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« Anatomie d'un Meurtrier »

Our story now brings us to Riverdale General Hospital where the town of Riverdale were greeting the Bartholdy family in their time of need.

Julian was no longer sporting his signature varsity jacket. It was now sat on Clemintine's shoulders, covering her almost naked chest. After removing her shirt to help her mother, she was found in only a bra covering her upper half.

Steven Bartholdy stood to the side, talking with Sheriff Keller and a few deputies about the safety of his family, as his life had just been threatened hours ago.

The oldest Bartholdy teen stood as the football team entered. The youngest of the two remained in her seat, staring at the tile floor. Julian's seat became occupied once again, but not by the blonde that Clemintine wanted beside her. "You don't need to talk, just know that we're here for you." Betty spoke low.

Clemintine looked up at her cousin, then to her friends. Archie and Jughead stood before the blondes. Even Veronica stood with them, sending the girl a soft smile. The longer Clemintine looked around, the sadder she became. It wasn't a crying Alice Cooper who struggled to hold back sobs, or the tears dripping down from her brother's eyes. It was that Reggie wasn't anywhere in sight. In her time of need, after several texts, her own boyfriend had yet to show.

"I tried calling him." Archie caught onto who she was searching for.

"He's not coming." Clemintine whispered, burning her dry throat. The friends remained silent as the next hour passed. Betty held Clemintine in her arms.

Dr. Masters exited a set of double doors. The blonde stood, moving to stand with her family. "She's lucky to have been alive this long. She just got out of surgery and is stable at the moment, but it's not looking well. All we can hope for right now is for her to start breathing on her own again."

Clemintine bit back tears. Julian had always been her parent's favorite. She felt as if she barely knew her mother. She wanted everything to go back to the way it was. The blonde turned around, her eyes met Jugheads. "You promised she'd be alive."

The other teens faced her. "She is, Sunny." Jugheads voice was soft.

Her vision was flooded with tears. "She's dying, Jug. She can't even breath on her own." Her fists balled. Once she stood in front of Jughead, she pushed him. "Why did you lie?" She raised her hands to push him again, but was stopped by strong arms pulling her back.

"Calm down, Sunny." Fangs spoke as Sweet Pea held her. The Serpents set her down in a chair and she cried. Toni took a seat beside her, pulling her into a hug. Sweet Pea took the seat on the other side of Clemintine. Fangs went to talk to Jughead.

Another hour passed and Toni was the only one that sat with Clemintine. Clemintine's head sat on Toni's shoulder. "Can I ask you a question?" Her throat was raw from all her cries.

"Ask away." Toni pat Clemintine's knee as an additional 'go ahead'.

The blonde picked up her head. "How do I become a Serpent?"

Toni stared at Clemintine in disbelief. "Why do you want to be a Serpent?"

"They make me feel safe." Clemintine spoke. "My first day back, I hugged Jughead and I wasn't scared. Inside that classroom at Southside High, I feel safe. Right now, sitting here with you, I'm not scared anymore. Reggie hasn't even shown up, yet more Serpents have come and gone. You guys have been there for me when my own boyfriend, friends, and family haven't. Please, Toni. I'll do anything."

Toni sighed. "If you become a Serpent, you have to do this dance. It's an outdated, sexist Serpent tradition."

"I'll do it." Clemintine's hopes were raised.

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