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     Clemintine's three favorite Serpents stayed behind after tutoring that day. Sweet Pea knew why he stayed behind, but he was completely oblivious as to why his friends were there. Toni thought it best to bother the blonde later, and dragged Fangs out of the school.

"What's up with you?" Sweet Pea sat on top of a desk, facing Clemintine. His hair hung in his eyes like usual, casting a slight shadow on to his bright brown iris'.

She looked at the boy sadly. She knew she should feel something, but there was nothing. "Reggie's gonna get what he deserves."

Sweet Pea sent the girl a smirk. "What does that mean?"

"Don't worry about it." Clemintine's hair swayed as she shook her head.

The boy played with the ring on his finger, watching Clemintine write in her notebook. "How's your mom?"

The Northsider was taken back by the Serpents question. "She's alive. For now." The two were strangely awkward today. They were used to easily starting conversations and keeping them going. Though conversation was lacking, Clemintine didn't want to be alone.

Sweet Pea's mind raced for another question. The two were meant to be studying, but didn't feel it necessary under Clemintine's family's circumstances. "What's the word for Sunshine in French?"

Clemintine set down her pencil, raising her gaze to meet Sweet Pea's eyes. "Ensoliellement." She spoke slowly for Sweet Pea to be able to gather every sylobol.

"Ensoliellement." Sweet Pea's lips twitched, hiding a smile. She loved the way he said it, like he had spoken French for years.

"Shall we start?" Clemintine pulled out her flashcards that she had prepared for the boy.

Sweet Pea stood from his seat, moving closer to the desk. "We don't have to. You probably rather be with your mom."

Clemintine shook her head. "I can't see her like that right now." Her blue iris' were glazed over with tears that refused to fall, yet the light in them, that Sweet Pea once adored, seemed to be fading, leaving behind a gray colored blue.

Sweet Pea sat on the corner of the desk where Clemintine sat. "I can leave if you want. Give you some time to think, maybe clear your mind."

"I don't want to be alone." Her soft eyes found his. It was the truth, but she didn't know if it was aimed at Sweet Pea, or at Reggie. She knew that Reggie wouldn't be the last person to love her, but Nick had told her otherwise, making her question it herself. She was afraid of proving him right.

The Serpent was quiet, not finding any words. Neither moved as time ticked by. Sweet Pea took the time to inspect Clemintine. Her hair was pulled back from her face into a high ponytail, her makeup was nonexistent today, showing off her flawless features. Her lips were a natural soft pink tint, looking as if she had lipstick on. The last thing he noticed was the slight sign of bags under her eyes. Today, it was more noticeable than it usually was, due to the lack of makeup.

"Did you sleep last night?" Sweet Pea voiced his thoughts, the sound rumbling across the silence that plagued the room.

Clemitnine's hand ran across the back of her neck. "I guess. It was only for a few hours."

"You need sleep, Sunshine."

Clemitnine nodded. "Try telling my brain that." She let a small laugh roll off her tongue and past her lips.

"You remember what I told you?" Sweet Pea's voice became delicate as it lowered an octave.

"Temporary fix." Clemintine's smile was small, but it was enough for Sweet Pea to return the gesture. The Northsider dropped eye contact and began to pack up her things. "I'm gonna call it a night."

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