Episode 17 : Almost Revealed

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At Morning, In Celestino, In The Mansion Of The Arciello's......... At The Dining Hall.......

Hernando: Good Morning Everyone.... Did Everyone Had A Great Sleep? (Eating)
Bridgette: (Feels Quiet)
Cyra: I Guess Dad...... Is This Mansion Even Blessed? (Looks Around) I Hear Stomps Last Night...... And Your Bedroom Is Open.......
Hernando: Yeah..... Me Too....... I Felt Some Sounds Last Night As I Enter The Hallways......
Bridgette: (Feels Guilty)
Ryan: Oh Cmon! Do Not Tell Me You Are Scared!
Cyra: (Rolls Her Eyes) Its Not What A Mean.... Duh!
Hernando: Do Not Worry...... We Will Add Some CCTV Cameras Here........ In Every Bedroom..... And Bathroom.......
Ryan: What The Hell Dad!
Cyra: Are You Haha... Trying To Be Sarcastic?
Hernando: Hahaha..... I Guess I Am Being Sarcastic.........
Ryan: Hey Guys..... There Is A Cool Carnival Here...... Why Not Lets Try It.....
Hernando: I Guess We Should....
Bridgette: I Don't Wanna Go...
Cyra: Who Invited You!
Hernando: Cyra.......
Ryan: Bridgette........ For Goodness Sake....... Will You Stop Acting This Weird Just Because Of The Montoya's!
Bridgette: You Know What...... If I Ever Go Out Of This House........ The Place Where I Want To Go Is Back At The Sta. Monica City....... (About To Leave)
Hernando: Bridgette!
Bridgette: (Looks Fierce At Hernando)
Hernando: Back!
Bridgette: No Dad! (Left)
Cyra: Let Her Be That... She Is So.......
Hernando: Stop Cyra!!!
Cyra: (Feels Angry)

At The Woods...... In Lucia Island.......... Hunter And Tristan Were Continuing Their Exploitation On The Island.......

Tristan: Saji........ Do You Still Wanna Keep Going....... We Might Encounter Another Lion.......
Hunter: (Keeps Walking) Then Good!!! Another Lion..... Then Another Food.......
Tristan: I Idolize You!
Hunter: Oh Cmon! You Are Awesome Too! If You Didn't Stabbed That Lion Last Night.... I Never Stabbed It Too........
Tristan: (Smiles)
Hunter: (Looks Up) Wait....... Is This A Cliff?
Tristan: Yeah It Is!!!!!!!!
Hunter: It Looks Like.... (Sees An Abandoned Building)
Tristan: (Sees An Abandoned Building) There Is A Broken Building....... Covered With Vines......
*Hunter And Tristan Looked At Each Other*
Tristan: Lets Explore.....
Hunter: Lets First Tell Your Siblings..... We Will Go Explore This Together.....
Tristan: But They Hate You!
Hunter: Tristan.... (Pulls Tristan) They Might Be Happy..... This Room Might've Some Things Inside..........

At The Seaside..........

Hera: (Keeps Looking At The Sea) (In His Mind) (Feels Sad) Oh Brother......... Where Are You Now....
Troy: (Approaches Hera) Hey Sis.......
Hera: (Feels Sad) Troy!
Troy: I Know..... (Strokes Hera's Hair) I Will Gonna Make Sure That Isagani Will Not Gonna Escape If They Are Still Here........
*A Book Is Washed Up To The Shore*
Troy: Wait...... What Is There......... (Picks Up A Book) El Filibusterismo? What Is This?
Hera: (Looks At The Book)
Troy: (Opens The Book) (Sees A Name Isagani) Wait........ Isagani...... 
Hera: (Reads The Description Of Isagani) This Isagani Is A Character Of A Book......... Isagani...... I Am Now Confused.....
Troy: (Keeps Looking At The Pages) (Sees A Paper) Wait......... What Is This Now? (Reads The Paper)

"Celestino ⬅⬅ The Place Where The Kidnapper Of My Father Is Located"

