| chapter seven |

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{Narrator's POV}

Drift and (y/n) walked for days it seemed, searching for the place called "Lazy Links".

"God it's as if we're never going to find the place." (y/n) said, annoyed at how early it is and how hard it is to find a country club on this seemingly large island.

"We'll find it (y/n). Give it time, I'm sure it's beyond Dusty and Loot?" Drift said, looking towards Retail's end. (y/n) sighed and watched the male figure out where to go.

"Drift." (y/n) said, the teen turned around and raised a brow at her, meaning for her to ask whatever question it was she had.

"Should we just wait for Mr. Wick and Raptor?"

Drift shrugged. "They told me to just take you and go, that they needed to sort some things out."



(y/n) stopped and rubbed her temples. "I don't know, I'm just ready to go back to earth and never be in this video game anymore."

"Me too, you're not alone on that." Drift said, sighing at the thought.

These two were in a video game that they and their friends played daily, how the fuck did they manage to get into the game themselves? Why them?

Who knows. It's something even I can't explain.

"Let's get going, we need to go to Lazy before THEY get there." Drift said, motioning (y/n) to follow suit, she got up and walked by his side.

- time skip because I really don't know what to write -

Walking towards the country club, (y/n) stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Drift, the teen noticed, looking at her in confusion, yet worry.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know.. I feel so.." (y/n) started but stopped, the sound of a gun clicking behind them.

Drift froze and stared at the two men behind (y/n), they looked as if they wanted trouble.

"Morning kiddos, what're you doing up so early on OUR turf?" Burnout asked, gripping his Hand Cannon while staring at Drift.

"We.. We don't want any trouble, we're just here to train with our two mentors, they're not with us yet but they are coming." Drift stated, pushing (y/n) behind him.

The female looked at her scar and then back up at the two men glaring hard at her.

"Look, we don't want to game end you both, but if you don't leave now, we'll have some very big issues." Burnout continued, keeping an eye on (y/n).

"Like I've said, we're here training with our mentors, John Wick and Raptor.. please leave us alone." Drift put a hand on (y/n), motioning her to back up.

"Ha! The ultimate pro and fruitcake? Like we believe you!" Skull Trooper butted in, glaring hard at Drift.

"Yes. And from what I've learned, I can game end BOTH of you if you continue to threaten me and my teammate." Drift said sternly, pulling out his Assault Rifle and cautiously aiming it at the two men.

"GET (Y/N) YOU IDIOTS!" John could be heard on their walkie talkies, Drift backed up and built a quick 1x1, leaving (y/n) on the bottom.

"(y/n), stay here. Don't move, they're coming for you." Drift ordered, the female turned ghostly white, looking out of the builds cracked wall.

"Why me?!" (y/n) yelled, the two men opened fire and she ducked, hiding in the corner.

Drift started shooting, jumping out of the 1x1 towards the two men.

"Go around and get her. I'll handle him." Burnout demanded, Skull Trooper nodded and ran to the left, nowhere to be seen anymore.

Drift shrugged it off and continued his fight with Burnout. Meanwhile (y/n) hid for her life, fearful of being game ended.

"Oh man.. I'm gonna end up dying here, I at least need to help."

"But I'm not even able to fucking build properly, that training wasn't enough. FUCK!"

Just then, Skull Trooper broke down the wall where (y/n) sat, exposing her to all three of the males.

Drift turned around and froze.

(y/n) looked terrified, she held her head in between her head and cried, meanwhile Skull Trooper held the Pistol to her head.

"(y/n)!" Drift screamed.

That's when it went silent. The only word heard from (y/n) was "Drift..?" Before the loud bang of the pistol could be heard, hitting (y/n) clean in the chest, downing her.

Skull Trooper grinned deviously, looking back up at Drift.

"Oh poor girl, such a shame that we'll let her bleed out. Now, onto YOU." Burnout laughed, Drift yelled in anger and shot Burnout clean in the head, downing him.

Skull Trooper dropped his gun, backing away from the mess that was caused.

"You.. YOU FUCKING PRICK!!" Drift screamed loudly, shooting Skull Trooper, knocking him down as well.

"IM ABOUT. TO. GAME. END. YOU. MYSELF!" Drift's face growing even more red in anger, the two men stared up defenseless, both pleading for their lives.

That's when Leviathan came in, quickly scooping them up and driving off towards where Raptor and John waited, watching the whole thing.

Drift dropped his gun and ran towards (y/n), picking her up with his two hands and holding her.

"(y/n).. Please talk to me. (y/n)..?" Drift asked softly, the female staring up at her companion, the health slowly draining from her body.
Now now, I know what you're thinking. "How the fuck does someone BLEED in a game that doesn't show it?"  Well, don't forget that YOU and Drift are literally IN it, things are different inside rather than them being out of it and playing on PC or console.

Poor thing. Maybe you die? Nah. I'll spare you ;)

Now, back onto the story.
"I don't know how to get you back up, I'll try anything, please stay awake for me (y/n)."

"Drift.." (y/n) mumbled, Drift held her up closer to his face and watched her once (e/c) eyes, turn grey and dull, the life literally leaving her eyes.

Drift, covered in his and her blood, held her tightly.

"Yes, (y/n)?"

"Why.." she started. "Why do I feel so cold..?" She muttered. Drift yelled in anger and pain, the tears forming into his eyes.

"I don't know (y/n).. I'm so sorry.." Drift said, watching her slowly become limp.

The female weakly smiled and then closed her eyes. Her health finally at 20, the last peak of life.

She was about to be game ended.

"No, no, NO (Y/N)!" Drift screamed.

John and Raptor watched in horror, the teen didn't know how to revive her. Something they should have taught him.

(Idiots. At least TEACH them that. xd)

"Fuck, did we go to far?" John asked, the worry becoming more noticeable in his face.

"I don't know, but we need to get out there and save her, come on!" Raptor yelled, running towards the two.

"(y/n)?! Drift?!" Raptor and John yelled in unison, the male looked up at them, the hot tears streaming down his face.

"Help me save her.."

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