| chapter eighteen |

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{Narrator's POV}

The walk home was silent. No one spoke a single word.

(y/n) and Drift walked side by side, both torn and completely unresponsive. Meanwhile, the other three were in the back watching silently, the frowns never left their faces.

John sighed and mumbled quietly to the the men.

"Do you think they'll be okay?"

"I don't know, they both look so emotionless and empty." Raptor whispered to John, Carbide nodding to his remark.

"How do we know they won't leave?"

John stopped and stared at Carbide, looking confused.

"What do you mean, Carbide?" He asked, Carbide shrugged and looked forward to see the two continuing to walk.

"What if they leave the HQ and try to solve this more themselves? It's as if they're gonna slowly lose their hope and never come back."

(Huge Foreshadow here ^ 😏)

Raptor shook his head and sighed. "Let's not think about the worst outcome, they just need to gain back their senses and they'll be back to normal, right?"

John looked at Raptor with disappointment. "Unfortunately, we don't know. This REALLY hit home with them, I guarantee they're not gonna last any longer."

The two were out of sight, the three men finished talking and ran toward them.

Once caught up, they were already near Lonely, it seemed as if time went by faster.

It certainly wasn't pleasant.

"God I hate how this has turned out, those two deserve to get back home." John said angrily, Carbide and Raptor nodding in agreement.

"They're fucking KIDS, they don't deserve this, it's just not right."

"There's not much we can due except go on squads, duos, and whatnot. This is their home now, no matter how hard we try to help."

John shrugged and rubbed his temples softly.

"I suppose so."

- skip brought to you by the ATK! :) -

It had been three whole days of nothing but silence from the two teens, they would sit in their rooms and just stare out the window or ceiling as if the souls got sucked out of them.

It pained the three men, but what more could they even do? The hopelessness spreading into around like wildfire.

"What did Oblivion even say to them?" Carbide asked, John looked at him and scratched his chin.

"I don't even know. They won't even speak to us."

The days turned into a full week of nothing but mumbling and unresponsive remarks. It was draining the other three because they could do nothing but sit and watch them either cry silently, or stare into the wall like nothing was there.

"I've had enough, we're talking to them. Now." John said sternly, walking up the stairs and walking into Drift's room first, motioning him to get up.

He stared at John, no emotion emitting off of him.

It was unsettling to say the least, but John didn't give up. He grabbed the male by the arm and dragged him out and toward the downstairs area, where (y/n) and the others were waiting.

"You two are starting to worry me. We need to know if you're okay, please, just say something." John said, his arms crossed like how a worried mother would react when their kid said or did something worth the worry.

"What's more to say.." (y/n) mumbled.

Raptor looked at her and frowned.

"We're hopeless at this point.."

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