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I pull up outside Olivia's apartment. I didn't really forget my charger, I just needed to talk to her. Noah told me about what Courtney has been doing to her when she left to go see Keith. I tried to get him to tell me why but he wouldn't say. So I decided to ask Olivia. I walked inside and took the elevator up to her apartment floor. I knocked on her door.

"One sec" I hear from the other side of the door.

The door opens to Olivia smiling.

"Hi Shayne" she says.

"Hi Olivia" I say.

"I tried to look for your charger but I couldn't find it" she says while inviting me in.

"That's ok, it's right here" I say pulling it out of my pocket while I walk into her living room.

She shuts the door behind me and walks up to me looking confused.

"Wait what? I thought you said you left it over here?" She says taken by surprise.

"That was a lie" I admit.

"Why would you lie?" She asked me.


"I needed to see you" Shayne said.

I felt my heart flutter. Shayne wanted to see me?

"Uh ok, what's up?" I say

"Noah told me about what Courtney has been saying to you" he says.

Oh my God! I thought I told Noah to let me handle it! Next time I see him I'm going to have to have a long talk with him I think to myself.

"Oh..." I say quietly.

"Why wouldn't you tell me Olivia?" He asks looking me in the eyes.

"I.. I.. I don't know" I manage to say.

"He told me about all the horrid things she's said about you but won't tell me why" He says.

"It's just girl stuff... I can handle it" I say trying to change the subject.

"Olivia please don't lie to me, Noah said it had something to do with me? Is that true?" Shayne asks looking sad.

"Uhh..." Is all I can manage to say.

"I don't want to mess up you guy's friendship if I did something wrong" he says looking down.

"No, no, no, you didn't do anything wrong" I say.

"Then what is it?" He says picking his head up and looking at me.

"............. It's ...... It's because of us Shayne" I finally say.

"Courtney doesn't like that were friends? Since when?" He asks confused.

"No it's something else" I say.

He puts both hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes.

"What is it then?" He asks.

"It's.. because... I... Like you...." I finally confess after a moment of silence.

His hands fall from my shoulders but he still stares at me.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah, and I know it's silly because you would never like someone like me, because-" I start to say.

He cuts me off by kissing me. I am suprised at first but then I kiss him back. After I kiss him, he breaks away.

"I would absolutely like someone like you Olivia" Shayne says.

I feel like my heart just did a backflip. Shayne actually likes me back.

"Are you serious?" I ask

"Of course I do Olivia. I've liked you ever since I met you" he says.

I pull him into a long tight hug burying my head in his chest. We stand in my living room for a what seemed like forever just hugging. He slowly pulls away.

"Do you want to stay here for the night?" I ask him hopeful.

"Yes" is all he says before kissing me again.

We sit down on the couch and turn on the T.V. I scoot myself onto him so I'm laying on his chest. He puts his arms around me and kisses my forehead. We stay cuddled together like that and fall asleep to the sound of the T.V.

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