T W E N T Y • F I V E

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« Une nuit à se souvenir »

"Can you forgive what I've done?" Clemintine sang out to the audience of opening night. She was glad that the lights were too bright for her to see them. She probably would have fainted if she saw how many people were in attendance. "All right, Carrietta, it's time to come out of your closet."

Clemintine could her the background changing. She turned around just as a bloody and very dead Midge appeared. Clemintine let out an ear piercing scream.


The audience began to run in fear after hearing Clemintine's scream.

"Sunny!" Sweet Pea pushed, with much difficulty, through the mass. "Sunny!"

He finally reached her, pulling her into his arms. Clemintine continued to cry and scream. "Let's go." He removed her from the stage.

"Clemintine!" Steven took his daughter from Sweet Pea's arms.

"Dad!" She cried. "Please tell me that was fake! Please tell me she's still alive!"

"I don't think so, Clemmie." Steven whispered as he stroked her hair.


Sweet Pea sat on Clemintine's bed. The blonde stared at the wall, her cheeks stained and her clothes black. She hadn't said anything since he came in.

Clemintine sniffed. "I wish it never happened." Her voice cracked. "She's gone. Buried... Why Midge?" She turned to face him. "There's so many more sinners in this town. Worse one's than her. I'm worse than her."

"Don't say that." Sweet Pea demanded. "It shouldn't have been anybody."

"Who's next?" Her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Don't focus on that." Sweet Pea pulled Clemintine backwards, to rest on the bed. He held her against his chest tightly. "You need to cry... Let it out, Sunny."

Without a second to lose, Clemintine covered her mouth with her hand and sobbed. Sweet Pea rubbed the girls arm as her tears fell onto his thin t-shirt.

"I'm right here. I'll always be here." He soothed.

Just like always, each night he came to her room, Clemintine fell asleep on Sweet Pea's chest. And for the first time, he stayed.

When the sun rose, Clemintine opened her eyes. She looked down at Sweet Pea's hands, still loosely draped over her waist. Her eyes flickered up to his face. His mouth was slightly open, and his hair was slightly covering his face. She noticed the silver necklace that hung with his dog tags. The one they exchanged at Christmas.

Clemintine shifted slightly. Sweet Pea opened his eyes. "Hey." His voice was deeper than usual, and a tad scratchy. Rough even.

"Hey." Clemintine smiled. "Thank you... For staying." She lent up, placing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

Sweet Pea stopped her from retracting, by catching her lips in his. His hand came up to caress her cheek. They finally pulled away and Sweet Pea stood from the bed.

"Will I see you tonight?" Clemintine bit her lip. Her voice was low.

"Of course." Sweet Pea smiled as he slipped out of the balcony door.


"War Baby called my father and I from Shankshaw. Her old adversaries, the Ghoulies, had been released." The Swords and Serpents listened to Jughead. "Word on the street is that they want Serpent blood. They're gunning for a rematch. They want war."

The door to the classroom opened and a group of Bulldogs made their way in. The meanest of them all front and center.

"Which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?" Reggie barked.

"What the hell is going on?" Jughead stepped towards them. "This is a private meeting."

"I'm guessing it was you, Sweet Pea." Reggie pointed an accusatory finger. "You already screwed my girlfriend."

"Reggie, that's enough." Archie tried to calm the hothead.

"You ass, I didn't even know Midge." Sweet Pea stepped forward. "And for the record. Clemintine have never slept together. Not like that. But yeah," He motioned to Reggie. "I get why either of them wouldn't want fleas from you mangy Bulldogs!"

Reggie pushed Sweet Pea harshly. Jughead had to interject before it escalated. "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" It was too late, however. The Serpents and Bulldogs began to sworm into a mosh pit like mess.

Clemintine climbed onto the teachers desk. "Stop fighting now!" The two sides quieted down. "Reginald. Hallway now!"

She jumped down. Reggie met her in the hallway. The second she saw him, she slapped him.

"What the hell, Clemmie?"

"Sweet Pea and I have never screwed." She pushed him. "I've never screwed anyone and you know that. Stay off the Serpents."

"What about that St. Claire kid?"

Clemintine stared at Reggie in disbelief. She moved around him and went into the classroom, picking up her things.

"Clemintine, I didn't mean it." He attempted to apologize in front of a crowd.

"Go fuck yourself." She left the room.

"What the hell did you say to her?" Archie rose his voice. Suddenly, Serpents and Bulldogs alike, were against Reggie.

Reggie sighed with frustration. "I accused her of sleeping with Veronica's friend."

"Nick St. Claire?" Jughead's eyes went wide.

"Yeah." Reggie hung his head.

Sweet Pea ran out of the classroom.

"That's the worst thing you could have ever done." Kevin scorned.

Julian pushed Reggie. "What's wrong with you?" He yelled. "She trusted you with that information. You found out before I did... Stay away from my family." Julian was the next to exit the room.

"Clemintine!" Sweet Pea called after the girl. She ignored him as she exited the school. "Clemintine, wait!"

Julian ran past Sweet Pea and stopped his sister at her car. Sweet Pea watched as Clemintine cried into her brothers chest. His heart ached for the girl. He wanted to be the one to hold her and comfort her. Except, he knew that she needed her brother more.

"I'll drive you home." Julian told her.

"I can take her car home." Sweet Pea offered. The blonde siblings looked up at him. "So it doesn't have to stay here overnight."

"What about your bike?" Clemintine sniffed.

Sweet Pea shrugged. He slowly started to walk closer. "I can walk back. You don't live that far away."

"You'd do that?" Julian asked, confused. "Two minutes ago, we were ready to rip each others heads off."

"I'm doing it for your sister." Sweet Pea looked at Clemintine, their eyes locking.

"Thank you." Julian spoke.

Clemintine handed her keys to Sweet Pea. "Thank you, Sweets."

"I'd do anything for you, Sunny." Sweet Pea placed a kiss on Clemintine's forehead.

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