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"Noah what are you doing here?" I ask.

He pushes past me and sits in the desk chair in my room.

"Uh what's going on?" I ask him.

"Shayne we need to talk" he says.

"Ummmmm ok?" I say confused.

"It's about Olivia" he says.

"What is she kissing another ex?" I say with venom.

"Shayne!" He says.

"Sorry, I'm just so upset man" I say saddened.

"It wasn't her fault" he says.

"What are you talking about?" I say.

"She didn't mean to kiss him" Noah says.

"Noah, I saw them with my own two eyes" I say in disbelief.

"Yeah, but she didn't want to, he kissed her" He states.

"Are you sure?" I ask still unconvinced.

"Yes, I'm sure" I hear a tiny voice from the doorway say.

I turn to see Olivia looking guilty at my door.

"Olivia how did you get in here?" I say confused.

"Damien let me borrow his keycard" she says.

"Olivia.. is it really true?" I ask.

"Yes, I didn't even know he was here" she says.

"Olivia....." I say.

"Shayne.... I would never cheat on you, you're my everything" She says.

"Olivia..." I say again.

She walks over to me and grabs my face and makes me stare at her in the eyes.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me that you don't believe me" She says starting back at me.

I look into her gorgeous and sultry eyes and at that moment I knew that she would never lie to me. At that moment I knew we were meant for each other and lastly in that moment I knew that she was my everything. I smash my lips onto hers. I lift her up in the air and she wraps her legs around my stomach and her arms around my neck. She deepens the kiss while I try to make my way over to the bed with her in my arms without seeing where I'm going. I find the bed with my foot and lay her down on it.


"I guess that's my cue to leave" I say shielding my eyes from what I'm seeing.

I walk out the door and shut it behind me. I walk downstairs to join the rest of the Smosh family. I sit down next to Damien and Keith and chat with them.

"Did either of you see Olivia?" Damien asks.

"Yeah I saw her before I came down here" I say.

"Cool, do you know if she still has my keycard?" He asks.

"Yeah she does but I would not plan on getting it back anytime soon" I say with a laugh.

"Why?" He asks.

"Extenuating circumstances" I joke.

"So you're saying I should probably get another one?" He asks laughing.

"Yeah, but don't go up there just yet either if you want to protect tour virgin eyes" I joke again.

"Oh..  Ok.." he says realizing what I meant.

We continue to chat for a while. Me and Keith talk about fashion and different things while Damien leaves to go get a new key card.

Wild Thoughts (Shaylivia)Where stories live. Discover now