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«Les Étrangers»

*WARNING: slight smut & PTSD*

"Are you gonna get that?" Sweet Pea asked as Clemintine made no move to check her phone. "That's the fifth time it's gone off."

Clemintine shook her head. "It's no one."

"You might want to block them then." Sweet Pea let out a chuckle. The girl ignored him and continued to write down French phrases for the boy to learn.

The phone went off for the sixth time that night. Sweet Pea grabbed the phone, moving out of Clemintine's reach. "Sweet Pea, no!"

His thumb hit answer, raising the device to his ear. "Hello?" He struggled against Clemintine as she tried to take back the phone.

"Who is this?" The voice responded harshly, fearing what he considered the worst.

"Who's this?" The tall boys hand clutched Clemintine's forehead, holding her away at arm's length.

"Where's Clemintine?" The boys were trading questions through the two phones.

"She's busy." He smirked over at the glaring girl, knowing full well what he made the male on the other end think. "Now stop calling." Sweet Pea hung up the phone, tossing it back on the desk.

Clemintine reached forwards, landing a punch to Sweet Pea's upper arm. He flinched though the hit did little damage. "We're done for the day." The female teen instructed the male. She removed her hair from the ponytail, shaking her locks free in frustration. As she reached up to put her ponytail back together, Sweet Pea grasped her wrist. This action from a man usually would frighten her, not that it didn't, but her reaction was a mere flinch compared to how she usually reacted.

"It's better down." Sweet Pea picked up his books and left.

Clemintine watched the doorway after he had left. She could almost feel his hand on her still.


"What was so important that you texted me at 3am?" The blonde pulled her cousin to the side.

"I have something to show you." Betty led them away from their crowd of friends, saving Clemintine from a fast approaching Reggie. The girls stood in the empty bathroom. Betty had checked every stall just to make sure that they truly were alone.

"Betts, you're scaring me." Clemintine lent against a sink.

Betty removed her phone from her pocket, pulling up an email that she had received the night before. The ponytail clad blonde passed her phone to the platinum goddess. What Clemintine saw was the last thing she would ever expect to see. SOUTHSIDE TEENS ARRESTED AND PUT ON BAIL. Was written in all caps on the front page of an old Register issue. A picture of young Alice Cooper and Lucinda Bartholdy stood out.

"Where did you get this?" Clemintine was angry, not at Betty, or even Alice, but at her mother. The date of the issue was the main cause. Her mother told her that she was in New York that year, designing some studio apartment for a rock singer, not locked up.

"That's not important right now." Betty shook her head, the ponytail swaying. "I just thought that you should know, before I publish it."

Clemintine moved her attention away from the phone. "What? No. Betty, do you know what this will do to our moms? The most successful sisters in Riverdale? No way. You're not doing that."

"I have to, Clemmie." Betty pushed. She took her phone back. "They talk so much trash on the Serpents, demonizing the Southside- "

"So?" Clemintine cut her off. "She's still your mother. And my mom works here, Betty. You know how mean kids here are."

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