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I was on top of Shayne when I heard the door open.

"Oh shit" I said and quickly got off him and hid under the covers next to him.

"Hey Shayne are you coming? Everyone is waiting on you?" I hear Damien say.

"Wait why are you in bed dude?" Damien asks.

"Uhh sorry I changed my mind, I think I'm just going to take a nap instead of going" Shayne trys to plays it off.

"You sure?" Damien asks suspicious.

"Yeah I'm kinda tired" Shayne says.

"..... Ok See you when I get back then I guess" Damien says.

I hear his feet to start to move and I'm about to stop hiding under the cover when I hear his feet stop.

"Say have you seen Olivia? We can't seem to find her either" Damien says.

"Uhh sorry I thought she was with you guys... I'll text her though" Shayne says.

I smile under the covers.

"Ok... Thanks, have a nice sleep I guess" Damien says and leaves.

I wait for the door to open and shut before I bring my head above the covers.

"That was close" I say as I kiss Shayne.

"Yeah he almost caught us haha" He says.

"Do you think he knows?" I ask Shayne.

"Probably not, I thought I played it pretty cool" He says.


I go back downstairs to the rest of the squad and tell them about Shayne.

"What about Olivia?" Boze asks.

"I'm sure she's 'tired' as well" I say with air quotation marks.

"Ohhhhhhhh" Boze says smiling.

We all head out to the van and go to dinner.


"Shayne?" Olivia says.

"Yeah?" I say.

"As much fun as I just had, I think we should go to dinner so they don't think we're freaks or something" She says laughing.

"I guess you're right" I say as I kiss her forehead.

Olivia pulls out her phone and calls Ian. She gives an excuse as to why she'll be late and gets the address and tells him she'll try to see if she can get me to come with her.

"Alright let's get ready" I tell her after she hangs up.

We get up and I help her put her dress back on. I put my pants back on and button up my shirt. I do a check to make sure my hair isn't all over the place. After we're dressed I take Olivia's hand and walk out the room with her. We take the elevator down to the street and take a taxi to the restaurant. We walk in and look for the Smosh family. We spot them at some big tables in the back and sit down to join them. We order drinks and food and chat with everbody. After a while Olivia gets up to go to the bathroom with Boze. After shes gone Damien turns to me.

"How was your 'nap' Shayne?" He asks suspicious.

"Uhh it was alright I guess" I say.

"Cool, by the way your shirt is buttoned wrong" He says with a smile.

"What?" I say as my cheeks redden and I look down at my shirt.

I check every button to make sure they were all right. My shirt was buttoned correctly. Damien was messing with me. I look up to see him smiling.

"You good?" He says laughing.

"Yeah just don't want to look bad" I say.

"Mhm sureee" He says.


I'm in the bathroom washing my hands with Boze after using the bathroom.

"So what happened?" She asks.

"Huh?" I say.

"Why were you late?" She asks.

"Oh I uhh.. broke one of my heels and had to change into some new ones" I say.

"And you couldn't text us that?" Boze says skeptical.

"Uhh sorry my phone was off" I say.

"Mhm ok Olivia" She says chuckling.

"What?" I say.

"Nothing" She says.

We leave the bathroom and go sit back down with the rest of the Smosh family. I take my seat back next to Shayne. I wrap my arms around around him and join in on the conversations. After some time we all finish and decide to pack it up for the night. We all pay and leave to go back to the hotel in the van. We get back to the hotel and up to our floor. I kiss Shayne goodbye and head to my room with Courtney.


I had just finished texting Sam, Olivia's ex-boyfriend when she walked in.

"Hey Court-Bort!" She says smiling.

"Hey Olivia!" I say smiling back.

She goes into the bathroom to shower and change and I start to watch T.V. feeling mischievous.

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