T W E N T Y • N I N E

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« La fortune es les yeux des hommes »

     Clemintine let out a groan as she woke in her hospital bed. Everything was bright. The light, the sun coming in from the window, even the screen of the machine she was attached to. "Fangs?" She looked around. Her mind went to the last thing she remembered.

"Nope. Just me." A young nurse with dark hair giggled. Her hair seemed to be the only non bright thing in the room. "I'll go get your brother."

Julian rushed in moments later, alone. Clemintine's brows furrowed. "Where's dad?"

Julian's eyes filled with tears for the fifth time since he got the call. "The Black Hood-"

"Stop." Clemintine's own eyes filled with tears. Those three words were all the answer she needed as to her father's whereabouts.

Julian sat down, taking his sister's hand in his. "They caught him... It was Uncle Hal."

Clemintine gasped. She began to sob as she thought it over. A man they had trusted since they were born. The man who swore they loved their family, was the one who broke their family apart. "Who's going to watch after us?" She choked out between sobs. She looked at Julian worriedly.

"Betty called Uncle Jackson. He just has to sell his condo, then he's moving out here."

Clemintine sobbed once more. "Fangs. Where's Fangs?"

"Calm down." He stroked her hand. "He's fine. He's in the next room over."

Clemintine calmed quickly, knowing that her friend was safe. "Was anybody else hurt?" Her sobs began to soften as she distracted her mind.

"No." Julian shook his head. "Everyone's fine."

"Good." She breathed out.

"There's somebody here who wants to see you." Julian spoke slowly. He wasn't sure how she was going to handle the news. "I'm not sure if now is a good time, though... It's Reggie."

Clemintine dried her eyes with her free hand. "I don't want to see him."

"Please." Julian pleaded. "There's something important he has to tell you." Clemintine hesitated, but nodded. Julian got out his phone and sent Reggie a text.

Reggie soon entered the room. "Hey, Clem." He spoke softly. His hurt stung at the state she was in. She looked horrible. Her blonde hair was slightly darker and her skin wasn't as clean as it usually was. Her eyes were puffy and red from her cries.

"Hey." She responded.

"Tell her, Reg." Julian demanded.

"I... Archie tackled me before I could shoot... The gun fell out of my hand and went off... It was the shot that got you. I'm so much more than sorry, Clemmie."

Clemintine stared at him, her heart dropping. "Why did you have a gun?"

Reggie stared back. A lump formed in his throat. "Hiram Lodge asked me to shoot Fangs."

Clemintine looked away from him. "Leave."


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