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« La ville qui redoutait le coucher du soleil »

Kevin read to Clemintine, throwing in an occasional joke that Betty laughed at, on their first day back from Winter break. The speakers above their heads crackled to life with a message. "Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately," Clemintine looked to Betty with worry. "Southside High School is shut down."

"What?" Clemintine jumped up from Kevin's lap.

Weatherbee continued. "And its students will be transferred to other schools in the district, including this one. I believe the statement we're releasing will address your concerns and theirs."

"Okay, guys, let's not overreact." Clemintine didn't like how calm Veronica was about the situation.

"You should be receiving it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions. But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms. Thank you. That is all." Weatherbee finished. Seconds later, the PA system buzzed once again. "Will Clemintine Bartholdy please report to my office?"

Eyes turned to the platinum blonde. Clemintine exited the room, making it quickly into Weatherbee's office. "Miss Bartholdy, please take a seat." Clemintine sat across from Weatherbee, setting her bag down on her lap. She was more than nervous as to why he called her into his office. "I understand that you've been tutoring the students at Southside High in foreign language. If it isn't already obvious, your services will no longer be required. But I do hope that you will give me permission to put your name down for an available one-on-one tutor."

Clemintine calmed instantly. "I'd love to. Yes."

Weatherbee nodded. "Thank you, Clemintine. You're excused."

"Thank you." Clemintine stood and exited the office.


Kevin nudged Clemintine softly, disrupting her paper orginization time. She glanced up at her friend. "They're here." He whispered to her. Clemintine nodded.

"Veronica." Clemintine caught the dark haired girls attention. "Maybe I should be the one to talk first, they know me."

Veronica smiled. "It's cute that you want to be in charge." She spun around, facing the Serpents, Ghoulies and Southsiders. "Friends." She spoke kindly. Clemintine frowned and moved to the wall beside Kevin. "On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school. To ease this transition, I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale."

"Stand down, Eva Peron!" Cheryl's demanding voice called out across the school.

Clemintine groaned upon seeing her brother and ex among her cousins crowd.

"There's the school spirit I so fondly remember." Jughead voiced.

"Cheryl." Veronica confronted the redhead. "No one invited Fascist Barbie to the party."

"Wrong, Veronica," Cheryl crossed her arms over her chest. "no one invited Southside scum to our school. Listen up, Ragamuffins."

"No." Clemintine shook her head. She moved past Veronica and Archie to be stuck between the two sides.

"Excuse me?" Cheryl arched a brow. "Since when did you grow a voice?"

"You listen, Cheryl." Clemintine began. "Whatever you're about to say, save it. As much as you want them to leave, this is just as much as their school as it is yours now."

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