The Flight

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Shayne texted me that he is outside with the rest of the squad. I grab my bag and my luggage and walk outside.
I see the shuttle we were using and walked to the the back of it to access the trunk. I put my luggage in the trunk with the rest of the squads stuff. After putting my stuff in the trunk I walked back around to the door to get in. Shayne got out and opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I say giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Anything for my queen" he says.

"Awww" I say blushing.

I get in the shuttle and squish in between Courtney and Noah. I'm kinda bummed that I don't get to sit next to Shayne but hopefully I'll get to sit next to him on the plane. Shayne slides in next to Noah and shuts the shuttle door and we head to the airport.

~Time Skip~

We arrived at the airport after an hour or so. Everyone filed out of the shuttle and grabbed their bags. Shayne carried my bags along with his through the airport like a gentleman. We checked all our bags in and went through security. After security we went to our gate and sat down to wait until our plane arrived. I was listening to music on my phone and sitting next to Shayne when he tapped my shoulder.

"Huh?" I said.

"I got you something" he said.

"Oh?" I say.

"Yeah" he says as he pulls our a pink neck pillow from his backpack.

"For the plane" he says handing it to me.

"Thanks babe" I say.

I hear the announcement that our plane has arrived and boarding is about to start. I look at my ticket and then Shayne's to see if we're in the same row. Thankfully we are. We all get up and head to board the plane. After we got on the plane I take the window seat and Shayne sits next to me. On the other side of Shayne is Courtney.


The plane takes off and Olivia puts her neck pillow on and goes on her phone. Meanwhile I start to read a book that I brought. I'm 4 chapters in when I feel something on my shoulder. I look over and see that Olivia has fallen asleep with her shoulder leaning on mine. She looks so cute when she's sleeping I think to myself. I start to read my book again. I finished a couple more chapters when Courtney tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Where did Olivia get that necklace, it's so pretty" She says.

"I got it for her for her birthday" I said.

"It's really nice" She says.

"Thanks" I reply.

I turn back to face my book and begin to read my book again. After some time I began to feel a little drowsy. I decide to take a nap to be rested when we arrive in Miami. I gently take Olivia's hand and intertwine my fingers with hers. I slowly start to drift off to sleep.


After finishing my conversation with Shayne I went back on my laptop. I finished watching my movie I bought after 2 hours. I looked over and saw that Shayne had intertwined his hand with Olivia's and fallen asleep with her. I started to feel jealous again. I know I told Olivia that I was over it but I still felt jealous watching her with Shayne. That's when I decided against my better judgement that I would come up with a plan to break them up and make him mine.

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