T W E N T Y • S E V E N

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* These next two chapters are going to be jumping around a bit, but I felt it necessary to add these parts of the episodes into the story line. Thank you :) *

« Nuevo mundo valiente »

     Steven Bartholdy ran into the Cooper's house. "Hal! Alice!" He began to rush towards the kitchen. "Clemintine was shot! I need your help to find Julian. He's not answering his phone." He stopped suddenly as Hal turned around, his shoulder bleeding. "Hal, what happened?"

Hal groaned in pain, pulling out a large knife from its block. "You always have the worst timing, Steven." Hal groaned again. "I have to confess something... I killed your wife. I've always hated you. Lucinda could have done better. Hell, so could you." Hal stepped closer, raising the knife as Steven backed up. "Your kids were the only good thing about you... Too bad you'll never see them again."

Hal lunged forward and Steven dodged. The knife grazed the blonde's arm. Steven hissed in pain, his hand gripping his now bleeding arm. Hal kicked Steven's leg, sending the single parent to the ground.

Hal applied pressure to his wound with his free hand, and went down on his knees, hovering above Steven, and raising the knife once again.

"Hal, please." Steven begged for his life. "You don't have to do this." The only thought in his mind was Julian and Clemintine's wellbeing. He needed to get out of this alive. For them.

Hal brought the knife down as Steven rolled over. Hal yelled in frustration. Steven was by far his hardest kill. He released his bleeding wound and held down Steven, plunging his knife into his brother-in-laws chest. Steven kicked Hal, pushing the killer backwards. Steven attempted to crawl away, making it into the living room. Hal was quick to recover, grabbing onto Steven's legs and pulling him back to the kitchen. He then repeated his action with the knife.

Steven stared up at Hal with wide eyes, now struggling to breath. Hal dropped the knife beside the dying cop and ran out of the house.


"Help us!" Jughead and FP shouted as they carried Fangs. Sweet Pea wasn't too far behind, Clemintine in his arms.

"Ma'am." Jughead let go of Fangs and went up to the nurse sat behind a counter.

"Wait your turn, please." She spoke without looking up from her paperwork.

"They were shot!" He pointed to his friends.

The nurse finally looked at Jughead, her eyes slightly wide due to his tone and volume of voice. "I need you to step back-"

Jughead slammed a blood covered hand onto the counter, his face full of sweat and worry, mixed with anger and frustration. "They're dying!"

"Hey, what's going on here?" Doctor Masters approached.

"My friends were shot in the stomach."

"Hey, get me two gurneys." Doctor Masters ordered his nurses.

Fangs groaned as FP and Jughead lifted him onto the first gurney. Sweet Pea was careful placing Clemintine's unconscious form onto the second one.

"Hang in there, hang in there." FP told a still groaning Fangs as Jughead walked away. "Jug, where do you think you're going?"

"To find the guy who shot Sunny and Fangs!" He continued his march down the hall, from the way he came.

"You're not going out there. Not with people rioting. Look, you're angry, you want justice. So do I." FP grabbed his son before he could reach the doors. "But you've got fallen soldiers here, boy, and we need to talk to their families. It's part of being a leader."

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