| chapter twenty-eight |

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{Narrator's POV}

Drift sat there in confusion. His face ghost white while his fingers tapped quickly onto the couches arm rest.

"Why the fuck is she with Oblivion?"

The three men stared at Drift with cold eyes, they seemed disappointed and hurt for (y/n). Which is completely understandable because the damn kid left her ALONE.

some dude he is.

"Well?" John finally spoke out, Raptor and Carbide both giving confused stares at the teen.

"I.. Why is (y/n) with Oblivion?" He asked, his voice beginning to sound more and more afraid, though he felt anger and worry.

"We don't know. All I can tell you is that Raptor and I both saw her on the ground, passed out with a gash to her head. Then, Oblivion and Omega came and scooped her up."

Drift felt sick, his partner was taken by Oblivion and Omega and god knows what fucking happened to her. For all he knows she could've been put into some weird shit and now she's gone.

"Oh god I hope that last thing WASN'T true.."

Raptor stepped in and looked at Drift. He looked, different. What was it though?

He wasn't wearing his mask.

He matched the body, his brown skin, black/brown eyes giving off the worry and anger he has. His lips curled into a frown.

"Why did you leave her, Drift?" he asked again. Drift just looked down into his lap. The three weren't having it. John walked closer and raised Drift's face up.

He looked at John and watched as his frown became bigger.

"Why. Drift, answer me. NOW."

Drift teared up, he felt overwhelmed and angered at himself. The fact (y/n) was left alone by his deliberations because he thought going to Oblivion ALONE was at all a good idea?

It hurt him. It hurt him really, REALLY bad.

"I'm.. I didn't mean to leave (y/n). I would NEVER do something so stupid. My thoughts got to the best of me and I fucking regret it! I'm so broken without her. I'm NOTHING."

John and the two others looked at him, wide eyed.

"I.. I miss her."

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for?! Let's go find her!" Raptor yelled, John and Carbide nodded in agreement and so did Drift.

They all got up and out of that cold and quiet HQ that was once alive and bright. (y/n) needed to be found, though they don't know if she's dead or alive at this point.

Drift walked ahead of the men, leading them toward Snobby and (y/n). They all quietly talked as Drift was so occupied fiddling with his pickaxe.

"Do you think he really meant what he said about (y/n)?" John asked, Raptor scratching his chin and nodding.

"I told you he would confess sooner~"

"Yeah yeah, give me a break. To US, not her. Wait a second. I don't even think that's a confession..?"

Raptor stopped and crossed his arms at John.

"OBVIOUSLY it was, have a repeat of it."

John rubbed the back of his neck and gave it a thought. Then it clicked.

"I'm.. I didn't mean to leave (y/n). I would NEVER do something so stupid. My thoughts got to the best of me and I fucking regret it! I'm so broken without her. I'm NOTHING."

"Ahh.. yes, the 'confession'. What do you think he'll say to her?" John asked, Carbide stepped in and motioned for the two to continue moving.

"Let's not worry about it you two, we're losing sight of them."

John and Raptor looked at each other and hurried toward Drift, the teen looked desperate and tired. They all just watched in worry as he continued to fiddle with his pickaxe.

"That kid is so broken, it's not even funny anymore.."

"Since when was it funny to begin with?"

"It never- nevermind."  Raptor sighed and looked around the area. Being near Tilted ALWAYS made them go into high alert.

"Never a dull moment to be walking through this shithole, right?" Raptor elbowed Drift, he just shrugged and continued on.

- skiparoonie xd -

Walking past the soccer field, the four made their way toward Snobby Shores. With it being the sun setting soon, they decided to make the trip quick as fighters were more active at night.

"Do you think she's even there?" Drift asked, John nodded and so did Raptor.

"Guaranteed, why wouldn't she be?"

"I don't know, I have a gut feeling this is a trap.."

John sighed and put a hand on his shoulder, his hazel eyes looking more and more dull as they got closer. He stopped and just shrugged.

"(y/n) is probably gonna want to game end me.."

"No, she won't. Because she wouldn't have been on the ground, with tears still steaming down her eyes all the while being blacked out."

"I suppose you're right.."

Raptor stepped in and shook his head. "Don't be a wuss and go up there. It's not going to hurt to find her."

Drift reluctantly nodded and built up toward the area once again, this time gathering the strength to get (y/n) back.

He needed her. After all she was the only one who he can even relate to in this bullshit game.

Though, was it just for THAT reason?

"I'm coming (y/n).."

"I'm coming back for you.."

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