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« Le guetteur dans les bois »

Clemintine stepped over the brush and fallen tree branches as she approached the teenage Serpents not so secret hideout.

"Good, now we can begin." Jughead rubbed his hands together.

"You were waiting for me?" Clemintine rose a brow.

"Gotta wait for our Sunshine." Fangs joked. Clemintine smiled at him, taking a seat between him and Sweet Pea.

"Penny Peabody has got my dad dealing drugs." Jughead gained the attention of all the young Serpents. "I know this, 'cause she had me doing it before him, Now, she's roped in Tall Boy and Sweet Pea."

Sweet Pea decided to cut in. "Man, if you're pissed because your old man tapped me instead of you-"

"No, Sweet Pea." Clemintine shook her head slightly. "Just let Jughead finish."

"I'm pissed because I don't want the Serpents to end up like the Ghoulies." Jughead looked around at the group of teens. "And I doubt that any of you became Serpents just to be at the beck and call of a drug queen pin. I know where this ends. Death, Jail. Which is why in the interest of self-preservation, we have to take out Penny."

"Snake Charmers helped some of us." Sweet Pea cut in once again.

"Oh yeah?" Clemintine turned to face him. The teens turned to now focus on her. "And what did she ask you for in return?"

"How many favors?" Jughead jumped back in. Sweet Pea and Fangs both held their heads low. "Now, if we don't stop Penny tonight, she is going to get every single one of us in on this. I promise you. I promise you, Sweet Pea." Jughead gave him a look. "What I'm asking is, are you willing to risk your necks to save my dad's life?"

Clemintine didn't even need to think about it. She stood from the couch, staring at her oldest friend. "I am."

There was silence, until Toni spoke. "What is the first law?"

"No Serpent stands alone." Sweet Pea answered.

"Looks like to me, Sunny's the only one standing." Jughead spoke to his fellow teens.

Sweet Pea then stood. "I'm in."

"Me too." Toni followed.

Fangs rose from the couch. "Let's do this." The remaining Serpents began to rise. They all moved towards the fire that was burning in front of Jughead.

"In unity," Clemintine took Jughead's hand. "there is strength."

"In unity." The others locked hands, Fangs beating Sweet Pea to Clemintine's free one. This didn't go unnoticed.

That night, they made their way to Penny's warehouse. Jughead knocked on the metal door loudly. It opened to reveal their target.

"Penny." Jughead addressed. Clemintine stood beside him with a Serpent mask covering her identity. "Ho-merry-ho."

Penny sighed. "Jughead Jones... And friend. Nice crowbar."

"This?" Jughead held up the metal tool. "Yeah, I brought it in case we needed to pry the door open." He tossed it aside, stepping into the room.

"Well, are you two gonna give me a hand with this stuff?" Penny moved to her crates of drugs. "Your dad will be here in like what, 15, 20 minutes. Tell your friend to ditch the mask. Doesn't make a good impression."

"I wouldn't worry about that." Jughead informed the dirty blonde. "None of us are going to be here."

Penny turned around. The rest of the teenage Serpents were stood behind Jughead and Clemintine, each wearing an identical mask to Clemintine's. Penny sighed yet again. "Is this suppose to scare me?"

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