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«Dans un Endroit Solitaire»

Reggie knocked on the large oak door. Julian was the one to answer. He would be joining the two. The blonde boy moved to the staircase, looking up. "Clem! Let's go!"

"Coming! Coming!" They had cancelled the tutoring session that day so she could change for whatever Reggie had planned.

Her outfit shocked both boys. They knew that she had recently bought it as it matched nothing in her closet. The over sized shirt looked almost like a dress, reaching just above mid-thigh. The only thing covering the girl's legs were a pair of thin, black tights and black combat boots.

"Oh no you don't." Julian stopped her at the bottom steps, going into big brother mode. "Go change."

Reggie chuckled. "She looks fine, Bartholdy. Let her live."

Clemintine smiled at her boyfriend. "Thank you."

Julian rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Of course you would think she looks good."

The three headed off into the direction of Archie Andrews house. The rest of the Riverdale Bulldogs waited outside, holing several boxes of pizza. The football team climbed the stairs. Reggie knocked loudly and tucked the pizza boxes under his arm.

"Reggie?" Veronica turned to her ginger boyfriend after opening the door, waiting for an explanation.

"Can we come in?" Reggie's free hand gripped Clemintine's as he made his way into the house. The Bulldogs shuffled in behind and sat together in the living room.

"To what do we owe this unexpected honor?" Veronica asked the boys, forgetting the girl completely.

Reggie's arm rested behind his girl's shoulders. He seemed right at home. "Archie could have told Weatherbee the hood was mine, but he didn't." Clemintine was completely and utterly lost. "In the book of Reg, that makes you a top-tier loyal badass. And, uh. We were talkin' today and decided if you wanna keep the Red Circle going... we're here for you dude."

Clemintine had no time to ask what was happening when Veronica stood from her seat and moved to the front door.

"Not a moment too soon. Archie." She faced the living room. "Trouble."

Clemintine imagined the hooded figure to be stood on the porch, but as Archie opened the door her eyes landed on Sweet Pea. And she too was on her feet. The girl moved to stand beside Veronica so she could hear what the two males exchanged.

"How stupid are you Northsiders? You really think you can come to my house, stick a gun in my face in front of my boys, and there wouldn't be any payback?" His words dripped with venom, mimicking the way he had talked to Clemintine just a day ago. "Isn't it enough that you got a little Northside spy to tutor us?"

Reggie then made his presence known at the mention of his girlfriend. "You have crap timing, bro." He took a step closer to the Serpent. The other hotheaded teens were moving to the door.

"Reggie." Clemintine took his hand.

Sweet Pea had finally taken notice of the female. A smirk grew upon his features. What no one else knew, was for a secret reason. He liked Clemintine dressed that way. She looked better. "So this is why you cancelled? For them?" Sweet Pea scoffed. "I was right about you." He said it as if he didn't believe it. He had truly thought that he was wrong. That she cared.

"Watch it." Reggie moved from Clemintine's grasp. "Bulldogs eat Serpents like you for lunch."

Sweet Pea's gaze was slow to move back to Clemintine who now stood behind Julian. "And the more, the merrier."

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