard kiss to the lips, the more and more they waited, the worse the temptation became.

"Don't worry about me, (y/n). You're perfect, leave it at that." His state sent the shivers back down her spine, the goosebumps forming on her (s/c) skin.

Once (y/n) felt comfortable enough, Drift began to back away slightly, revealing his member, (y/n) looked at him and whimpered.

"You ready, (y/n)?" He asked, she nodded quickly and held tightly against the sheets. Drift straddled against her once again, this time, slowly putting it in.

(y/n) felt the little surge of pain going through her, but she didn't care. This was Drift we're talking about.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked, she shook her head and gripped onto his bare back. He grunted at her gesture and continued on.

With each and every thrust, (y/n) began to grow more and more weaker at the touch of Drift against her. She get the climax, but didn't want to stop there.

She was NOT finished.

"L-Let me top." She demanded, Drift obeyed and with one swift motion, he flipped her over so she was on top of the male.

"Your turn." He smirked, (y/n) chuckled and got into position. She was definitely not going to fuck this up.

"Bare with me, I haven't done this." She responded truthfully, Drift shook his head and smiled.

"Well the more you sit on it, the worse it's gonna get."

(y/n) nodded and began her fix, making sure to do it slightly. Drift held onto her hips, she didn't let go that easily.

"We should go check in on them, they haven't responded to us lately." John insisted, his hands resting against the doorknob. Raptor shook his head.

"It's not like we'll even see anything, they're probably just sleeping." Raptor said, crossing his arms against his tight chest. John sighed and turned the doorknob slowly, waiting for Raptor to trail behind him.

Big mistake.

"Hey kids, we were wondering how you were-" John started but clamped his mouth shut, the two teens were literally fucking in the bed.

"Uh.." Raptor muttered, his hand reaching for the door to lead out or the main quarters again. John following pursuit.

"John, Raptor?!" was all (y/n) could muster out as the two men sat there, like deer in headlights as they backed away slowly. Drift smirked and leaned down to whisper to the female.

"Watch this.."

"What? Y'all wanna join?" Drift asked, (y/n) staring at him wide eyed. Raptor and John looked at each other and then back toward the teens as they were still going.

"That sounds like a-" Raptor began but was punched hard in the side, his body lurched back and he groaned in pain.

"Raptor! No." John said angrily, walking out with Raptor and closing the door, the two sat there in disbelief and sighed.

"That was my chance though.."

"What? Lord, you're so stupid sometimes." John groaned, face palming in disappointment as the two became awfully quiet.

"I am stupid, and an idiot, but I'm your idiot~"

"Indeed you are. Let's go to bed." John mumbled, walking away with Raptor as the night grew more and more bright with stars.

"Did they leave?" (y/n) asked Drift quietly, her hands pressed against the door as she can't hear anything anymore. Drift nodded and smiled.

"Those two are so cute. I ship it to the max."

"Oh no, not again.." (y/n) mumbled, she walked back to the bed and laid down. The blonde scoffed and walked back, his body on top of hers.

"Hey, I'm not finished yet~"

"Then come finish. I'm waiting." (y/n) winked.

You're welcome. 🥰

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