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«Cœur des Ténèbres»

     Clemintine had skipped breakfast with her family. She did stop by Pop's however, and picked up a meal for herself and Jughead, like she had the morning before. As she pulled up to the old trailer, she noticed a motorcycle much like Jughead's was parked on the grass beside his. The only person she pictured that could be there was FP, making the light haired girl question if he had been released early.

She knocked on the door lightly, clutching the Pop's bag close to her chest. She was shocked to see Toni open the door, who shared the same expression. At least Toni's presence explained the bike.

Clemintine was quick to recover with the clearing of her throat. "Is Jughead home?" He had to be if he had a guest.

"Yeah." Toni stepped aside and Clemintine moved past her, into the trailer.

Upon seeing Jughead, she could tell that someone, most likely Betty, had tended to the wounds on his face. She made a mental note to show her cousin how to properly clean wounds. "I brought food." Her voice was a tad too chirpy considering the night she had. "I remembered what you like."

She reached into the bag, retrieving a large cheeseburger for Jughead. She took out another one, offering it out for Toni to take. The girl was reluctant, but gave in as her stomach begged for some sort of substance. Clemintine stuck with her box of fries at the bottom of the bag as all three teens ate in strangely comfortable silence.

"Do you want a ride to school, too?" Clemintine felt awkward as she asked. All she knew of the girl was her name.

Toni shook her head, a thankful smile gracing her perfect lips. "My bikes out front."

Soon the students left the trailer. Toni got onto her bike and Jughead slid into the seat beside Clemintine. "Thanks for the food." Jughead sent a kind smile her way.

"Anytime you want free food, let me know and we'll get whatever you want." A smile remained on both of their faces.

Jughead removed his beanie, running a hand through his dark hair, messing it up slightly. "Don't say that. You know full well that I'm going to take you up on that offer someday. You know how much I eat."

"I know."  Clemintine chuckled. "I just want to hang out with people more. Get my mind off things."

Jughead let out a breathy laugh. "Your life's perfect. What could you possibly have to get off your mind?" He realized how rude that came out. "Sorry. It's just, you've had your life mapped out perfectly since the day I met you."

The young girls smile fell. "Not anymore." She spoke lowly, to herself. It didn't go unnoticed by the passenger in the moving car. He fought against his better judgement and didn't question her, already willing to let it go.

Upon reaching the Southside school, Jughead became confused when Clemintine killed the engine and exited the car. "You coming?" She questioned his stare.

The boy moved to stand beside his friend. "You need to go to school, Clemmie."

Clemintine turned her head towards Southside High, then back to the oldest Jones' child. "I'm here."

Jughead pinched the bridge of his nose. "We talked about this."

"We talked about me not going to school with you the next day. It's not the next day." She held up two fingers in Jughead's line of vision, wiggling them back and forth. "It's been two."

Sighing, Jughead dropped his hand and motioned towards the school. "Let's go."

Clemintine wasn't prepared for what met her on the other side of the front doors. She had been inside the school before. She knew of the metal detectors and the trashed halls, it was nothing new, but it had always been when the halls were empty. The new drug known as Jingle Jangle was being consumed around every corner. Students shoved each other aggressively into lockers, a few throwing punches. Other students smoked cigarettes and blunts while staring at the Northsider who was more than out of place. Jughead wrapped his arm protectively over the girl's shoulders, moving her into his side.

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