Troy: I Knew It! (Angry) Something Is Really Wrong With This Isagani..... Or Maybe He Isn't Really Named Isagani! (Drops The Book) (Left)
Hera: Where Are You Going Brother!!!!!! (Picks Up The Book) (Sees Hunter's Name In The Front Of The Book) Hunter....... (In His Mind) Who Is Hunter????????
Tristan: (Comes Out Of The Forest) (Approaches Hera) Hera! Hera!
Hera: (Sees Tristan) Oh My God! (Hugs Tristan) Where Have You Been!
Troy: (Walks Out Of The Hut) (Carries A Sharp Metal Handmade Sword)
Hunter: (Walks Out Of The Forest) (Slowly Walks) (Looks Down)
Troy: (Sees Hunter) (Looks Angrily) (About To Hit Hunter With The Sword)
Hera: (Sees Troy About To Hit Hunter) Brother?
Tristan: (Sees Troy About To Hit Hunter) Saji!!!
Troy: (Almost About To Hit Hunter)
Hunter: (Holds The Blade Of The Sword) (Controls The Sword)
Troy: Huh? (Sees Hunter Holding The Blade Of The Sword)
Hunter: (Takes Away The Sword)
Hera: Oh No!
Tristan: Saji......
Hunter: (Points The Sword At Troy)
Troy: (Nervous) Stop!!!
Hera: (Screams At Hunter) Who Are You Anyway! I Believe You Aren't Isagani! (Shows The El Filibusterismo Book)
Hunter: (Looks At The Book) (Eyes Widened)
Tristan: What Do You Mean?
Hera: Are You Hunter?
Hunter: .....
Troy: ...... (Angry) (Stands Up)
Tristan: Saji?
Hunter: (Hand Starts To Bleed Hard)
Tristan: Your Arm Hunter!!!!!!!!!
Hera: (Sees The Blood) Oh No!
Tristan: Go Help Him Hera.... You Know How This Works.....
Hera: Tristan......
Hunter: (Feels Dizzy) (Feels Weak) (Fells Down)
Tristan: (Runs To Hunter) Saji!!!!!!! Hunter!!!!!!! Hera! Help Him!
Troy: ... (Looks Angry At Hunter)
Hera: Okay?
Hunter: (Unconscious)
Tristan: (Crying) Hunter!!!!!!!!
Troy: (Feels Jealousy)
Hera: (Feels Sad)

At Afternoon, In Sta. Monica, In The Montoya's Mansion.......... At The Poolside.....

Grace: (Sees Hiker Looking At The Pool Alone) (Feels Sad)
Terrence: (Approaches Grace) Hey Mom...... What's Up....
Grace: Hiker........ Look At Him...
Hiker: (Tears Fall In His Face)
Terrence: Wanna Let Me Walk To Him And Make Him Feel Okay?
Grace: Sure Son........ (Smiles)
Terrence: (Approaches Hiker) Hi Hikie!
Hiker: (Feels Sad) Oh Hi.......
Terrence: You Okay?
Hiker: ....
Terrence: You Can Tell Me Hiker! I Am Your Brother Too...
Hiker: (Stands Up) (Angry) Why Do I Have To Tell You My Feelings And Thoughts If You Won't Gonna Do Anything About It.....
Terrence: I Can Give You Anything!
Hiker; Dad!! Hunter! Can You Give Me Those Two?
Terrence: (Feels Sad) Hiker!
Hiker: No! (Leaving) (Passes Grace)
Grace: Son......
Hiker: (Ignores Grace) (Left)
Grace: (Looks At Terrence)
Terrence: (Looks Sad At Grace)
Grace: (Looks Down)

At Night....... At The Lucia Island........ Inside The Hut...

Hera: (Cleaning Hunter's Wound)
Troy: (Pretends To Sleep)
Tristan: Is He Okay?
Hera: Tristan.... Aren't You Mad At Isagani Err...... Ugh..... Hunter? He Lied To Us About His Identity......
Tristan: Hera....... Hunter Has His Own Reasons........ I Know There Is Something He Wants To Tell Me.... He Is Just Scared...... Maybe He Doesn't Trust Us That Big That's Why He Never Said His Real Identity And Reasons........
Hera: (Looks At Hunter)
Tristan: ......
Hera: .....

Last 3 Episodes My Homies.... Didn't See This One Coming... #IsaganiAlmostRevealed

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