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«La Grande Illusion»

Clemintine stared at the milkshake before her. She had barely touched it. The bell to the shoppe rang and Jughead walked inside. She watched as he walked towards her cousin on the opposite side of the diner. Her heart stung as Betty and Jughead locked lips. She yearned for the day she could do that without all the nightmares that came along with it.

The blonde made it to school early. She could practically hear her untuned violin beckoning for her as it sat in the music room for over a year now. She was caught off guard as she entered however. The pussycats and Veronica stood there in all their glory. It was who that was facing her that stopped her breathing.

"Clemintine Bartholdy, is that you?" All eyes turned to her. "You look better than I remember."

The four females waited for her response. Her breath caught in her throat. She was quick to escape, pushing past students and teachers. She ran down the streets of Riverdale. The crisp air nipped at her lungs. She escaped to the one place she felt safe. Southside High of all places.

She slipped through the metal detectors and made her way to the cafeteria where Jughead had just arrived. The Serpents stared at her. Her once flawless curls were now stuck together from her run. Tears smeared her face, taking her makeup along with them.

"Jug." Her voice cracked sharply.

"What's wrong?" He pulled her aside but the Serpents could still hear every word.

She told Jughead what took place in New York that day, and unknowably to her Serpent companions as well.

"He's here. In Riverdale." She choked through the tears. Her mouth and throat burned.

"How do you know that?" Jughead held the girl in his arms.

"I saw him. At school. He knows Veronica." She coughed. "What am I going to do?"

"We're going to tell Sheriff Keller. Right now." Jughead grabbed his bag from beside Toni. All eyes were watching the pair, waiting to see what was next.

Clemintine's head shook in a frantic motion. "No, Jug. I can't. He threatened me. There's no evidence. It's all gone by now."

Jughead dropped his bag once again. "You'll be okay." He turned to the Serpents, but kept his words to Clemintine. "The Serpents have your back." The mass of Serpent teens nodded. Though she wasn't one of them, they considered her close enough to have their protection.

"Can I stay here? Just for today?" Her eyes searched Jughead's frantically.

"Of course, Clemmie." Jughead moved to sit down, taking Clemintine with him.

"It's Sunny now, actually." Clemintine's face brightened into a smile. A real smile.


Night fell upon Riverdale. It had for several hours now. Clemintine was hard at work, scribbling things down in her notebook. Her emotions sprawled across the page. Reggie had yet to answer her messages, leaving her alone to her thoughts.

She jumped in her seat at the knock on her balcony door. Sweet Pea stood there, clutching his wrist. His hands were beaten and bloodied.

"How did you know where I live?" Was the first question asked as the door was opened.

"You left your location on." He chuckled.

Clemintine took his hand in hers, earning a sharp hiss from the boy, followed by his hand retracting. "How did you know which room was mine?"

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